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Tag: Project Perspectice

Picture of Ajay Kontham

Ajay Kontham

Software Engineer | Photographer | Blogger | Developer

What we seek has always been in front of us; well, mostly.


Over a cup

.addiction ___ Anything can over a cup of coffee. It is more of a hypothetical situation where in people are put in a sort of  dilemma

Structured Perfection.

| Structured Perfection | ___ Flower Show xx17, Bengaluru, Karnataka © ajaykontham © theShadedShadows  © FramedParadox 

The Shades of Red.

Flower Show xx17, Bengaluru, Karnataka © ajaykontham © theShadedShadows  © FramedParadox 

Impulse Imbalance.

There’s a madness in the mind, the uproar that deafens the conscious thoughts. Sense, the essential ingredients keeping everything together collapses like the sand castle to the

Chaotic Scrutiny

Thoughts, a maligned interpretations of seen and unseen; scrambled over logic, sense and elusive reality. What is it called, the thoughts that haunt the living

© THE SILENT WAVES 2022 | By ʞɐ

Over a cup

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Over a cup

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ