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The one in a lifetime; her.

.  .  .

She is an ocean wrapped in seashells,
that one would always want
to hold close and listen to the calmness.
As the waves clash and settle by the shore,
she walks elegantly as the gentle breeze
brushes through her hair.
the astonished eyes stare in complete awe.

She is the calm before the storm; or perhaps
she is the storm, untamed and ever so wild. And
amid all the ferocity,
she is that gentle drop of rain
that soothes the mind, the soul. Perhaps,
she is the testament of fiercely bold.

She is sunshine,
embracing in a soft delicacy
of morning freshness, the reason
for the smile that
warms the hearts
and lasts an eternity.

She is peace,
in the charades of melancholy
a comfort to the agitated mind,
a solace to the weary eyes
a misunderstood dream,
but a definite reality.

She is beauty,
unlike the painting on a canvas, or
the sunset in the ocean, that
one sits and appreciates the candor, but
A masterpiece that not only inspires to be better,
also needs to be cherished for a lifetime. Well,
she is a once in a lifetime treasure.

She is poetry,
like a million stars twinkling and
singing is a chorus in the shimmering night,
a song that strings the heart chords
drowning in a warm embrace of her eternal splendor,
to a world soothingly serene.

.  .  .


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40 responses to “She is poetry”

      • I remember you telling me you had written poems earlier. But i guess this is the first poem i have read by you. Still havnt gone through your old posts 😛

        ooohhh so much of formality….. Hmmm…..

        • What? You haven’t gone through my old posts yet? That’s not fair. I thought you were my friend. But how could you do this? How? How? How?

          Thank you, by the way. 😁
          And ofcourse. When have I not? 😝

  1. Such a subtle and sublime piece of thought, and the artistry with which it has been crafted, is a masterpiece in itself. The choice of words to the framing of sentences with such profound meanings…the flow and form is in perfect sync. Just enjoyed every bit of the words and meaning weaved in this wonderful fabric of thoughts.

  2. Gorgeous. Serene. Thank you for beginning my day with your kind words at my little blog, and continuing them here with your own lovely poem. Each stanza creates its own mood. I could sit with just this poem the remainder of the morning, and be content.

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