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Tag: Photo Prompt

Picture of Ajay Kontham

Ajay Kontham

Software Engineer | Photographer | Blogger | Developer

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


Over a cup

.addiction ___ Anything can over a cup of coffee. It is more of a hypothetical situation where in people are put in a sort of  dilemma

As simple as it gets

| Simplicity | ___ Flower Show xx17, Bengaluru, Karnataka © ajaykontham © theShadedShadows  © FramedParadox 

Flavored Pink

| Flavored Pink | ___ Flower Show xx17, Bengaluru, Karnataka © ajaykontham © theShadedShadows  © FramedParadox 

Red Bouquet

| Red Bouquet | ___ Flower Show xx17, Bengaluru, Karnataka © ajaykontham © theShadedShadows  © FramedParadox 


| Solitude |  We find ourselves among charades of people, running around in the monotony of life. We keep ourselves busy, from one hurdle to another; or

Vibance | #SereneSaturday

Z Point, Chikamangalur, Karnataka  © ajaykontham  _____ #SereneSaturday. Why Saturdays?  Because it is in between Friday, the most anticipated day and Sunday the day we

It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

… without stars hanging in our houses, driveways, shops, restaurants, or just anywhere as a matter of fact.  © ajaykontham  ______ It’s Not This Time

It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

…without reindeers flying into the sky of endless stars. Phoenix Mall, Bangalore, 2015 © ajaykontham  ______ It’s Not This Time of Year Without… A weekly

© THE SILENT WAVES 2022 | By ʞɐ

Over a cup

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Over a cup

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ