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When two roads seem to cross paths, it gives the indication that everything that is happening is for a reason and that, it is the fate, or whatever it is termed. Sometimes even when the paths have seem to have crossed, they actually don’t. They run along side each other to the destination that is yet unknown. But along the way there is this enchantment that binds the roads together. We call it love. What it is? I wish I knew. As a result, I would be babbling whatever I feel about it, until I have a first hand experience with it. But keeping my story aside, there are people always around me portraying that enchantment in their own way. I have been amazed with what that could to do to people and how the people get mesmerized in the enchantment.

So is one story of a guy I came across in my recent encounters who also happens to be an ex-colleague. He happens to be in deeply in that enchantment. He is yet to muster his courage to step up from his inhibitions and take a stand for himself and let himself be heard, if not to all at least the person who should. But that step is quite a difficult thing to do. I have always wondered why it could be that difficult. It just involves walking up to her and just say his heartfelt feelings and everything that is keeping him from sleep at nights and that the reason is none other than her. Right? How hard it could be? I realized that I was deeply wrong about this when I was asked for a presentation and you can’t even imagine how bad it went. I killed it, literally. I had prepared for it and yet I just couldn’t speak my mind. The question of my blog does put an end to all that assumptions that I might suck at presentations. But I did, and the yet bigger problem is I still do. I haven’t yet come around this hurdle as I continue to dwell in the past experiences. Anyways, it is very difficult to speak your mind especially when it is all about the so called enchantment, is it not? There are consequences, of course. Of all the two possible outcomes, it is either living happily ever after with certain hurdles as expected. Or probably taking the help of alcohol to ease the pain, which I have never understood. They do say that there is a lot of fish in the sea. To which my own mind contemplates with a counter attack saying “She was my sea”. Well, that left me rather speechless for a moment as I drowned in the depth of what it actually means. The problem wasn’t the fear, but the fear of rejection. And it was precisely the reason for his holding back. I did encourage him to take a chance and let the quote fate unquote take its natural course. But then again, nerves get to us, as we all know. Cold feet. He was never prepared. He couldn’t risk losing a friend over a proposal which if didn’t turn out according to his plan.

He doesn’t come often to meet us. Us as in the other group members who all work at the same place while he got a better opportunity and is working elsewhere. So, whenever he comes he makes sure that he meets everyone. By everyone, I mean he wants to make sure his crush(lets’ call it that for the time being) is present that day else he won’t. And in the process of confirming the presence of all the people of the group which is not divided into two due to some discrepancies, he stepped on the wrong stone. In his defense he wasn’t aware of it as he did that. But, he did. And another reason for his coming unexpectedly was to mend that broken group. But after a few weeks of just observing, it was concluded that it wasn’t in anybody’s hands now. The only consequence of trying to fix would be that it would just do more damage than it already has. It has slipped through the hands. But nevertheless, life went on.

On a casual encounter, I was bombarded with questions by the girl in question in the previous paragraphs, which were more of a concern and to which I had no answers to. I actually did but what I had with me was more of a secret than of an answer. I couldn’t just tell and hence, I had to waive off a concerned and equally quizzical look just to avoid suspicion. But I do feel that the cat is out of the bag and it not not far when she realizes what is happening and how dumb (read : foolishly) we people have been acting about it around her. May be she already does. But it is just a matter of time, if not yet. Because as I was being on the opposite side listening to the questions, I had a feeling that it might not have been clear what was happening with regards to the aforementioned friend of mine who is head over heels about this very person. The step on the stone that I mentioned earlier is the cause for all these questions. The only thought that I had was “Isn’t it that obvious?”. It is as clear as water and there was nothing more to it where I had to step in and offer an explanation why he did what he did. It was that obvious. But well, there are things which people choose not to believe in or don’t want them to be true. And may be this was one of it.

I really hope there is a common ground they find and leave the past behind and start over may be. As for the obvious fact, there is too much at risk than floating freely among the clouds. And the common ground that I mentioned earlier accounts this also. 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Obvious fact

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ