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So, Lately I have been coughing all day. And last time I tried to explain that, I was terribly on an entirely different planet. So here… 

Dying of Cough
Well, I had stacked my writing book with all sorts of topics. But that’s it. I am adding lines after lines on each page. My book is completely filled with topics but all empty pages. And the weird part is that I can’t seem to fill those empty spaces since long. I have been trying, but it just isn’t happening. Either it was mindless talk, I used to keep writing. But now, I try to reason, but no answers. May be I don’t want to waste my ink in the Parker Pen. Oh, with Parker Pen, I remember something. Back in those days, before I did Engineering, I started collecting the Parker Pens. Well, what can I say. They are smooth and look sexy. You can’t deny that. So, I collected three little costly for me pens because my friends were happy with their two bucks pen, while I would be flashing my arrow shaped cap holder on the pen on the shirt. But I never used the Pen. Well, it is costly and yeah I didn’t wanted to waste the ink. I locked them up in my drawer and kept it there for the next couple of years. Until the day I started blogging. So, I took out those pens and started writing a diary. Sometimes, I started taking to college. And then to office. Until one fine day, a friend borrows it. I asked him at the end of the day to which he replied I think I lost it. SoB. Lost it ? I couldn’t ask him for another pen. How can I? Well, at least he should have the courtesy of making the wrong a right. But I guess, he thought it was just a Pen. I swore at him for the entire night. Believe me, that scene in my mind is not pretty at all. Umm.. Ok. You lost a pen. Sorry, a Parker Pen. So what? And now, why are you bringing it up? Are you really out of topics? I thought you just said that your book is filled with topics. Did I hear wrong or were you just lying about all that? Pick one dude. Don’t kill the innocent people with ..umm… a PEN. 

Dear Mindless Talkers, 
I never understood why I didn’t sit with you when were discussing the world problem(s) like the dress of a girl you saw at IPL, or when you were fighting over your favorite actors or whatever bulls#it you talked about. I am way too glad I never participated in your debates. Now, about the situation in hand – “What’s wrong with you guys?” You don’t like something. Okay, fine. You just don’t have to shout in snooze mode for the entire day. Now the concerning issue. I am here writing about changing society, the way the society should act for the greater good, and keeping in mind the recent incidents on women. I am head over heels trying and a little bit agitated with the state of the society and most importantly, its thinking. But I seems to have failed myself in every step. The roots are here with the people sitting beside me. I am unable to incubate some sense into their petty minds. Come on, please don’t judge a person by what they wear. And please don’t throw remarks. You don’t know a thing about them, so you got no right to say anything, you piece of shit. Either you stop whatever you think you are doing, else I will have to make you stop you. And no, I am not a kind of person who would indulge in beating the crap of others, but lately I have been feeling the ting to start doing that, courtesy of you guys. 
Seriously Pissed, 
The Guy in Your Room.


In other news : TGIM. 

TGIM : Thank God, It’s Monday. 

Well, I know what you are thinking. You might be thinking that I am happy because its’ Monday. I am so sorry to disappoint you. This pic was supposed to be posted on Friday, titled under “Thank God It’s Friday”. Since I didn’t and was busy doing basically nothing so am posting now because Friday again seems to be at week’s length. And this was too good to be left out hanging there for a week. So, I decided to change and Post it on Monday. Anyways, The picture is perfect, innit? Well, not for me. But put your face there. Now, that’s Picture Perfect. I know you guys are really happy for Monday, but you put up a face like you hate Monday. I know I am right about this. And I won’t believe if you guys denied the fact. 

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0 responses to “Time Passing.”

  1. Okay, Why would I like Mondays? How can you say that!!!!

    About your room mates, have you tried telling them to shut up already? Yes? And still they are going on? Yes, you can beat the crap of these guys. No issues! 😛

    And going on about the lost pen, it's okay to do that. Don't let the guy in the hat get to you. That pen was important to you and you can absolutely crib about someone losing it that on *your* blog. 😛

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  2. Okay, Why would I like Mondays? How can you say that!!!!

    About your room mates, have you tried telling them to shut up already? Yes? And still they are going on? Yes, you can beat the crap of these guys. No issues! 😛

    And going on about the lost pen, it's okay to do that. Don't let the guy in the hat get to you. That pen was important to you and you can absolutely crib about someone losing it that on *your* blog. 😛

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  3. Well, I learnt what a Parker Pen is. I agree, they look nice and sexy, and I've had a few pens like them over the years, but I always prefer to use the average plastic ball-point for scribbling away in my notebooks. Don't know why, it's just easier to keep thoughts flowing when you're not conscious of every drop of ink being quantified. The less of a big deal I make of whatever I'm thinking, and then writing down, it's just easier to think naturally and without pressure…and I know whatever I do scribble down doesn't necessarily need to be blogged or the final draft…

    So go ahead and write about pens 😛 At least years later you will remember exactly whatever you were experiencing, even it was only about pens 😛 The pen is mightier than the sword;)

    And yeah I hate people gossiping and judging grrr.

  4. Well, I learnt what a Parker Pen is. I agree, they look nice and sexy, and I've had a few pens like them over the years, but I always prefer to use the average plastic ball-point for scribbling away in my notebooks. Don't know why, it's just easier to keep thoughts flowing when you're not conscious of every drop of ink being quantified. The less of a big deal I make of whatever I'm thinking, and then writing down, it's just easier to think naturally and without pressure…and I know whatever I do scribble down doesn't necessarily need to be blogged or the final draft…

    So go ahead and write about pens 😛 At least years later you will remember exactly whatever you were experiencing, even it was only about pens 😛 The pen is mightier than the sword;)

    And yeah I hate people gossiping and judging grrr.

  5. Because it's Monday. And from what I have heard, you LOVE working and especially going to office. 😛 No?

    Oh yeah, I have. I fully intend to. Someday, sooner or later they are gonna face the wrath of the unseen side of me. 😛 #SeriouslyNotKidding

    Haha. The Guy the what? Who is that? Yeah, right. My Blog. My Rules. My cr@ppy posts. 😛

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  6. Because it's Monday. And from what I have heard, you LOVE working and especially going to office. 😛 No?

    Oh yeah, I have. I fully intend to. Someday, sooner or later they are gonna face the wrath of the unseen side of me. 😛 #SeriouslyNotKidding

    Haha. The Guy the what? Who is that? Yeah, right. My Blog. My Rules. My cr@ppy posts. 😛

    Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

  7. Oh, yeah. There is that right. I sometimes think about wasting the precious ink. But then again I enjoy writing with it. So, even if were a little costly, I wouldn't mind spending that few extra bucks. And you are absolutely right. it's just easier to think naturally and without pressure.

    Haha. Well, then More pen stories just ahead of you. 😛 And yeah, The Pen is mightier than the sword. 😀

    I mentally kill them.. umm..with swords.. or more like with Pens. 😀

  8. Oh, yeah. There is that right. I sometimes think about wasting the precious ink. But then again I enjoy writing with it. So, even if were a little costly, I wouldn't mind spending that few extra bucks. And you are absolutely right. it's just easier to think naturally and without pressure.

    Haha. Well, then More pen stories just ahead of you. 😛 And yeah, The Pen is mightier than the sword. 😀

    I mentally kill them.. umm..with swords.. or more like with Pens. 😀

  9. Ginger tea?
    You know what? I have been drinking col drink with a few ice cubes in it. And the frequency has increased many folds since I got this cough. And you say ginger tea. Guess, its' just not my cuppa tea. 😛

  10. Ginger tea?
    You know what? I have been drinking col drink with a few ice cubes in it. And the frequency has increased many folds since I got this cough. And you say ginger tea. Guess, its' just not my cuppa tea. 😛

  11. And one day you will fill the blanks and that empty pages become fruitfull blogs then!
    Lol@Parker pen : shit happens! 😛

    Imagine hearing all that happen in tamil! Welcome to the world of pissed guy in my room!

  12. And one day you will fill the blanks and that empty pages become fruitfull blogs then!
    Lol@Parker pen : shit happens! 😛

    Imagine hearing all that happen in tamil! Welcome to the world of pissed guy in my room!

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Time Passing.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ