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The world was getting out of hand. There should be someone to put an end to all this. The police and the change-makers were never able to achieve anything except fight for their own gain. They cared the least about the people. The world was going to end, to which everyone preferred oblivion. People started lose hope. They wanted someone to save them from the misery that surrounded them. They wanted a savior to save them, to put an end to the atrocities of the evil that was becoming strong with each passing day. 

The city turned dark. All the electricity was taken off. And there was a light from the top of a building which made its way into the sky. A symbol. People started staring up at the sky, at the mysterious shape that just formed on the dark night clouds which shone in the cold moon light. The city power was restored to its normal life but there was silence everywhere. People stared in awe at the mysterious shape that look like a duck. DUCK, was what made then wonder whether they were seeing what they think they were seeing. Confusion surrounded everyone. Amid all the chaos that haunted the minds of the people, a light music broke the silence. People stared all around them. The music grew louder with each second. And then they saw what they hadn’t ever expected to see. 

A flying music thing which looked like an iPod Shuffle but music was coming out of it loud enough for the entire city to hear it. Then there came the mysterious man jumping over the buildings. People realized that this was a dream and this couldn’t be happening. Because what they saw, they couldn’t sleep that night, nor any night that followed that week. 

Before people could find a name to call this ‘thing’, the music itself gave the people the name – “Bathman”. 

P.S. I came across this a couple of days ago and this looked umm.. superhero type, not exactly,  kind of funny actually. I got a couple of such pics. Lets see how this turns out to be. And this is acquired from the app called “Bitstrips” presently accessible from a Facebook profile. 

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0 responses to “A Superhero.”

  1. He starts scrubbing with his supersoap and then these huge soap bubbles float around the villains and capture them. If he chooses to, tiny bubbles float into their noses and mouths choking them to a -dirty-mouth-washed-with-soap death.

    Autopsy room:

    “Err, strange, cannot find a real cause of death, except…”

    “Except what, man? Cmon spill it.”

    “It's probably nothing…but the blood tests show a slightly elevated concentration of CH3 (CH2)16COONa..”

    “Da F?”

    “Ahh, sodium stearate, for one…well in combination, suffice it to say” Geekily pushes up his glasses, “Soap.”

    “Holy smokes. It's Bathman!”



    “You uh, lisped..”

    *Cop punches the coroner*

  2. He starts scrubbing with his supersoap and then these huge soap bubbles float around the villains and capture them. If he chooses to, tiny bubbles float into their noses and mouths choking them to a -dirty-mouth-washed-with-soap death.

    Autopsy room:

    “Err, strange, cannot find a real cause of death, except…”

    “Except what, man? Cmon spill it.”

    “It's probably nothing…but the blood tests show a slightly elevated concentration of CH3 (CH2)16COONa..”

    “Da F?”

    “Ahh, sodium stearate, for one…well in combination, suffice it to say” Geekily pushes up his glasses, “Soap.”

    “Holy smokes. It's Bathman!”



    “You uh, lisped..”

    *Cop punches the coroner*

  3. Haha. Lol.

    You got a point. But, to be literal, how else could one represent the “Bathman” ? That duck is usually that squishy thing people use in their bath tub, isn't it? That relevance, I guess. 😛

  4. Haha. Lol.

    You got a point. But, to be literal, how else could one represent the “Bathman” ? That duck is usually that squishy thing people use in their bath tub, isn't it? That relevance, I guess. 😛

  5. Glad, we are on the same page. 😛

    Umm, I guess. But I had nothing to do with it. It is a predefined template.I just can add text or change my appearance and position. The rest is just the template that I used provided by that app.

    Wait for it, Madam. There are just 6 more pics to weave the story. Just give me some time to put all of them here, please.

  6. Glad, we are on the same page. 😛

    Umm, I guess. But I had nothing to do with it. It is a predefined template.I just can add text or change my appearance and position. The rest is just the template that I used provided by that app.

    Wait for it, Madam. There are just 6 more pics to weave the story. Just give me some time to put all of them here, please.

  7. Worry not. I will explain.

    If you are on Facebook, go to this app : Bitstrips . It is an app where we can create our own avatar. And then when you are done with it, there are some predefined situations where were are like cartoons. So, the pic that you see is one of such situations/ pre defined scenarios.

    So, I found it funny and tried to weave a story out of that. There are still a bunch of such photos, like a parody of Batman, but rather in a funny way. Whoever made those had a good sense of humor. I was just using that in my blog. Plus, that guy in the pic is myself. And no, I don't go around walking with a towel over my head and neither with that suit.
    This is just for fun.
    And when you are free try that app. It is just awesome. You can edit yourself, add captions, thought bubbles and the best part is that you can add one more of your friend in the pic. When more such pics come, you will get to know about it.

    Hope I was clear enough. Or did I just ruin your night ? :/

  8. Worry not. I will explain.

    If you are on Facebook, go to this app : Bitstrips . It is an app where we can create our own avatar. And then when you are done with it, there are some predefined situations where were are like cartoons. So, the pic that you see is one of such situations/ pre defined scenarios.

    So, I found it funny and tried to weave a story out of that. There are still a bunch of such photos, like a parody of Batman, but rather in a funny way. Whoever made those had a good sense of humor. I was just using that in my blog. Plus, that guy in the pic is myself. And no, I don't go around walking with a towel over my head and neither with that suit.
    This is just for fun.
    And when you are free try that app. It is just awesome. You can edit yourself, add captions, thought bubbles and the best part is that you can add one more of your friend in the pic. When more such pics come, you will get to know about it.

    Hope I was clear enough. Or did I just ruin your night ? :/

  9. OoooooooAaaaaaaa
    I got it ya I got it (I say this in much excitement!!!)
    I mean when I first read the post I was like what the hell is wrong with you! So then I read the comments hoping for some solace but I just got lost. But now I totally got it!
    The app sounds good but since I am not on fb so I will take your word for it.
    Umm now since I got the whole situation I must say as much as bathman sounds weird, I like the uniform and specially that towel turban. I wonder how you would look in them though (can't really imagine since I don't know how you look).
    Well we do need such bathmen for the benefit of the society!

  10. OoooooooAaaaaaaa
    I got it ya I got it (I say this in much excitement!!!)
    I mean when I first read the post I was like what the hell is wrong with you! So then I read the comments hoping for some solace but I just got lost. But now I totally got it!
    The app sounds good but since I am not on fb so I will take your word for it.
    Umm now since I got the whole situation I must say as much as bathman sounds weird, I like the uniform and specially that towel turban. I wonder how you would look in them though (can't really imagine since I don't know how you look).
    Well we do need such bathmen for the benefit of the society!

  11. Glad we are on the same page, finally. 😛
    Excited much?

    You thought like that! Frankly speaking you were right to think like that. Oh, lost with the comments as well!

    I feared as much. You are another person with no Facebook. I think it's a good thing in a way. But I just want to know how come? You are one serious bookworm and I am picturing you as a very studious person.

    It is weird, no doubt! Lol. I would rather recommend you not to think any further about it. I assure you it is not a pretty picture, with that suit or normally as well.

    Yeah, we do. 😛

  12. Glad we are on the same page, finally. 😛
    Excited much?

    You thought like that! Frankly speaking you were right to think like that. Oh, lost with the comments as well!

    I feared as much. You are another person with no Facebook. I think it's a good thing in a way. But I just want to know how come? You are one serious bookworm and I am picturing you as a very studious person.

    It is weird, no doubt! Lol. I would rather recommend you not to think any further about it. I assure you it is not a pretty picture, with that suit or normally as well.

    Yeah, we do. 😛

  13. i was very excited you know i was really lost!!!
    no facebook bcz of my dad initially he said no; but when he said i could, i just didn't feel like having one, it was pointless to me! so nothing related to me being a bookworm! 🙂

    why not a pretty picture?!?! i think it is a pretty picture all right, after all you are my brother
    it has to be:P

  14. i was very excited you know i was really lost!!!
    no facebook bcz of my dad initially he said no; but when he said i could, i just didn't feel like having one, it was pointless to me! so nothing related to me being a bookworm! 🙂

    why not a pretty picture?!?! i think it is a pretty picture all right, after all you are my brother
    it has to be:P

  15. Yeah, I know. I can see that. 😛

    Well, okay. By the have you seen the new MTS 3G plus advertisement? #BornForTheInternet
    So, you didn't join because it was pointless. I agree, it is pointless. But what do you do in free time? You really are a studious person, aren't you?
    I guess, no twitter or instagram or any social networking, right ?
    Nothing related to you being bookworm : That implies that you are a bookworm! Point duly noted ! It's actually good. Nice to know. 😀

    In my mind I went like, “Awww, that's cute”.
    But nevertheless, Thanks sis. 🙂 😀
    (But frankly, its' not a pretty picture. Believe me! )

  16. Yeah, I know. I can see that. 😛

    Well, okay. By the have you seen the new MTS 3G plus advertisement? #BornForTheInternet
    So, you didn't join because it was pointless. I agree, it is pointless. But what do you do in free time? You really are a studious person, aren't you?
    I guess, no twitter or instagram or any social networking, right ?
    Nothing related to you being bookworm : That implies that you are a bookworm! Point duly noted ! It's actually good. Nice to know. 😀

    In my mind I went like, “Awww, that's cute”.
    But nevertheless, Thanks sis. 🙂 😀
    (But frankly, its' not a pretty picture. Believe me! )

  17. Ya seen the ad; cute nd funny yet idiotic and really stupid, but I liked the baby! Why r u asking this though?

    Nope no social networking for me, I am more of a 'lets talk on the phone' kind of person
    #confession – the only 'social “net”working' I hav ever done is through Blogger!!!

    It has nothing to do with me being a bookworm!!! Just never really felt the need to have a fb account. I have all my frnds rite here wid me who I meet on a daily basis nd live in my neighborhood too [well used to now that school is over!:-( ] nd plus trust me I really do find it pointless and a huge time wastage
    As far as me being a bookworm is concerned take my word for it – I am not! I like reading fiction and all this physics nd chemistry bore me!

    In my free time I used to listen to songs nd sing nd dance now I am addicted to Blogger so most of my free time goes here
    Out of 24 hours I sleep 8, study 8 and rest for the rest 8 thats my schedule for the past 2 years

    In my mind I am going like Aaawww!!! you are so cute
    😛 😉

  18. Ya seen the ad; cute nd funny yet idiotic and really stupid, but I liked the baby! Why r u asking this though?

    Nope no social networking for me, I am more of a 'lets talk on the phone' kind of person
    #confession – the only 'social “net”working' I hav ever done is through Blogger!!!

    It has nothing to do with me being a bookworm!!! Just never really felt the need to have a fb account. I have all my frnds rite here wid me who I meet on a daily basis nd live in my neighborhood too [well used to now that school is over!:-( ] nd plus trust me I really do find it pointless and a huge time wastage
    As far as me being a bookworm is concerned take my word for it – I am not! I like reading fiction and all this physics nd chemistry bore me!

    In my free time I used to listen to songs nd sing nd dance now I am addicted to Blogger so most of my free time goes here
    Out of 24 hours I sleep 8, study 8 and rest for the rest 8 thats my schedule for the past 2 years

    In my mind I am going like Aaawww!!! you are so cute
    😛 😉

  19. Nothing as such. That little kid is full on with internet thing and socializing with the whole world right after he was born.

    Oh, okay. So, you happen to be second person I know who doesn't have a FB.
    And wow, that's good. I haven't spoken to anyone on phone except to my family and relatives. This whatsapp has connected us together, if I could say! And I have never received any calls either who would talk about their day or whatever!

    And it isn't a confession. Confession is something you make when you do something that is wrong. But blogging is a privilege and writing is a form of expression that is beautiful in itself. And you are doing it perfectly. So, don't tag it as confession. 🙂

    I agree with the huge time wastage thing. I have been wandering from one place to another and frankly speaking the friends I had were kind of limited. So, I started off with the social networking thing just to get in touch with all them. Though many might (already) forget(forgot) me, but still something to keep the memories afresh (for my sake, may be).

    I just have to take your word then. #Trust

    Oh great! Writing is also good. #goodGoingThere
    So all this blogging, occasional listening to music and dancing is in the 8 hours time period? Great. You have a schedule. That's a good thing. What's better is you have been following this for the past 2 years. Wow. #Superb

    Haha. Thanks, I guess. 😀

  20. Nothing as such. That little kid is full on with internet thing and socializing with the whole world right after he was born.

    Oh, okay. So, you happen to be second person I know who doesn't have a FB.
    And wow, that's good. I haven't spoken to anyone on phone except to my family and relatives. This whatsapp has connected us together, if I could say! And I have never received any calls either who would talk about their day or whatever!

    And it isn't a confession. Confession is something you make when you do something that is wrong. But blogging is a privilege and writing is a form of expression that is beautiful in itself. And you are doing it perfectly. So, don't tag it as confession. 🙂

    I agree with the huge time wastage thing. I have been wandering from one place to another and frankly speaking the friends I had were kind of limited. So, I started off with the social networking thing just to get in touch with all them. Though many might (already) forget(forgot) me, but still something to keep the memories afresh (for my sake, may be).

    I just have to take your word then. #Trust

    Oh great! Writing is also good. #goodGoingThere
    So all this blogging, occasional listening to music and dancing is in the 8 hours time period? Great. You have a schedule. That's a good thing. What's better is you have been following this for the past 2 years. Wow. #Superb

    Haha. Thanks, I guess. 😀

  21. Well I guess for people like you fb is a boon:-)
    Well who knows I may have one when I get into college to stay in touch with my school frnds. Lets see!
    Well you know in today's world when I say I don't have a fb accnt people frown at me nd glare at me. So it does feel like I have done some thing terribly wrong! :-S

  22. Well I guess for people like you fb is a boon:-)
    Well who knows I may have one when I get into college to stay in touch with my school frnds. Lets see!
    Well you know in today's world when I say I don't have a fb accnt people frown at me nd glare at me. So it does feel like I have done some thing terribly wrong! :-S

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A Superhero.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

A Superhero.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ