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Tag: Infatuation

Picture of Ajay Kontham

Ajay Kontham

Software Engineer | Photographer | Blogger | Developer

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


A Happy Beginning


V. Epiphany A HAPPY BEGINNING << IV. Zephyr VI. Anguish >> .  .  . A farewell is a promise to meet again.  Story so far:

A Happy Beginning


“Love happens when one least expects it” IV. Zephyr A HAPPY BEGINNING .   .   . << III. Suspicion V. Epiphany >> So far in ‘A Happy

A Happy Beginning


III. Suspicion A HAPPY BEGINNING << II. Unsaid Words IV. Zephyr >> With time, everything flourishes. Story so far: Suhas inquired Siri about where he

A Happy Beginning

Unsaid Word

II. Unsaid words A HAPPY BEGINNING .   .   . << I. The Chemistry III. Suspicion >> Sometimes, the words unsaid, say quite a lot. So

A Happy Beginning

The Chemistry

I. The Chemistry A HAPPY BEGINNING << Prologue II. Unsaid Words >> All it takes is a moment to light the spark of a lifetime.

Lunch Box Journal


Chapter XLIII Inordinate: The Lunch Box Journal ______ He checked the time. He barely slept for an hour and there were already 3 missed calls from

Lunch Box Journal

The Surprise

Chapter XLI The Surprise: The Lunch Box Journal ______ Story so far: What did Aryan have in store for? How was Neil after marriage? Did Srestha finally

Lunch Box Journal

The Other Side

Chapter XXXVIII The Other Side: The Lunch Box Journal ______ Story so far: Gautham was getting ready for his overseas assignment and he is in the

Lunch Box Journal

Breaking Ice

Chapter XXXII Breaking ice: The Lunch Box Journal ______ Story so far: In one hot afternoon, the normal conversations at the lunch table turned serious and

Lunch Box Journal

A Christmas Treat

Chapter XXI A Christmas Treat: The Lunch Box Journal ______ Unplanned rains and chilly mornings, but chillier office floors; stars and lights brightening the night: it was

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