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The sun heaved a heavy breath of cold wind that brushed through my face. It was warm, yet not warm enough. It is still cold. The year is about to end, like it always does. And people would be busy with their new year plans and preparing themselves for the next coming year. So, I wish you all a Happy and Prosperous New Year. 

Lets jump back to reality, I tell myself. A year has passed and I ask myself What have I done this year, that is different than any other year? And I continue my questions, What will the next year be like? And what will be you resolutions? 

Believe me, resolutions don’t work for me. I have been doing that as far as my memory goes back. My dad would ask me to write a few and follow them, when I was a kid. Then I made a few as I started growing up. Then I continued making those resolutions. And lets get something straight here. No matter how many years I have been making and preparing myself for the resolutions, I have never followed them. As a matter of fact, I don’t even remember what those resolutions are after the first week of January. To add to that, I even forget that I really made a few resolutions of my own. 

So, this time I am not making any resolutions. Seriously, I won’t. If I followed even one of them, I would have made and believe me it would be the biggest list ever. 

P.S. Before I end this, I am still fighting the writer’s block. So, I am posting crappy posts these days. Despite the fact that I wanted to post two hundred posts this year, I am still lagging behind by a ton and hell lot of laziness. I am trying to wake myself up and get back to the writing, but I guess I am just failing at it every single time. My apologies for this absurd post. I will try to write better next time.

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0 responses to “Year End.”

  1. This is what you write when you get a writer's block ?? then I would sure love to know what you write when you don't have a writer's block.. 🙂 🙂
    My resolution for this year is reading 50 books because I know I will read more than 50.. 😉
    You know taking resolutions leads to depression when you cannot fulfill it.. They are bad for you.. 😛 Keep this in mind if somebody asks you.. 🙂 🙂

  2. This is what you write when you get a writer's block ?? then I would sure love to know what you write when you don't have a writer's block.. 🙂 🙂
    My resolution for this year is reading 50 books because I know I will read more than 50.. 😉
    You know taking resolutions leads to depression when you cannot fulfill it.. They are bad for you.. 😛 Keep this in mind if somebody asks you.. 🙂 🙂

  3. 184 posts in a year and you call it a writer's block??? Gosh!!!

    Its been so long since I last took a resolution. I don't find it of any use. I know I'm not gonna keep up to it. So why even try.. 😛

  4. 184 posts in a year and you call it a writer's block??? Gosh!!!

    Its been so long since I last took a resolution. I don't find it of any use. I know I'm not gonna keep up to it. So why even try.. 😛

  5. Umm, Yeah.
    Okay, let me admit it, it sounds scary. Because then I would feel that I might not be reaching one's expectation.

    Oh, wow. Great.
    Yeah, I know. I have never ever made resolutions for my own sake. As a matter of fact, it was always my dad's idea. Thanks for the tip. 😀

  6. Umm, Yeah.
    Okay, let me admit it, it sounds scary. Because then I would feel that I might not be reaching one's expectation.

    Oh, wow. Great.
    Yeah, I know. I have never ever made resolutions for my own sake. As a matter of fact, it was always my dad's idea. Thanks for the tip. 😀

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Year End.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Year End.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ