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The nights drifted away as time drifted from dreams to reality and more dreams. I was helpless but a silent spectator. The mind filled itself with thoughtless confusions. Words escaped the little conscience and all there was left was darkness. The sun came up and went down like everyday and losing track of things was on the rise. The mind is at rest or confusion or don’t-know-what-it-is. 

I wake up every morning trying to reason with time and the comfort of the bed. The time seems to be adamant while bed seems to show the cosy comfort. But there is some other entity which makes me run after time and leave the comfort bed. Well that sucks. The hardest part is getting up. Then doing the daily chores. And the list continues and there seem to be no end. What do we get from this? That every damn thing is difficult to do, for me though. 

I came to a place where there seems to be a never ending traffic and the chaos on the streets and also some costly lifestyle. Well, I would have adhered such a lifestyle if I were earning 20 times that I am doing right now. So, you get where I stand, right ? Not that I spend less on anything, it is more like I spend waste more than needed. But I don’t think that this would be applicable now. Else I would be on the streets then. 

The City I Stay In – Bangalore

I saw the cars zooming ahead of me not even letting me cross the road. The traffic seems to be pretty intense. But the better part of this city is that it stays cool instead of the excess population and pollution to account for. And a little problem is that the company has over 10 branches here at B’lore of which only 5 are located at one place, like nearer to each other within an area while the rest are miles away and it is difficult to get a room because we never know where we will placed. 

People. People everywhere. The buses are filled, the bikes zoom past with people wearing black helmets and shades beneath it. Seriously, people can take their shades off when they are inside a building and even bus. As I strolled down the road in search of my little petty needs, I felt the losing weight of my wallet. The ATM is the most visited place these days and money is being spent much worse than water. I realized, the number of times I spend much more than I drink water. 

Office seems to be fine. Well, I am having two weeks off. And I don’t even have my camera. Thanks to Mom. *Sad Face*. And I can’t really get back home. Because last time I remember, I spent more than I earn in a month in just 4 days. Believe it or not, I officially suck. And I have a convocation coming up and I am thinking whether I should go or not. Because whatever I do, first thing I do is feel my purse weight which is losing weight way to quickly. But I might go.

The Paying Guest.

Well, The first thing about me is, I don’t live in groups. I mean I’ve never stayed with people more than 1 excluding me. And now I have made it to stay with four people. As you all know, I am a little crazy-stupid. So the reason must be obvious. If there was something to study, I can’t achieve in such an atmosphere. I get easily distracted and probably, I might flunk the exams, if any. Truth apart. The room is a flat in an apartment and it has three rooms. One comprises of a single person who paying three times what I usually pay right now and the other room has three members and the last one has four members which is ours. The remaining people are alien to us and we to them. Time will make some changes, I suppose. And I along with a friend of mine and another person whom I know and one more person are staying in the room as of now. The house doesn’t seem to be so promising, but we decided to adjust to the circumstances and make way for ourselves. The flat also has a kitchen where the chef or the person who cooks stays here for most of the time. And people from other flat also come to our room for having breakfast and dinner. Except that everything is fine. 

There is this person who is a friend of mine from the previous location where he was my classmate as well as my pair-mate and batch-mate. So, we went for shopping for the house after 4 hours of the planned time. And we go there and roam around in one HyperMarket. It is huge and has a lot of things but not what we need. But still this guy looks at every damn thing as if he is going to buy it. And does he buy it at the end? NO. He doesn’t. And then he gives his trademark explanation where he gets excited and hyper and starts speaking until he has nothing more to say. Wait a minute, there is no such thing as nothing-more-to-say for him. He speaks and is stubborn on whatever comes out of his mouth. And when we come back, we buy not even 2% of what we wanted to buy and we were late. Thanks to the genius who spends more time than ladies at shopping. Seriously, he does. And atleast after so much of spending time, people buy something. But, this person doesn’t. From next time, it is better I go on my own. 
So far for today.

Good Night. 

P.S. : Eventry is a word coined by me to summarize the events of the day or anything. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ