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Sometimes I feel I am being followed. Followed everywhere I go. As if they are tracing my footprints with a powerful dog like an Alsatian or a Doberman. Or like an Eagle eye. My each work being noted and briefed. My insight has been barred, the life gets to stake, when each step of yours leaves a mark, and everybody tends to look up at the mark not just as mark, but with all the known and unknown philosophies of unknown era.

I have been thinking about people these days. Hmm… Err … Actually quite a long time, because the best thing I can do is understand a person with all their behavior and not to mention their character. I have seen people spring in the wake of life, just getting a brilliant opportunity after an unexpected twist in the tail story. That’s it. They get the base, foundation; perfect & deep; and what else is required for a better construction. They tend to become skyscrapers, high and steady, untouched and equally distinguished with distinction.

Well for this to happen to me there is still some time. I was speaking about the life in a general sense. So what is with the present people that make me think about them rather than myself? Is it jealousy, hatred, interest, dislike, likeliness, attraction, distraction, infatutation or whatever that fits here? Why does everybody try to point out the wrongs  in others rather than looking in themselves? This is an old saying, right? I know. I was just quoting it.
Are we perfect? Are we are what we wanted to be? Did we reach our goal? Did we succeed in whatever work we do? Are we happy? Are we satisfied with what we have? Are we satisfied with what we earn and spend? Did we make our parents proud? Are we proud of ourselves for achieving something that we longed so long? Are we? Or Did we?
We are still on the way, the path, which may decide our destiny. Then why do we have to think about others and pin-point each and every mistake, keeping aside all our goals or say the aforementioned questions. We are humans, social beings not any animal or something of that sort. We think, because we can think. We think about ourselves first, draw a near conclusion about what we have to do then we think about the person next to us. We think not to achieve something or derive pleasure out of anything. Thinking and analyzing makes us perfect. We look at the faults of others, sometimes make fun of them and deep in our heart we think we should not be in such an embarrassing situation or we should do anything like that person.Or sometimes we don’t even think like that!

Life gives us many chances to live. Just one life is sufficient to live all the lives. Actually we do, either knowingly or unknowingly. “Life gives us lemons, so make lemonade”; is another old saying, basically to inspire us in the wake of life or something like that!

Till now I had been talking about me and the remaining so-called people around me in a general sense. But sometimes when we think about others it leads to ourselves. Didn’t get my point? We tend to think about others and the ‘other’ about whom we are thinking, are simply inclined to think about others, preciously us. Oh! You haven’t thought in such a direction. Better try it, and sometimes it teaches to understand people more effectively.  “What goes around comes around“.  I can simply tell what the fellow besides me is thinking, because if he is observing me since a past few months, I had been observing him since the same period he did. I find different multitude of opinions about me, varying from person to person. I can actually quote what a person thinks about me, like I do for others. Or at least may be give a try. I may not be hundred percent correct, but I sure can guess.
Some people inspire others and some criticize others. The other being one, it may be you or me or any other person. But when someone is successful or say succeeding in his attempts; and more over he happens to be your friend or if he is not, even then; there is a thin air of attraction. We tend to observe their every move, learn their daily procedure and sometimes try to follow their ideologies. To get to know what others are thinking we don’t have to look in their eyes, sometimes may be look at the heart. I agree with the notion “Eyes never lie” and I feel so do does the heart too. 

Jealousy!? It’s a convict. Sometimes we feel jealous about people, either it is due to their character, or what he/she has, and so so things. I could not see fire, but something was burning. I couldn’t make it out until I saw the eyes. The eyes were red like blood, but they soon turned back to normal. I was about to ask “What was the problem?” but my inner conscience held me back from asking. And there I left thinking. What was the matter with him? He was fine a second ago, turned red the next moment. Sounding like peaches, the person walks with me, beside me making a plot. A plot? I wondered. Was that jealousy? I asked myself. But left it when I didn’t had any response. There are ways of overcoming jealousy and the best way is to beat it in the same way that makes you jealous.

Attraction!?  Attraction is a boon. People get attracted to things like gadgets, some to people, et cetera. The attraction comes from heart, so no one can probably estimate it forehand, and derive dire consequences. When it comes to gadgets, we become obsessed, like our cell phone. Now I am quite sure, no one would even step out of their home without a phone in their hands. About people, the attraction sure exists and mainly on the opposite sex. 

Artificiality!? The objects are artificial, so are some people. The people tend to move so closely, following every track of whatever we do and in the end; we get a big blow, which is something out of out competence. But all that is not quite well with me. The eyes can never lie, even if he words that they shatter around to the others. The difference lies in identifying the prime factor. We consider them as our inmates sitting beside you and just being mendacious.

Egoists!? Egoists are the same as the ‘Jealousy’ type people. So similar is the so called mentality. They remain silent, yet very powerful in their thoughts and wait for the right moment. The moment for which we also would be waiting, but ultimately they would plunge just in front of you, get what they want and downsizing you.

Self-Obsession!?  Who doesn’t like oneself? As far as I know everybody do like themselves. I am not talking about a little mentally-retarded people, especially like me; but in a general sense. What not the people do so as to make themselves presentable? Please don’t ask me. Mine is a different story. I have seen people of truly different kind. Self fascinating or obsessed with oneself. What do they strive to be so obsessed with themselves? They strive for the so called success. When the topic is about success, why do you talk or think non-sense in front of them. They won’t just give a damn look at you. So, are they totally self dependent and self taught? Unfortunately not. They aren’t so well versed with this thing. They steal your thoughts coming like a shadow at night. Is it from just one person that they steal? Fortunately for them, the people around them are very kind enough to serve them when they need. But is it the case when someone needs a help back? Sadly, as told earlier they are ‘Self-Obsessed’. They won’t tell a thing, because there then they would be break the rules of being self-obsessed by letting the other person share the victory. Two persons docked in a single position-Truly impossible. So at last you are dumped, no matter how good you are. Because sometimes bad wins over good and the good has nothing just to congratulate them. So now the good need not be disheartened, because as they say ‘bad things happen for their own good’.
Oh boy, That was a lengthy post. Now, I would like to congratulate you for reading all the so-called rambling/ranting or lets just say it  and the cat out of the bag – ‘NON-SENSE’ . Well, Have a great day ahead, as if you haven’t spoiled it already!

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0 responses to “The Other Perspective!”

  1. It's really a lengthy post(*especially if you are damn tired after running here and there in cousin's marriage like me! sigh!*) but we always love this randomness…talking about attraction!? I would like to ask something(*just randomly asking*) that what/who is the one that attracts you????

  2. It's really a lengthy post(*especially if you are damn tired after running here and there in cousin's marriage like me! sigh!*) but we always love this randomness…talking about attraction!? I would like to ask something(*just randomly asking*) that what/who is the one that attracts you????

  3. Yeah, It is. Was in my drafts for way too long time Thought to bring it to light. 😛
    Congratulations to your cousin.

    Gadgets, of course. I just can't get enough of them though. Nor do I have any 🙁
    That was the what part of the question. Now coming to who..
    Well, I kind of find those attracting people almost everyday. I was hoping to do a post on it sometime later.

    Well, Can I ask you the same question?

  4. Yeah, It is. Was in my drafts for way too long time Thought to bring it to light. 😛
    Congratulations to your cousin.

    Gadgets, of course. I just can't get enough of them though. Nor do I have any 🙁
    That was the what part of the question. Now coming to who..
    Well, I kind of find those attracting people almost everyday. I was hoping to do a post on it sometime later.

    Well, Can I ask you the same question?

  5. If the question is what, then I'm attracted to dreams and ambitions. (sounds crazy?) And attracted to tree.(No!I don't roam everywhere banging my head on it).
    If the question is who, then it will the one with big, generous heart and extremely sexy smile. Yeah! it need to so sexy that it's single flash will faint me. (Okay! not faint literally. Let's say enchant!)
    And Why don't you get some gadgets? I mean you are working and earning too unless they read your blog and chop down your salary for all the sarcasm you burst against them. I really hope they are not doing this! LOL! 🙂

  6. If the question is what, then I'm attracted to dreams and ambitions. (sounds crazy?) And attracted to tree.(No!I don't roam everywhere banging my head on it).
    If the question is who, then it will the one with big, generous heart and extremely sexy smile. Yeah! it need to so sexy that it's single flash will faint me. (Okay! not faint literally. Let's say enchant!)
    And Why don't you get some gadgets? I mean you are working and earning too unless they read your blog and chop down your salary for all the sarcasm you burst against them. I really hope they are not doing this! LOL! 🙂

  7. No, it doesn't sound crazy. You nailed the question, Ma'am. Perfecto. 😀
    Wait, a tree ? *Roaming around banging my head* Sorry, can't help. I got a little curious mind. 😛

    Uncheck. 🙁 (Okay, I was kidding.) 😀
    Btw, Have you found anyone like that? #JustCurious. 😛

    My thoughts are always on that. You are right about working and earning. But the pay isn't enough for me get anything I want. And also, there is something else about all the money thing. I could tell but it would sound really funny.
    Oh, boy! Don't say that. The thought of them finding out scares me. o.O

  8. No, it doesn't sound crazy. You nailed the question, Ma'am. Perfecto. 😀
    Wait, a tree ? *Roaming around banging my head* Sorry, can't help. I got a little curious mind. 😛

    Uncheck. 🙁 (Okay, I was kidding.) 😀
    Btw, Have you found anyone like that? #JustCurious. 😛

    My thoughts are always on that. You are right about working and earning. But the pay isn't enough for me get anything I want. And also, there is something else about all the money thing. I could tell but it would sound really funny.
    Oh, boy! Don't say that. The thought of them finding out scares me. o.O

  9. TO sate your curiosity, NoPe, I have not found anyone like that till now. Now-a-days people have bank accounts holding large pink bundles (whatever color our currency looks like, red or green or lets say multicolored) and very small heart. But the day I found him, I will retire myself from everything and fly away to some island(okay! not permanently but for a few days at least). 🙂
    And about money, stop worrying and don't belittle yourself. It's the period to enhance your abilities. Once you gain some experience in your favor, money will run after you. 🙂

  10. TO sate your curiosity, NoPe, I have not found anyone like that till now. Now-a-days people have bank accounts holding large pink bundles (whatever color our currency looks like, red or green or lets say multicolored) and very small heart. But the day I found him, I will retire myself from everything and fly away to some island(okay! not permanently but for a few days at least). 🙂
    And about money, stop worrying and don't belittle yourself. It's the period to enhance your abilities. Once you gain some experience in your favor, money will run after you. 🙂

  11. That sounds great.
    Guess I seem to have both the things in small, micro size.

    Yeah, Thats' what I tell myself. Haha. Money running after me? Never gonna happen. I won't give money that chance in the first place. 😀

  12. That sounds great.
    Guess I seem to have both the things in small, micro size.

    Yeah, Thats' what I tell myself. Haha. Money running after me? Never gonna happen. I won't give money that chance in the first place. 😀

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The Other Perspective!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ