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Time to wake up. Time to realize what on earth I am doing. Time to make a plan. Time to follow some resolutions I made a decade back, which I still haven’t implemented. Time is to change me. Change me to something, which would make me wonder “Is that me!?”

I speak about change intending to bring upon some change rather than just saying. Was there a try? Actually, No. I always wanted miracles to happen. I waited for them to happen. But I realized that miracles doesn’t happen to those who wait for them to happen. Then they are not called miracles. I always think I have a great potential. The potential to write and change something. But b-l-o-o-d-y h-e-l-l, I really don’t have. Its’ just a dream, an unspoken thought, an unheard idea. When I am away from my laptop and and not at interested in writing at the moment, I get really superb thoughts. I think for a moment. Oh wow, that was an amazing idea. I should write about it. Then I continue thinking… What if no one reads such a brilliant thought / idea, it would be of waste. I am already a l-o-s-e-r in writing and English vocabulary. And when I sit to write keeping aside my so called ego, I get just one line. And I wonder was that the ground-breaking thought / idea. NO. It was something else. I ultimately forget about it. 

Now, whatever, I will jot down whatever comes to my mind. So, I am thinking of 55-Fiction. *Laughs* ! *The Reader(YOU) Laugh (even louder)* !  Why laugh? Because I have been tormenting the idea of this fiction thing since the inception and still I haven’t made a ground on it. Anyways, whatever. I am writing. Read it if you like. Or else. F$ off ! Do something purposeful and make some money.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

In Sleep.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ