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The feeling of tranquility is resonating in the fore-walls of my mind. I tried to focus, regroup the lost thoughts, but they were in vain. I tried to find the way out, but I was way too deep lost in the mist of confusion. I tried to think straight, straight? I couldn’t even think in the first place. The thoughts lost in the exasperation while I slowly dreaded from one place to another to get back on the track. I sought books, the mighty interface called the internet, but at the end of the day it was the same story. The story that didn’t move even a bit, like the story in the SOAPS, but without the melodrama of over-action. 

I am sorry to interrupt guys. But what this guy is trying to tell is that he is suffering from a severe cough and its killing him. Ok, so whenever he is trying to ramble into trying to form some out of the world sentences, you can as well figure out that he doesn’t mean a word of it. 

Well, Hello there, How have you been? Did you look at the url in the address bar? I tried my best to bring the anonymity which this guy wanted and what does he do? Showcase the world that I am not at all ANONYMOUS. It feels like telling the cops where the thief is hiding. And who’s telling this? The thief himself. It is like telling that Bruce Wayne is the Batman. Come on, everybody knows how that would look like. Now what good does wearing a cloak of invisibility hold if one knows where the person is. Somebody put some brain into this guy. 

So one of my friends asked me “Should we be worried”? after reading the Invasion story. Well, let me clear out the air. There is nothing the be worried about. Fear me not, humans, I come in Peace, you hear me? I come in Peace…. with an AK-47, a Bazooka and a truck load of grenade. This is just my back up and I assure you that there is nothing to worry. You gotto have faith in me, man…er.. ladies and gentlemen?

Last night, after spending a hefty money on nothing, I came back to my room to find my roommates glued to the TV. God, the digitization was supposed to take place effective from this month. And haven’t taken place. Well, if they were watching IPL, I wouldn’t have even had second thoughts. But they were watching the “Comedy Circus (Regional Version)”. I have mentioned about this in my previous posts. You shouldn’t be surprised if I pull a trigger at me. Believe me, the tv show is insane. No Jokes at all, whatsoever. Pure adulterated remarks and a lot of unnecessary shouting. God, how do these people even watch. I wasn’t watching but I had no other choice but to stay because the TV is in my room. God, help me. 

So, in other news… 
AK comes a little closer to identify the confusion he has been having so far… 

But seems like he hasn’t yet got the answers.
Dear AK, 
You are not obsolete man. No one even seems to recognize you anymore. You are just history. Believe me, you don’t want to read the History book. I mean it. What more? You want a little proof/assurance? Well, lets say when I come into picture, the people who once used to read your rambling are back. For eg. take IQ, for example. See, I famous, you don’t-know-what-to-call-you. The invasion seems to pay off well. Haha. 
Until Later, 
The Guy in the Hat, 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Rambling.”

  1. I thoroughly enjoyed your rambling Ajay… specially the pic 😛
    Lovely space you have…

    thanks for visiting me and giving me the opportunity to land here 🙂
    looking forward to read more..

  2. I thoroughly enjoyed your rambling Ajay… specially the pic 😛
    Lovely space you have…

    thanks for visiting me and giving me the opportunity to land here 🙂
    looking forward to read more..

  3. All those lines for a cough??? Ajay? What has gotten into you?? And what's with the domain name when you wanted anonymity? I am telling you AK, get some sleep and figure out what is that you are searching for 🙂

    Guy in the Hat,
    Yeah, when you write the word 'peace' in bold blood-red color, we have no reason to doubt you! #sarcasm

    So you too have met finally and AK asks “you” the question? Well, he is asking for it. Only God can save him!

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  4. All those lines for a cough??? Ajay? What has gotten into you?? And what's with the domain name when you wanted anonymity? I am telling you AK, get some sleep and figure out what is that you are searching for 🙂

    Guy in the Hat,
    Yeah, when you write the word 'peace' in bold blood-red color, we have no reason to doubt you! #sarcasm

    So you too have met finally and AK asks “you” the question? Well, he is asking for it. Only God can save him!

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  5. Hahahahaha yes take me for example 😀 BUT GITH, that's a far-fetched coincidence per se 😛 I was always here just fighting my own alter-ego 😉

  6. Hahahahaha yes take me for example 😀 BUT GITH, that's a far-fetched coincidence per se 😛 I was always here just fighting my own alter-ego 😉

  7. What can I say? I am just too good at writing. 😛 . I tried some icing on the hot coffee. Guess, that doesn't look as cool as it sounds. And about that, hmm… domain name.. hmm… um… No Comment . And I think I am sleeping more often these days.

    Dear K,
    You are right. 😛
    *Fires off the bazooka in the air*. 😀

    Haha. He just can't see what he is getting into.

    The Guy in the Hat.

  8. What can I say? I am just too good at writing. 😛 . I tried some icing on the hot coffee. Guess, that doesn't look as cool as it sounds. And about that, hmm… domain name.. hmm… um… No Comment . And I think I am sleeping more often these days.

    Dear K,
    You are right. 😛
    *Fires off the bazooka in the air*. 😀

    Haha. He just can't see what he is getting into.

    The Guy in the Hat.

  9. Yeah, Take you for example. 😛

    Coincidence? Far-Fertched coincidences? Dear IQ, There are no coincidences, Ma'am. And definetely no far-fetched coincidences. 😛 . Things happen. And they happen when they ought to happen. 😛

    Haha. You too. Well, Say Hi to your alter, from The Guy in the Hat (also known as Ajay's alter). Well, thanks for being here. 😀

    The Guy in the Hat

  10. Yeah, Take you for example. 😛

    Coincidence? Far-Fertched coincidences? Dear IQ, There are no coincidences, Ma'am. And definetely no far-fetched coincidences. 😛 . Things happen. And they happen when they ought to happen. 😛

    Haha. You too. Well, Say Hi to your alter, from The Guy in the Hat (also known as Ajay's alter). Well, thanks for being here. 😀

    The Guy in the Hat

  11. Hey things happening when they ought to happen and simultaneously, still coincide ;)… You accordingly cannot deny the existence of coincidences.

  12. Hey things happening when they ought to happen and simultaneously, still coincide ;)… You accordingly cannot deny the existence of coincidences.

  13. Your honour, I hazard to state that the birth of the domain name was AK's attempt, albeit subconscious, to undermine the subversive usurpation of TGITH, and establish and maintain the integrity of his identity.

  14. Your honour, I hazard to state that the birth of the domain name was AK's attempt, albeit subconscious, to undermine the subversive usurpation of TGITH, and establish and maintain the integrity of his identity.

  15. *Opens dictionary and checks the meaning of various words*.


    You think so? Well, that sums it up.
    I always thought he thought it sounded cool.
    A domain with his name. Well, it does sound cool.
    May be I will get one too. 😛

  16. *Opens dictionary and checks the meaning of various words*.


    You think so? Well, that sums it up.
    I always thought he thought it sounded cool.
    A domain with his name. Well, it does sound cool.
    May be I will get one too. 😛

  17. Guy in the hat,

    Well well, IQ's explanation here is good enough. If that's true, Ajay might be putting up a lot more fight than you thought he would. And he is making it look like he is being innocent. 😛 Let's wait and watch how this goes 😛

  18. Guy in the hat,

    Well well, IQ's explanation here is good enough. If that's true, Ajay might be putting up a lot more fight than you thought he would. And he is making it look like he is being innocent. 😛 Let's wait and watch how this goes 😛

  19. Dear K,

    Hmm… That might be true. But I don't think he got what it takes to put up a fight. Well, let him bring it on.. I am always ready, and for a fight.. I am born ready . Wait.. he is putting up an innocent act? Seems like he is playing it the hard way, huh ?
    Lets see what he will come up with.

  20. Dear K,

    Hmm… That might be true. But I don't think he got what it takes to put up a fight. Well, let him bring it on.. I am always ready, and for a fight.. I am born ready . Wait.. he is putting up an innocent act? Seems like he is playing it the hard way, huh ?
    Lets see what he will come up with.

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