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The other day, I went to meet my Project Sir regarding the project. Before that, I asked my batch mate to do his part of the project. Interestingly, he wasn’t even afraid of getting low marks as him warned him. Wait! He was a little afraid, as that would affect his over all score and this would upset his higher studies. Low marks would imply not getting into the interested college. So! Thats’ it from his. Afraid! So I thought he might do a little if not whole. But, the other day, I meet him accident-ly and he tells me to do his part. Dude, com’on what the hell I had been till now? Still not satisfied with my work, I guess. So far, I did the whole project almost 98% of 70% of the total project. Still not happy, I guess. I was like “You gotto be kiddin’ me”! Seriously, he was asking me to do. I didn’t see any type of fear o anything that should be there in him. While I am still afraid that I won’t be able to complete the project in the stipulated time. One thing is for sure that I can’t make him work. The most obvious reply would be that he doesn’t know anything. “You gotto be kiddin’ me!” as if I know everything! I know not one word of what I am dealing with in the project which I had been working since middle of the fourth year. 

In other News:

I have been watching a new TV series, named Fringe. If you’re following my posts, I made a post on it also about I tweeting and getting uninterrupted responses. I thought “Wow! That must be something”. It is fictional though, I agree. More appropriate word would be Fantasy. Yeah, A fantasy and something which is totally impossible to cease to exist. Seriously, com’on. Parallel Universe ! Bio-Weapons ! Impossible and totally freaking diseases ! And most of all, created by two guys. They are supposed to be saving the world by slowly destroying it with their experiments. And there is a character called Walter Bishop who after knowing that his son is dead with some rare disease and unable to save him in the time, brings his another son (replica) from the Parallel Universe. This disrupts the whole balance in the Universe, precisely the balance in the two Universes. This act of human kills so many other people because that caused the imbalance. To save one person that man has literally killed many more people. Literally, according to the story, his son is dead and this person he brought isn’t his real son either. And this small kidnap triggers the other Walter in the Parallel Universe. And he wants revenge by destroying the other world which kidnapped his son. And this is supposed to be done by his son. “You gotto be kiddin’ me” ! Seriously, this man is supposed to save the two worlds somehow for the mistake done by one man (Walter) some 25 years back. And this story still drags itself making me go LOL all the time. What makes me tick is that only person can solve all the cases regarding the incidents, which you don’t want to know and also I don’t know how to put the words into. I am still in season 3 episode 13, but it is really, seriously kidding too much. Com’on give me a break! I am still watching because what more has in store in terms of this person’s imagination, that how he drives the story. The first two seasons have been interesting, really interesting which made me watch Season 3 with much more interest. But it is turning out to be a joke. Seriously, stop kiddin’ me. If you want to watch it, I don’t know what to say actually but I can say this. Don’t keep an open mind and think that “That can’t be possible in any way!” because it is totally fiction/fantasy, each and every bit. 

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“You gotto be kiddin’ me!”

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

“You gotto be kiddin’ me!”

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ