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Have you ever thought of inflicting pain on someone that you would probably enjoy doing that? No? Umm.. Okay.. neither did I. But I have a few near experiences with such cases. 

Once when I was writing my exam in my college sitting on the first bench, not my choice but my only choice since my roll number is one, and there comes this guy who is the invigilator for the day. He stands in front of me while I was calmly cooking up some story and watches the wall that is in front of me, like 4-5 feet away and he sees some writings on it, some kind of formula. He asks for my paper which I oblige since I wasn’t into copying stuff. I was more like if I knew I will write, else I will cook up a new story but not the kind of person who would slip in papers and write on walls or desks. After skimming through the paper he says that the writing on the wall and in paper is almost the same, not almost, its exactly the same. I just got so pissed off by his remarks. Firstly who would write something on a wall that I can’t even practically look clearly at. And secondly, his observation skill sucked big time. I almost shouted at him that that wasn’t my handwriting and also that I had no intention of writing something like that. But he wasted a great deal of my time before handing my paper back saying that he is excusing me since nothing on the wall matches with what I wrote in the paper. Ofcourse, Genius. Because that wasn’t mine in the first place. But after he handed me back my paper, I was still mad at him for pulling this on me and for blaming me for copying. If I did slip in a paper or likewise I wouldn’t have been as much mad as I was then. So even after he handed me the paper, I was making some evil plans to make his life miserable and probably a living hell. Well, I do agree that its’ pretty insane of me to think that, but I did.

Why am I talking about medieval / past things right now? Because I read on someone’s blog about making the other’s life miserable for some reason, which I don’t seem to remember now. So, I was formulating my past and yeah, I did think the same too. Well, to share with there is this recent one incident.

One of my electronic gadget malfunctioned, I mean it stopped functioning only. So, I wanted to get it repaired. After a lot of procrastination, I finally took the initiative to head out and give the gadget for repair. So, the repair guy says that it will take him a day to look into it and to call him the other day regarding an update. So, I called him up at 2 the next day as he told me to call to which he replied that he will get back to me. But an hour passed and I was already on my way to the shop as I thought that it might have got repaired. If not, may be within a few more hours it will be and I could stay there for that. So, I reach the shop by around half past three and I just stopped the song and unplugged my earphones and folded them into my pocket and enter the shop. He comes out from the small room adjacent to the shop with a phone in his hand. He shows it to me as if it asking me whether it was my mobile or not. And no, I didn’t give my mobile for servicing. I was a little bit confused and look at the number he was pointing to on the phone. It was my number. He was just calling me. I didn’t even hear the ringtone because he had just called me. So, what he does is to check my phone which I do and then there is the ringtone and the vibration. He then goes all hyper on me saying that he had called me twice already and that I haven’t picked it up. He asked me to check my history. First of all, I wasn’t an idiot. I saw him see me, pick up his phone and dail a number as he came from his little room. But what pissed me off was that he was going all hyper on me. I was like What the hell is this dude’s problem? I was defending myself that he didn’t call me before and that I called him an hour or so ago and I didn’t get a reply from him. But he was still going hostile with raised voice. He called me once, just once and that too after seeing me. And he was blaming me. To add to it he was pulling out some other shit about his work hours or whatever which I don’t care. Why should I care? Why should I listen to him telling me about some other guy who earns 3 lakhs waiting since morning? Or about his daughter? Or his freaking punctuality. I called him on time, I even came down after an hour or so hoping to get my thing back and I was greeted with this. He was being a dick literally. So, I had to give back to him. But he never let me finish anything. He just kept at being rude and I too wanted to. If I was prepared to something like that, I would have. But I had no formal experience with jerks before and more over he had my thing and I already paid for the servicing. And the worst part was him telling me that I was speaking as if I was giving him salary. Well, for his kind information, in a way I was by paying for the services he had to offer. And this service that he was offering wasn’t the one I paid for. I had every right to be rude and he was even saying that Customer is God but was treating me like some shit. And I got to know where his God’s real place is according to him. Plus, I had nothing as a leverage against him. That was his plus point and my biggest disadvantage. If I hadn’t paid atleast, I would have more ground to argue on. I wanted to give him all from my side, but I had to carefully choose my word, so it seemed like his victory for him being an asshole plus a dick, while I was told to come the other day to collect it. Believe me, he had/has the worst terrible days in my mind still to the day. But the reality has something else to say. Damn you reality, you suck terribly. 

This is just the tip of the iceberg. I have a lot many such things wrapped and safely boxed up for never to visit again. But these so called boxes are just piling an piling. People, mostly I like them, but then these people happen.

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0 responses to “Sanity..”

  1. I, very recently, had my tailor go berserk on my sanity and tried to put the blame on me. I really saw red and handed his ass to him but on second thought, it does not and will not make a difference to him.

    Better not to muh lagofy such people – firmly ask them to hand your possession over, pay them what is due and leave and NEVER go back again.

  2. I, very recently, had my tailor go berserk on my sanity and tried to put the blame on me. I really saw red and handed his ass to him but on second thought, it does not and will not make a difference to him.

    Better not to muh lagofy such people – firmly ask them to hand your possession over, pay them what is due and leave and NEVER go back again.

  3. Yeah, exactly. It doesn't make a difference.

    Thats' the plan to never to go back there. But isn't it more like Here take some of my money and piss me off. And as if that wasn't enough, I have to spend money and time to travel and listen to his bullsh*t. I got my office for that. Atleast they pay me at the end of the day.

  4. Yeah, exactly. It doesn't make a difference.

    Thats' the plan to never to go back there. But isn't it more like Here take some of my money and piss me off. And as if that wasn't enough, I have to spend money and time to travel and listen to his bullsh*t. I got my office for that. Atleast they pay me at the end of the day.

  5. Customer is God? Oh really? Don't get me started on the auto drivers of Bangalore. I start every day with a fight with these imbecile day light thieves! People just want to make money, that's it. It makes no difference to them if you had a good experience or not. You say something, it goes through one ear and comes out the other.

    I agree with PeeVee here, it is better to not argue with such people at all. Its just a waste of your time. Just pay and leave. Unfortunately since an auto is my daily commute to work, I have to go back to it everyday.

  6. Customer is God? Oh really? Don't get me started on the auto drivers of Bangalore. I start every day with a fight with these imbecile day light thieves! People just want to make money, that's it. It makes no difference to them if you had a good experience or not. You say something, it goes through one ear and comes out the other.

    I agree with PeeVee here, it is better to not argue with such people at all. Its just a waste of your time. Just pay and leave. Unfortunately since an auto is my daily commute to work, I have to go back to it everyday.

  7. Exactly. It is just a notion that they keep pestering at our face when we get down with facts and all.

    Yeah, I agree too. But it feels more like we are giving money just like that, for that unpleasant conversation and getting us all angry for no apparent reason and top of it, Thanks for your service. Here, take this money for ruining my day.

  8. Exactly. It is just a notion that they keep pestering at our face when we get down with facts and all.

    Yeah, I agree too. But it feels more like we are giving money just like that, for that unpleasant conversation and getting us all angry for no apparent reason and top of it, Thanks for your service. Here, take this money for ruining my day.

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