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Day 4, Saturday 
 Favorite quote (from a person, from a book, etc).
 And why you love it.

When I first saw the topic. I felt this is the easiest of all. And then started thinking and processing in my mind filtering the best. And then I realized each one I know are better than the other and I just couldn’t land on a solid ground, Yeah. This one is perfect. Well, to start with my computer, iPod and Phone are filled with thousands of illustrative quotes. And I choose them in a way that I liked each and every one of it. So, what I thought for today is that I will post something that I wrote. No. These aren’t the best. Come on, its me, how can I ever make something inspiring quotes? I don’t really know what triggered these thoughts back in that day. But this is he best I came up with, ever.

So here they are 

And this is the last, enough with my bragging. 

Well, I can explain the last one. Te previous two are self-explanatory, right? So, this one came to my mind after I wasted the whole day, or day(s) doing particularly nothing. When I say nothing, it means nothing but includes looking at the ceiling or the rotating fan listening to the songs but not really listening. I spent a couple of days like that and one day I woke up and this struck me. I patted my back; no, not for wasting the time doing nothing and letting go off a precious day to waste, but to have come up with that short line. I really don’t know whether someone already has said this or not, but believe me it is my very own. According to me it means, if we waste today, then it becomes a wasted yesterday to which we look back and repent on not doing anything. Not just this, I could come up with many meanings. But I will leave you people with this one and probably you people can come up with much better explanation/meaning, if any. 

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