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I have just crossed the 150th post in the timeline of my 2 years of blogging. Two years and just 150 posts, you may ask. Yeah, that was the most I could do. Now that I am bringing new changes to the blog everytime, I think it will take some time to stabilize. And don’t get confused by looking at the followers number. That is based on the policy, You follow mine, I will follow yours. Stupid, though. Most of it is from The Blog Frog, where everyone is interested in increasing the follower count, no matter what the content may be. When I crossed the 100th follower count, I stopped adding people. Now I am actually following more than 500 bloggers, of which nearly half of them are mom-bloggers, I guess. And when I looked at the hit counts, I am very much pleased to see the number; not only pleased but shocked also. How could this happen? Later I found out that I had registered my blog in many sites which I myself don’t remember. And whenever I post a new blog-post, as it goes through those sites which basically do the publishing thing on facebook, twitter, buzz, etc., the count gets increased. So actually anyone reading my blog, I get nearly 30+ page hits, if just I post. So, I can say, you people have been deceived. 

 As I open my blog page everyday with a thought of atleast comment, I find none. None. Though I dont care that much. At least it would make me happy. Later I speck the stats and the number seems pretty high. Like I said before, the publishing sites. Henceforth, the country which it shows in the page view list is nearly equal to India.

Now that I am planning the changes, though I know that nothing would change actually. So I am changing. I have said earlier about the privatization of the blog. This is due for now, but later with in this week, I surely will. And why am I doing that ? I got a reason, which I might tell after the Dussera Vacation, if you are lucky enough or say I am unlucky enough ( 😛 ) ! Though I may give the brief outline about what I may write in the blog afterwards. It is mostly the experiences which I faced and I didn’t let the people know about it. The hard reality about me ( lol, as if I am a great person where I am having a mass following; funny ) which happened and wish to have happened. Though there will be no one reading except a few to whom I will give the privileges. Rest, even if you read, you will just mark it a  rubbish post. 

Till my next post then ! 

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A Post.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ