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Anything can over a cup of coffee. It is more of a hypothetical situation where in people are put in a sort of  dilemma of a possibility, which could either be a good one or otherwise. And as mentioned, a hypothetical scenario, because in my 10+ years of continuously drinking coffee, I have never seen anything happen. Wait, I think I got a couple.

Well, there was this one time I was with a girl and the only thing that happened was she telling that she wanted to leave, a second after we sat. She had some other work to attend to, which has slipped her mind until then. Okay, there’s one more. This other time I “forgot” to lock my bike as I lost the key somewhere while riding and it didn’t get stolen either. But it got stolen when I had properly locked it at my house, speaking of what-the-fuck-is-wrong-with-your-luck, I know right?

So this other time, I had invited this friend over for coffee, who didn’t want to come because the coffee was apparently “too costly” for him, to which I even offered to pay for the coffee, but when that didn’t work out, I offered to give my free coffees I had collected over the course of time. On a similar note, the same guy then advances himself to give a title to me for being a cheap. Literally, it should make sense, but seriously I am just lost trying to connect the dots. But then again it comes under being real mature.

The next one has me at the right time at the right place :

Girl: *Some-other-guy* is in such good shape. He is going to gym for 3 years and is now his body is just perfect.
Guy: Okay…
Girl: Three years ago na…he looked like you…like bullshit!
Me(one row behind): Ouch man.

Having gone to the coffee shop for close to a thousand times over the course of years, I can find just these things happening. But yes, I have to admit that I have found so many of my soulmates. Unfortunately, they were with their boyfriends, husbands or girlfriends. I feel sorry for them sometimes, and other times I walk in the rain just to hide you know what.

More often than not, people do ask me why I drink so much coffee and why do I settle at the coffee shop for such long hours, instead of doing something “more important” like hanging out with actual people and make better use of time. To which I usually start by saying that I don’t have friends. In a matter of speaking, it is true in some way. The problem here is I do ask people out, but it so happens that they have other plans, well almost all the time. The other times they don’t have any plans, they make up plans. And over the course of time, how many times does one have to beg for someone to give company. That was when I decided to do it alone. It also goes along with my introverted nature. I was trying to be an extrovert, but well what can I say people don’t want to help. Some are even more shocked that I do it alone, because for them doing things alone was never in their autobiography. Instead of inviting me over, they ask these intellectual questions. I think they have a great IQ, must be real smart people.

But then again, to the previously asked question of why do I drink that much coffee? The answer is quite simple. I just love coffee, perhaps it is also what’s called addiction.


addiction // ak, mmxvii

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10 responses to “Over a cup”

  1. Hi ajaykontham!
    First, I want to say thank you for directing me to this blog. I really enjoyed reading every chapter of your stories. I like tha lunchbox journal the most (I like every character mentioned, esp. Aryan. Haha. I guess I could just see a part of myself on that character). I read all your post from Introduction to the latest one. It amazes me how the stories unfold. It does seems like a novel to me. FYI, I’m not a big fan of novels because I tend to fall asleep. I read a few novels of Sidney Sheldon and Paulo Coelho. So reading your stories from top to bottom, would really mean something to me. It didn’t put me to sleep. Haha! I do like your movie reviews too but since I haven’t seen those movies maybe that’s why I couldn’t relate much. And the About the Blogger post, gave me an insight about the writer. So that’s awesome! I haven’t seen you personally, but getting a birds eye-view about the writer helps me understand where you are coming from. Gosh, 100+ questions I don’t know if I could answer that. lol! I’m even having hard time to answer 10 questions in Liebster Award Nominations. haha.
    Advice: You might want to shorten your stories and publish more often, say at least once or twice a week. This might be too much but on my own perspective, sometimes if the article is too long, people nowadays don’t have much time reading. (I think!) lol! They are probably more interested in writing what to post than reading. Unless you’ll find person like me (who would read, really read every single words, if I am interested on the plot/theme). Doing so, maybe you can attract more readers.
    You’ve done a great job and I hope you get more inspiration to write. Consider writing a novel, the detective stories are good. I could picture the scene, be at the scene, feel the thrill and think. So yeah, if you want to continue that, maybe you should. Though I like the lunchbox journal, don’t know if it’s the environment (that brings me back to reminisce my past) or I’m just really a ‘nosey beak’ interested on other people’s stories. Ha ha ha. Overall, I love the whole package. And yes, you got a new fan here to look forward on the next post. ^_^

    • Hey Graci,

      Thank you for your kind words.
      I am really glad to know that you enjoyed reading the fiction category posts, both the Lunch box and the detective series.
      Aryan is such a cool guy, right? I don’t know how is still so single? 😛

      Oh, you don’t like novels? I was planning on writing one soon. I thought you would be my only reader, now I have to search for someone else. Hehe. 😛

      I ought to do more movie reviews, I am very very lazy. I get distracted when there’s work to be done.

      About the blogger is quite a piece, is it not? You should write it and I would love to read all of them. Actually, you can split into a question seried and tag others as well (on your blog) I would have done it but I can’t write same answers again on my other blog. 😛

      I really appreciate the advice. I have a problem actually, I want details, I want the reader to not just get the gist of the story but live in the story, if you know what I mean? That’s why I kind of drag and drag a single point that people might not like it. Since you are such a sweet person you took the burden of surviving it all. I really appreciate that. Thank you.

      Lunch Box jounral has close to 10 more stories actually, I hope to write them as soon as possible. Like I have told, laziness is such a boon on me. :'(

      I am really glad that you like the whole package. Thank you. 🙂
      And also you are very sweet to say that you are a fan. I am your fan for real. 😀

      Keep visiting.

      • You should do more of the Lunch box series, don’t you think? I’m interested to know what happened to the characters. You know why Aryan is still single? Because he drinks too much coffee, I guess . Girl probably thinks he loves coffee more than her. Just kidding, surely Aryan will find his soul mate in the future. Maybe she’s just caught up in the traffic.

        Yes you can write novels, even if reading novel is not my hobby, I’ll read your novel. I might have to refresh how to make a good review on novels, so I can provided you an A class review.
        You can do movie reviews, write anything that you like. Haha. Even just a piece of joke. I promise I’ll read it.
        I don’t think I can answer the About the Author questions, that’s really a long one. Haha. But I enjoyed readings your answers. There were a few funny answers, gave me a good laugh Thanks!
        Keep up writing! And yes, I’ll be your number one visitor/reader/ commenter. Good luck ak!

        • Finally, you took time to reply.
          Do you know how sweet of a person you are?

          I should do it, and I definitely will. Just taking a bit of a long time than I had expected. But I will write them for sure.

          Touche. Touche. Point well made. That might be the only reason.
          Haha, stuck in traffic? Lol. For how many years? hehe.

          I hope to write novel some day. Ah, thank you so much in advance.
          And yeah, I will write the movie reviews as well. Need to watch new movies now. 😛

          I am glad that you enjoyed reading my answers.
          Why, thank you. You are so sweet. 😀

          Keep writing and reading my blog posts(everywhere). 😀

          • Aww! Thanks! I don’t know if I am sweet. I’m just probably really like this lol! I like reading blogs. Told you, I turned out to be a reader than a writer here in WP. I spent more time reading than thinking what to write on my own blog site. Yours is probably the longest I’ve read because others are mostly poetry.
            How bad is the traffic in India? I don’t know because I haven’t been there. So maybe that’s why. She must be riding in a bus, and it got broken.
            Anyways, happy blogging!!!

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Over a cup

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Over a cup

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ