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Tag: postaweek

Picture of Ajay Kontham

Ajay Kontham

Software Engineer | Photographer | Blogger | Developer

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

… without stars hanging in our houses, driveways, shops, restaurants, or just anywhere as a matter of fact.  © ajaykontham  ______ It’s Not This Time

It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

…without reindeers flying into the sky of endless stars. Phoenix Mall, Bangalore, 2015 © ajaykontham  ______ It’s Not This Time of Year Without… A weekly

It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

…without recollecting the last time I went to a church. St. Paul’s Cathedral, Kolkata, 2015 © ajaykontham  ______ It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

Wednesday wows.

We all have mixed feelings when it comes to Wensdae..Wenesday…Wednesdays. Why? Wait, what do you mean why? It’s in the middle of the week and we

5 Things to smile about. #WebShadow

Smile is a curve that sets everything right. –Phyllis Diller I am sure each and everyone one of us agree to it. Because come on, a smile

Love – Magic ?

______ Love is Magic, they said. I don’t know, I really don’t. I have heard/seen people mesmerized by it, lost, and express it in ways

Tiny – Lanterns in the Sky.

© ajaykontham, Visakhapatnam, 2011 _____ The lanterns that flew in the moist salty air on a winter night as part of a charity event. The


Sunk in normalcy, amidst Missed opportunities and wary decisions Quit, routine of a job Treading towards passion The begin of a new chapter Welcomed with a tart. _____ Tart : A daily prompt

Row : A Haiku

Battling against the tide Impossibilities hinged odds Rowing towards success ______ Row : A weekly prompt by Haiku Horizons. (Prompt # 143) ____ I am participating in #NaBloPoMo (National

Time : Control or Manage

Time, a passed moment, a moment now, a moment later. We have always complained about time. Be it the time that passed, or the time

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2022 | By ʞɐ

It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

It’s Not This Time of Year Without…

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ