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Hello there, 

Last time, I mentioned about deleting the blog or doing some changes since I had this stupid feeling that I wasn’t shown any love by anyone, metaphorically speaking of course. And that I will start up afresh. Or rekindle this existing blog somehow. But I sure have hurt a few people by even mentioning it which I deduced from the comments I received. So, my sincere apologies to even have mentioned it in the first place. I will not delete this blog, but rekindle? Hell yeah. But, with time perhaps. So, I just wanted to thank the people reading especially Red Handed and Aathira for being so generous for being able to give a shout. Thank you. Because of you two, I am totally over the idea of deleting and am hoping never to visit that thought ever again. But the change is on its way, a slow process perhaps. Just hang on, I guess. Poor choice of words, again? Anyway, take care.

– Ajay Kontham

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0 responses to “After all.”

  1. I am glad. Blogs like yours should not die. You need honesty? I did not comment on a few of your blog posts not because they were long but because they were a little too big worded and metaphorical for me. I dont know how to put it. ;/
    Dont hate me. I know nothing. I am giving my reason for not commenting. Thats all.
    Some posts I read..but had nothing to comment.

  2. And that's what I wanted to hear. Thank you.

    You are right. I guess I was just trying too hard to impress may be. I don't know. Big worded and metaphorical are just the right words.

    How can I ever hate you for being honest? You are an amazing writer and I love that you took time to comment, which perhaps you would have skipped unless it was necessary, which again I totally understand. So, yeah, thanks for dropping by and even more thanks for your opinions.

  3. So that's what you want? My feedback would be try more varieties and genres in writing. Get out of your comfort zone. Write a fiction pirce, then a philosophical one, then a poetry and spin your abstracts in between. I am not asking you to change your style, make it more in layers. That's my feedback and personal opinion.

    And don't ever think of shutting down something which you started for yourself.

  4. Phew! I disappear for a while and I come back to this! Well I am glad you're still here. And I assure you that you're not the only one feeling the entire lack of “love”, if that's what you want to call it. I'm on the same boat as you… But like you, I'm also planning to rekindle..or at least return to being a consistent, active blogger!

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After all.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

After all.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ