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The shadows hid 

Behind the lamented light
What are they afraid of
Asked the silence that beheld 

In the shadows of glorious sculptures
Lies an untold story
What could you tell
Asked the vastness it withheld

Walking by our sides
Carrying our burdens
Why don’t they speak
Asked the rippled winds that blew

They broke the silence
The hell break loose
For the truth is harder
Than the thoughts that evaded.

Secrets they know
Lost in the hazy 
For they are everything 
You ever wished to be.

– Ajay Kontham [ 2013 ]

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0 responses to “Shadow.”

  1. So I read this earlier, and now I'm finally getting a chance to comment.

    The same thing that someone pointed out above, was what was in my mind at the first read. It does seem like the theme poem for this blog, and it's a nicely written theme poem too 🙂

  2. So I read this earlier, and now I'm finally getting a chance to comment.

    The same thing that someone pointed out above, was what was in my mind at the first read. It does seem like the theme poem for this blog, and it's a nicely written theme poem too 🙂

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ