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I saw
Innocence in the child’s eyes
Maturity of an old man’s knowledge
Arrogance in a teenager’s stubbornness
 Dedication in the soldier’s devotion

I saw
Strength of the youth’s unity
Excellence of a teacher’s intellectuality
Knowledge of a scientist’s enthusiasm
Loyalty of a friend’s devotion

I saw
 Carelessness of the politicians’ decisions
Jealousy in the hated envious
Wickedness in an enemy’s immorality
Injustice to innocent’s helplessness

I saw
Pride in the parent’s love
Hope in the struggling eyes
Peace in the agitated minds
Faith in the humanity’s endeavor

because I can spell the alphabets in reverse.

#Niche #ISaw #Emotions 
#AlphabetN #LetterN #Day13 ( Day 15)


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