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Part 1 : It all began … 
Part 2 : Insanity has a new meaning 
Part 3 : Sinking in 
Part 4 : Steep Slope 
Part 5 : The lost art
Part 6 : That twist of fate
Part 7 : Crushed

“Hey, I am Ajay”.
“Nice, here’s my visiting card”.

It has been nearly two months in the city and the contemplation of exploring has been shoved down the drain. It was mostly either the same mall or the same coffee shop. Boy, I am such a bore! Argh. And I was a little infuriated when I learned of the IndiBlogger meets happening back in the city where I was supposed to be. These Blogger meets are fun. And they happen so rarely that I wouldn’t miss them unless they are in the far away city. The reason for I being furious was the I wasn’t supposed to be here in the first place and on top of it, my stay got extended. But. But. But there was a meet scheduled just one week away and I was like, “Finally, some adventure, Yaaay!”, I shouted sitting in the room staring at the computer screen. I had been in the room the whole weekend and the room was getting bored of me and me staying in the room.

The reason I go to these meets is to meet new people. But being an introvert, I don’t get to meet anyone. And whomsoever I get to meet move on to better people. I wouldn’t blame them, because I was being me. Frankly speaking I take time to adjust, I guess. I know I am just making up excuses and all. Eventually, I met a few people though and I am not sure whether they would remember be now or not. But I would really recommend not to start a conversation with “Hey, this is my visiting card“, perhaps start by telling your name. The usual team activities took place and the group that I was in named themselves “Alpha Q”. Yeah, not so cool, or even appropriate. But lets’ not pass judgment on the stupidity. 

And the biggest trouble I face all the time is answering the question : “So, what do you blog about?” Frankly speaking, I just write random things, everything and anything that comes to my mind, half of which doesn’t even make sense and this is a personal blog or sorts. Though I write poems(sort of) occasionally, stories too. And I have another blog for expressing the story in a frozen moments – photography blog. I have never rehearsed the answer for this question and it feels like answering to an unknown question during a viva. But here I know the answer, yet I don’t know what to say. Eventually, I ramble, and I do that so bad that the person listening will be like what-the-hell-is-this-guy-even-saying does-he-even-write? Note to self : Get your act straight about what I blog? 

Eventually, it ended with a paint-your-dream-house brochure while my camera has another lonely day though I had hoped to get some great clicks in the day. 


#Explore, #Kolkata, #KolkataDiaries, #Work, #Deputation, #NewAssignment, #newToTheCity, #Impression, #BloggersMeet, #People, #Day10

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0 responses to “The meet.”

  1. I would love to attend some blogger meets and meet the people that I have always looked to forward to meeting after reading their blogs. Now that I am in Bangalore, I hope there will be a few opportunities at least. And about the question “What do you blog about?”, I know that feeling because even I have no answer to that question and I have been asked that question by anyone who knows that I blog!

  2. Well, I will inform you if there are any such meets.

    About the question, phew! I thought I was the only one. I think we could call it a Personal Blog. I think I am going to stick with the photography tag. 😛

  3. I have always wanted to attend these blogger meets but I always came to know of some or the other meets only after the meet got done and dusted with :P. But yeah totally agree that they are really good to network and meet some interesting people :).

    And I can totally understand when you say that you take time to adjust. I guess so many of us including myself are like that.

  4. I have been to many and it is always a pleasure to meet fellow bloggers. Only that they don't recognize me.

    I think you just fit perfectly.
    I am socially awkward and shy. Believe me, you would be surprised if you ever met me. “The hell you are Ajay” would be your response.

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The meet.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ