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The morning is bright and shining its glorious light waking you up from your dreadful sleep. You never gave it much thought. It has always been the kind of feeling, that your mind and heart are at battle over something, which you are not quite sure what it is. You have been thinking, which is unusual. It is not like you don’t think, you do think occasionally but you don’t think too long on a something or to be precise about her. You are still not sure who she is, what she is, but still, you ponder into the oblivion trying to figure out what is it that you are feeling, what it is that is keeping you awake all night. You saw her a couple of times and you felt the same thing every single time she made her presence felt to your eyes. You are confused. 
You see her again. The first time was more of a glimpse, a blurred image dangling in your conscious and that, which left you sleepless. You are not feeling quite right. Something is happening, is it your mind or your heart? ‘Argh’,  You let out sigh because you feel that no matter how round the earth might be, there was no way you would be able to see her again. But may be it was your fate or destiny or some similar catch-phrases or perhaps say a miracle, you rub your eyes just to make sure you didn’t slide into that small bubble called dream. She was real. She is real. You see her. You forget something, to look away. Your eyes trail her every move. You slowly realize that everything except her is in the colors of two, black and white. She was in bright colors, looking splendidly under the warm morning sun.
She takes a seat across you, but a little far. You have the urge to take a closer look, may be even sit just right across her. But you don’t want to give her an impression that girls get when they realize that a guy is creeping up closer. You want to sweep her off her feet with the agility and charm and you realize that you need to work out a bit. You shake the thoughts and drown into the dream like reality. You are awake yet lost. You see the bright brown eyes shining with charm as of there is a twinkle in them and you realize that they are smiling. You watch the  eyes brimming with innocence and which could smile. You have looked at the mirror a million times and your’s never did. She takes out her book to read and trails the spoon in the across the edges of the coffee cup. She drowns herself into that book. She is in another place, another world that the book had to offer. She smiles once in a while and your heart melts as if she looked at you smiled. You see the dimples in that brief moment and sink in the candidness of her perfection. You see the curve they make and  you feel the heart racing, beating loudly as if you had sprinted non stop for a very long stretch. Your eyes do the magic of taking it all in, slowly sinking in the beauty as the breaths become heavy.
Your phone rings a couple of times. Probably it was work or some customer care trying to promote their new offers on the network or may be it was your mom checking up on you whether you had your lunch or not. But you are too busy, or perhaps too lost to respond. You slowly notice the soft curls dangling, like a chandelier, bright, think and dark, shining and exquisitely beautiful. May be you are smitten by her beauty that you find everything beautiful, but no. You have never seen anyone like her who would keep your heart racing and on your toes and lost at the same time. You are pushed back to earth when someone stands in front of you obstructing a beautiful view. Your colleague tracks you down and literally drags you to work. You know that it was an important day at work, but you had forgotten about it. You shake your head and embrace the reality. You turn to give her a final look before you dissolve into the crowd hoping that she gives you a peek. You have this weird feeling, churning in your stomach that this will be the last time you will see her. But, hope is all you are left with.

You retire for the day to the same coffee corner after a series of endless seminars, presentations and meetings. You look around. You know that it was pointless, yet that little thing called hope never gives up. He reluctantly sips his coffee re-imagining the afternoon, her. Suddenly, you smell a lavender filled the air and you feel the silk brushing your hand and someone pretty stands in front of you. It was her. You don’t believe you eyes. Yet, you don’t want to pinch yourself. Even if it a dream, you don’t want to end. You sink in the sweetest voice, like an enchantment that is binding you in comfort, while the heart starts racing so fast that you feel like you will pass out anytime soon. You stumble to figure out what was happening around you and she says, “Is this seat taken?” holding her vanilla filled chocolate pastry melting in its warmth. You try to appear calm and coy at the same time while your mind races through a million alternatives to say to her in response and you say “No,.. please ..” gesturing her to take the seat. Your mind is now an unstoppable wagon draining out of words to say, to strike a conversation. You come up with a million alternatives yet you don’t know where to begin. You curse yourself under your breath. You want to make a lasting impression, but how is haunting you to death. You finally make up your mind and as you try to say it you feel a gentle push on your shoulder, “Is there anything you would like to order”, says the waiter gesturing that it was time to close up. You look across your table and the realization weighs you down. You can’t believe it was a dream as it felt surreal. You dozed off to her thoughts after a couple of minutes and it had been hours while the coffee became cold. And deep down you feel that there is a chance somehow, somewhere in the near future that you would see her again and strike up the conversation that you have been building up and that the next time you don’t doze off.
P.S. : This is a work of fiction. No, it hasn’t happened to me. I wasn’t describing my experience. Yes, I hope for that to happen someday to me. 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “The stranger you haven’t met. Yet.”

  1. I don't know whether I should take that as a compliment or not. But I'll. Thanks. 😛

    Come on. It is not going to happen. That's why I write. And also I fear that I would jinx it if I write about it. So, you know. 😛

  2. Yes, I hope this happens to you real soon 🙂 I was so caught up reading it, that I felt a twang of disappointment at the end. Continue this, maybe?

  3. Haha. Thanks.
    Finger crossed. Don't want to jinx it, though. 😛

    Oh. umm…sorry?

    Sure I could do that. You would be reading the next part of it, real soon. 🙂
    Thanks for dropping by.

  4. I can't help but to say this, but it seems like Mr. AK has met someone special 🙂

    But on a serious note, this was really nicely written! I enjoyed it 🙂

  5. Lol. In so wish that it was true. But come on, you know right ? That something like this could never happen to me.

    Thank you. I'm glad you enjoyed.

  6. The PS is the truth. I say this with a heavy heart. 😛

    Haha. Thanks. I don't know why everyone is rooting for this to happen. I too, Harini.
    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  7. Haha. Thanks.
    I hope so too. But let's come back to reality. Me? And that? Not possible.

    Hehe. I guess it's because it's all imagination. 😛

  8. As soon as I saw your blog, my memory gap was filled. I sincerely apologise for my inability to recollect.

    Now, it wasn't terrible. It was juvenile, yes but it was worth reading. Let me put it this way, at that time it was much better than my blog… It still is. Tough competition. 😛
    And also, I only follow awesome blogs. So, there's your answer.

    Your new blog is amazing though. 🙂

  9. Hahahaha… So filmy! I am sure something's cooking with you! ;p
    I hope this really happens to you! Atleast i'll win my bet 😀

    Awesome writing. Fun! (See… I AM LEAVING A COMMENT AND NOW I”LL TEXT YOU TOO ;p)

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The stranger you haven’t met. Yet.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The stranger you haven’t met. Yet.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ