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I already shot him, but he is still walking lazily. Why doesn’t he just die and go somewhere called hell, may be. A small clip is being continuously played in my mind and I know I messed it up big time, and I just want it to get over with it. So, I had my presentation and surprisingly I was cool and not tensed. May it was the empty stomach. Now lets back up a bit. Last time, I remember having breakfast, that to be I don’t usually have breakfasts was yesterday when I went out to get some tabs to cope with the torturous throat and running nose and realized those are not to be taken on an empty stomach. So, I tried some breakfast. Then had the tabs. And then at office, we were shifted to a new campus which has something worse food and I had no idea of walking half a kilo-meter just for food. So, I dropped the idea though some of my friends insisted me on having something to eat. Then later that night, we were made to stay up a little late, and if you read my previous post, I mentioned something about it as well. So, no diner yesterday. Today, morning as usual, I don’t have breakfast ever so this was just another normal day except that I was having a pint of fever, a running nose and a soar throat. I started with some biscuits but found out that these were already being consumed by ANTS. These ants are just awesome, they can even make holes into a perfectly sealed packet and have some delicious biscuits for themselves with out paying a penny to the person who bought it. Obviously I threw it in the dustbin and pick up another packet from my biscuit collection. Wait a minute , you don’t know, right ? I am sooo lazy that I buy a weeks supply at a time and keep munching the rest of the week. And the shop is just besides my hostel, so now you know how active I am . So, the afternoon went by and then there it was , the presentation. 

I don’t know what happened in the meanwhile, but there was some sort of air coming out or was trying to come out from my stomach. I had no idea such things happen when one has an empty stomach. Well, over a day of empty stomach. And I stand there feeling something strange in my stomach. But I cool it off with the thought that I have a presentation to give first. My time comes and suddenly I stop in the middle and I am like __________________________ ( a long pause ) I seriously have no idea what happened but I just paused. God, Kill me. Seriously, I mean it. Like I said, Only if he could hear. So, I had been trying to kill that guy, or atleast that awkward 5.. wait no, 10 seconds pause. 

I will get back to my usual self now. The one who always comments on how people tend to behave and ignoring all the stupid things he does. All seemed happy today. You can really see the glow in their eyes and in their attitude. Some are not be mentioned are totally hyperactive. And no matter what the other people do, they just get all hyper and all. And believe me when I say, Its utterly disgusting. Please don’t get this into your mind. There is this guy who would get into every single thing and just piss off most of the people, if not most, well then me. And then he cracks a superb lame joke and some of the girls start laughing without taking into account that he was actually flirting. Didn’t I mention? He flirts with every one present and more with someone he likes most. So, the last Sunday was a friendship day, and in the last moment we managed to get some bands from the roadside shop on which it was written the company’s’ that I presently working in. So this guy firstly tell everyone that someone tied that thing and pretends as if he didn’t tells. So, now also I can see that on his hand so one might as well incur something out of it right ? 
And there is another guy about whom I mentioned a number of times on my blog, and he is second to him or I would rather say he is first in this own way. Now, I am getting pissed off at everything he does and when he comes near me and tries to tell or do something funny which he usually does, I simply tell him ‘Don’t waste your energy’. He even responds to it saying, I wont’ where I was indirectly directly him to stay the eff from me, but which part he doesn’t understand. 
Now another guy, about whom also I mentioned earlier. I feel like shouting ‘GET THE POINT CLEAR BEFORE YOU TELL’. Clearly, I don’t know what’s on his mind. He comes and tells me, there is nothing to worry. BIG EFFF that. There is every reason to worry about it. And he takes it so lightly, that I am overwhelmed, seriously I am. Come on, give me a break. He is totally perfect at whatever he does and whatever he wants to do, just that he doesn’t tell. Yeah no kiss-and-tell.. It does feel like that when he responds there is nothing to worry and I will take care of it. Again EFF that. God dammit, just tell what are you going to do. And keep us out from some sort of suspense because it is something like a group work and when he does that , it just pisses of whatever is in me. I don’t usually talk back, but in these situations, I could even hit. Believe me, I can. I would be no more a stuffed toy who just sits behind the glass pane. 

Coming to me. Let me look at myself silently from one corner of the room. Now its my time. There sits some guy fiddling with his little-long hair and a little bit of showing off which no one observes. Wait a minute, he ducks down trying to escape something. Oh, he is reading something, may be a novel, I guess. And I wonder why people call him Mr. Perfect. I mean come on, it should be something related to that guy. He is silent and don’t care what the worlds’ gonna happen. And more over that guy doesn’t even drink like in the movie where the hero does all the things and just pretends as if he is totally Perfect. I mean drink drink , not normal drink, I’d be glad if you picked that. Someone from no where answers me : Isn’t it obvious that its totally a SARCASTIC remark/name. So, now I get it. He sits there silently and doing nothing most of time or so he says. Now, he’s looking more like observing the people around him in a short little span of time. He makes a grin thinking something about the people he just observed. Let me guess.. ‘This is so going into my blog’. And what else he does? His presentation skills suck to the core, I feel like my 5 year old cousin brother can do better (far more better) than him. And what is that with loose shirts? Why are his shirts so loose that he is wearing an oversized shirt and always struggling to set it right. He should rather buy something of his own size. If someone from the class reads his blogs, he would be so very much screwed. Or hmm… I leave it to you what might happen. 

Was it all good ? I know it is. Obviously, right? But the people just keep piling up and I have no idea where to start and where to end! Wait a minute, if I continue like this, it won’t end at all. 

If you are wondering what the hell does the title mean, don’t bother, I myself have no idea. And when I am around stay behind the curtains because … well… isn’t it obvious that I am one lousy critic and make so much easy things harder. Am I not  and don’t I  (respectively) ? 😛 

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Soo..Corked up!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Soo..Corked up!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ