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The gender disparity. Aren’t we tired of it, already? I see people judging, passing comments, making rules, banning stuff and taking it up a notch by going social. I just saw a guy taking a picture on his phone standing between two cars in the middle of the road, with no regards for the general public whatsoever obstructing the traffic in the busiest hour of the day and he loves his car, so what? Having a car and a smartphone doesn’t make one an ideal person when his intention is to put it on the social media either trying to get “justice” or blame someone. But, but then again there are people whom we call educated, but yet they don’t seem so educated. Let me quote my dear colleague who stress on a statement at least once in a day. His statement : “Girls shouldn’t be allowed education”. So the logical question would be regarding you, “Should you be allowed education?” But you are already educated, aren’t you? And it clearly looks like you are not. Not even a bit. 

A few months earlier, there was a debate going on at the corner of the office floor where the ladies were defending their stand while this gentleman (I am being polite here. Sorry. This stupid person who claims to know everything but is actually a dud) decided to voice out his opinions stating that the women are supposed to be confined to homes. 
A valid counter argument was made which goes something like this : 
It could bee dated back to the inception of time that the man is the provider of the family and that women are restricted to homes. In the early days before people started socializing, a family in general needed food for survival. Then it was decided that man would go out to fetch some food since he is physically stronger and also that it would be logical that he would do the hunting while the women would take up the responsibility of protecting the home and taking care of their childred. (So who is the hero here?) As the time drifted it just got imbibed into the minds of the people that women are supposed to be confined to home doing the household chores while the men are the money making machines. And people are still following it as it has been a culture that has been set by ancestors(what? what kind of shit is that?). I mean, I don’t understand. With changing time, people are supposed to update themselves staying within the realms of the present, the now. Are we still hunting with stones and sticks? Are we covered in mud, covering ourselves with leaves and animal skin? Haven’t we changed? Yes? Haven’t we become more social, advancing and improving ourselves woh time? Yes? Then why not the thinking? There are educated people and then there are educated fools. I am sorry to say that the latter aren’t educated at all. It would be a disgrace to fools also. When such an argument is made making the men feel a little under the foot, there arises the ego problem. Oh, man and his ego, his superiority status, his heart breaks when a woman beats him, be it anything per say. That hurts self proclaimed ego maniac at the right spots and his response is to defend his age old status with idiotic baseless logics and well of course his stupidity.

The paradigm is that we are moving forward with time but unknowingly stepping backwards by blindly following what our so called ancestors have laid for us, the people who we are consider to be more intelligent than the people we are now. So, this estranged intellectual speaketh his mind. His argument is that it has been told by the so called learned ancestor junta (the society-rules creator or whatever they are called or referred to as) during the inception of creating a rulebook for the society, for the religion for the people of the country. A handbook of sorts that was quite acceptable at that time because firstly, at that time people were divided into different sections based on the work they did, which meant that whatever the people-with-a-feather-and-ink said was imprinted on the rocks and were laid as the foundations for the future generations. Please note that these people were well versed in all books and had knowledge of the umpteenth level. Fast forward to now, that rule book has become obsolete and needs to have some real changeover, like rewritten from the scratch. But… but people still hold it to make a point that their great ancestors weren’t stupid to write this stuff down and pass this “knowledge” over so many generations. Nobody was/is calling them stupid, they were intelligent during their time and their confines knowledge at that time can’t be used as reference in this time zone hundred of years later. Wake up.

Anyway, my dear colleague had the audacity to say that the girls shouldn’t be allowed education and even if they did receive formal education, they shouldn’t be allowed to work. And the very same reason he gave for marrying a non-working girl. He actually made it a point while searching for a suitable bride to his parents. And then, he doesn’t want to any of the working ladies(sitting all around him) to meet his wife because they would give her new ideas, their share of knowledge on maintaining things and likewise which in turn might back fire at his plans when his housewife decides to start making plans and taking initiative at work. I don’t know whether his ego hurts seeing women being independent and successful or what, he is simply unhappy with the whole ladies working breed. When the information about his sister who works for a MNC and earns thrice of what he does is put as a statement, he is mum about it. There has been constant efforts going on around the world to level the gender gap in education, in work place, in a nutshell everywhere. And that is the very reason for implementing the reservation for women to cut down the disparity. No amount of logical arguments could convince an illogical mind which stays adamant on suppressing the opposite gender and confining them to homes. I wonder what he would do if he has a daughter one day. Would he confine to his thoughts by restricting her to education and working, her dreams to be precise. Only Time Will Tell.

Having said that, its just not this thing that bothers me. These days a lot of things are coming into light, a lot of things are happening which are centered or surrounding women. I can’t even begin to describe and comprehend what is happening around and what we have come to. Its just heart breaking. I wish people grew up a little bit. Just a little bit would be a great leap.

PS: There might be a lot of places where you might find things changing drastically from one momentum to another. It is because I haven’t been able to write in a single flow( Writer’s.. Blogger’s block and too much procrastination). So, apologies for that. I need to be more thorough and consistent while writing.

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0 responses to “This day…”

  1. You touched on a truly burning issue.. (y)
    People have started imbibing a lot of gen-next things like going out late for parties, taking selfies, buying the sleekest smartphones, but have failed to imbibe one very important thing – change in their mindsets..
    Totally worth a read.. And yes, I agree – you need to be more thorough and consistent when writing! 😛

  2. Oh boy! I see some burning frustration there.

    What shocks me is that jerks like that colleague of yours still have the audacity to nurture such low thoughts. And even spew it around. Really? :O

  3. Division of labour is an advisable thing.One earning or the family and the other caring for the stomach. It will become actual symbiosis. But.But it should not be mandatory that men should do this and women that? Nice version of yours.l

  4. What a time to see this post. I've been speaking a lot about gender discrimination, lately. It's awful and terribly wrong. Not going to get started here again but this patriarchal society is such a downer for the women out there,

  5. Well yeah. These guys are educated people and yet they don't have the brain.

    Yes, though I don't want to believe it, but its' how these people are.

  6. That makes two of us. And that's a big problem. We can educate someone who wants to learn and change, but these people think that they are right because they are educated and they believe that it has been followed for generations before them. So, why break it now?

    Why, thank you. 🙂

  7. Yes, it is awful and terribly wrong. I reciprocate the same views. The male dominance is quite prominent and is suppressing the people who want to bring change to that very thinking. I don't understand what would go terribly wrong if men and women are equal in all aspects.
    People seriously need to change their thinking and most importantly not refer to the old age notions for every single thing to justify themselves.

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

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This day…

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ