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This would sound confusing to a lot of people, as a matter of fact to every person reading my blog ( in case someone is still here, thanks for that). So, coming straight to the point I received an email from a blogger friend titled ‘Surprise ;)’ . Believe me it was a real surprise and I wasn’t expecting like this happen to my mailbox, ever. It had an attachment which was titles ‘CCD’. I knew it who had sent it. Yeah right, the ‘From’ at the top of the email also refers to the person who sent it. ( I actually saw the attachment before I read the email.) But anyways, it was a guest post. So, without much ado I present you IQ who blogs at  “Supercalifragilisticsexyalidocious™” . I can’t thank her enough. Like I told her, I am still searching for words to express my gratitude. Words don’t do justice here. A simple Thank You, or a Thank you multiplied by 100, still won’t be enough.

And believe me, the character in the story is so perfectly described as me. Not any less, not any more. I mean how could one even read someone, get to know someone that well. I think that is what is commonly known as talent. Seriously, I am blown away, like really into bits and pieces ( okay, it was a figure of speech). The post actually has 7 chapters. I actually thought of posting one chapter after the another. But anyway, I am posting all at once. 

Your Question : Why are you wasting out time with this instead of posting that guest post already ? 
I really  don’t know the answer to that question. Like I mentioned earlier, I am still searching for words and overwhelming ( if I can put it more correctly). And also that post is just too awesome to just let out for the whole world to read ( Its’ only a handful). So,.. umm.. hmm.. ! 

Thank you once again, IQ. You have no idea what this means. And wait, the best part is when I mentioned that ‘I somehow felt a little indebted’  she just said NOOO dont dont. Dosti mein kya indebted shebted pshhh“. (She probably might kill me for bringing this up in my post, but I had to. That is like most people say , “AWWW That’s sweet” . Okay I will stop now) And that, my dear friends left me speechless. 

Ajay Kontham / The Guy in the Hat / The Luminary / The Idealist / The Deathstalker 
(Simply put, One crazy geeky dude)

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A Surprise.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A Surprise.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ