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Note: The continuation of the teaser. Well, not a interesting one though.

Last week when I sunk back into my chair after the semester end exams were but still the laboratory and other things were left, I was waiting for this very moment. I just wanted this week to be over as fast as possible and hoped it to be a good end. If you remember or not, I mentioned myself as a superstitious person and indeed I am. So, my fate was such that my bad luck was too bad enough. 

Last week after the semester end exams I get my things to get the Project done and complete the report asap. I do complete it, somehow. Later this last Sunday, I manage to prepare a presentation as well. I was wondering what my project batch mates would be doing! That would be a rhetorical question. Anyways, moving ahead. My mind was messed up real bad by then. And also to add to my mental tension accumulated with mental pressure, some one lost my pen drive as well. So, lets say I was dealing with not-a-good-time kind of situation. I was like I did all the work and lets see whats’ gonna happen. So, the two things which was really sick or from the beginning just happened to be more sickening of all.

Before I say anything, ROLL NO. 1 is not at all good. Seriously! NOT AT ALL. The four years of my Engineering Life I had to deal with the elements of the surprise(s) all the time. If there was a Viva-voce and I would be the first to be sacrificed. I clearly don’t have any idea about what topics they might ask, on what they would stress more. I would be just helpful for the people following me as they can prepare themselves for the tangibility of the situation and act accordingly. I have no such choice. So the previous day, we had a comprehensive viva-voce where they were supposed to ask us about what we did in the whole Engineering Life and the questions about what we studied. We were allotted a Sir and I was quite sure that he would be asking us. But like I said My bad Luck was supposed to be the worst. There was another professor who was fond of killing(technically) students by his questions. And when I heard that he was the person who would be asking a certain part of the students the questions for comprehensive viva, I was a living-dead person. I froze within myself by looking/imagining the situation and got hyped up to the extremes. I was the bait-rat here. I was tested here. I was experimented. I was the bloody effing Roll No.1 . So the moment which I never waited to come finally came. I was totally screwed up. He asked and kept asking when I mentioned him my aggregate. I was a little high than my standard and so he kept the playing of one-sided-questionare while I looked blankly at him and din’t even knew where to look. So, yeah, effing Screwed Up.

So, I get back over a messed up head and think about the next day. The coming day won’t be promising at all, I say to myself. No. I am not an optimist. A pessimist to the core. And when situations like these favor my pessimism, its’ not at all good. Nevertheless, I thought of showing the best in whatever situation it might be. I prepare not so good, but good enough to cover my ass. My batch mates were on the same page with me. The difference was I did the whole project and I made the presentation as well, but those guys seemed to know more than me. Well, lets just say they have more tactical approach than me and they prepared really very well when compared to me. So the moment comes when we just get in between and grab a place and start our presentation when the other faculty who was invigilating throws a comment on out project. Saying that this was nothing and they just copied it from the textbook. And also it contains more pages of result than the actual content. The reason for he saying all this is that he is my internal project guide. So when we were showing him the project for the last time he made the same comment. And this very person didn’t even let us finish the presentation, wait a minute, didn’t even start the presentation. The fastest to complete at the Project Review was ours and ours only. And after it was over, we called our project sir (incharge/guide) and we complained about what happened. He told us not to worry, but still my mind is a unstable freaking substance. So, I can’t help but repent. And also my batch mates are totally awesome. What would the small courtesy of Thanks have done to them? I can’t tell them anymore. And also they don’t care me anymore for they are done with me as well as Engineering. 

After all this, and the total mess my mind still thinks about movies. So I went to this freakingly awesome movie.
So far the best movie this year as far as I can remember this years movie list which I saw. 

P.S. Bored? at my screw-up.?  Should have warned you in the beginning.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ