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I don’t feel it. I don’t feel the turbulence, I don’t feel the anxiety, I don’t feel anything. I don’t feel satisfied. I don’t feel completed. I don’t feel sad. I don’t feel happy. I feel nothing. What might be the reason? I asked myself. I didn’t feel the answer as well. Well, literally I can say that I am done with my Engineering. But still I am done with it,right? Why don’t I feel anything?  The Facebook status of my friends were just beyond my idea of what I should be feeling. Some are missing the others while some are tagging the BTECH  word at the end of their name. What should I be doing?  No . No. Don’t look at me and serve the question back to me. No. I was thinking I should also do it. Whatsay? Ajay Kontham,X,XII,B-Tech. So far so. So what do you think? Don’t tell me it sounds lame. It does?  I don’t think so. Even if it does, just go with it because it is true to the fact and probably I may print my visiting cards like this only. And any additions will be added if at all I get a little lucky just like you, yeah! like you. 

So, my Engineering is over. I wanted to post a Kick-ass Post and also wanted to create a meme. Well, I am not good at meme’s nor at writing a kickass post.I was just thinking. So now the question : How was my BTech Engineering Life? (Something like Self-Interview) so that I can reference it from the future when need be. By the way I wanted to tell another thing. Out of a class of 66, hmm…err… say about 1 or 0 people would remember me a decade from now, or as a matter of fact 2 years from now! I can surely bet on the decade part, but the 2 years part is little bit difficult because these guys have amazing memory power. Then what about a decade from now? No, I am not saying that their memory would deteriorate or something. Its just that they would choose not to remember. Yes! I am not a popular guy. And also, I will write about each and every guy I can remember. My friends don’t know but I have a very bad memory power. I bet they would disagree with that, but ‘fact’ is a ‘fact’, right? 

So, coming to the question about the four years of explicit engineering. Let me start with the experience and the extent of knowledge I might have engulfed. I think its’ a lot. And also that’s a lot to take in! My dad would have studied the half of what I had studied in the whole 4 years. But still when he says “You are saying as if we didn’t study Engineering” , It just pisses me off. That was well over 15 years, somewhere near 20 years may be and still compares with the present. Not good. Wait a minute, I got off the line. 

Now coming back.. My friends got a little sentimental. Some did give a speech about it in the Get-Together party. He was getting all emotional and all, and I was dumbstruck. I had a camera in my hand and I had no idea what to do when he was getting all emotional. And some of the other people also in my hostel haven’t revealed it, but they are all senti from inside. Seriously, I don’t feel a thing. Must be something is seriously wrong with me, right?  I second your thoughts. Well, whatever, my Engineering Life ended at the blink of an eye. Seriously! There were days when I thought when this day would come. And now I feel like it was just yesterday that I joined the Engineering and now I am leaving it. Most probably, what I am gonna miss is the BEACH. No other place has a serene beauty as this. Well, so far I haven’t been to any other beaches. So, yeah! This is the best so far!

The post ended at the earlier para. This is an extension. I am writing this because, I didn’t get a topic for my post. So, i googled “Person with no feelings is called?” and the results showed ‘Sociopath’, ‘Heartless’, ‘Insensitive’, ‘Cold-Hearted’ ,etc ! And now I am wondering….

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0 responses to “College-Aftermath.”

  1. Lol. You're not a person without feelings! What are you thinking? You're full of feelings, only difference is that those feelings differ from the so called “normal” people's thoughts.

    And I think your feelings are rather easier to relate to. Although I still have a far way till the end of university/college, I'm going to be in the same position as you next year, when I graduate from high school. And I have a feeling, I'm going to feel the same way as you do right now =]

  2. Lol. You're not a person without feelings! What are you thinking? You're full of feelings, only difference is that those feelings differ from the so called “normal” people's thoughts.

    And I think your feelings are rather easier to relate to. Although I still have a far way till the end of university/college, I'm going to be in the same position as you next year, when I graduate from high school. And I have a feeling, I'm going to feel the same way as you do right now =]

  3. Haha! I was just wondering because I couldn't relate the feeling of departure from my college with any of my friends who are feeling sad.

    On second thought, you are absolutely right. My feelings are different from 'normal' people. 😀

    Oh another year then. I am sure you won't have 'no feeling' like me. And I hope you will write a nice poem on that. 😛
    All the Best for Another year. 🙂
    Take Care.

  4. Haha! I was just wondering because I couldn't relate the feeling of departure from my college with any of my friends who are feeling sad.

    On second thought, you are absolutely right. My feelings are different from 'normal' people. 😀

    Oh another year then. I am sure you won't have 'no feeling' like me. And I hope you will write a nice poem on that. 😛
    All the Best for Another year. 🙂
    Take Care.

  5. Thanks 🙂 and I'll try out a poem, but I'll see 🙂

    And its better to be different, then to fall under the category of normal. =]…. At least that's what I think..

  6. Thanks 🙂 and I'll try out a poem, but I'll see 🙂

    And its better to be different, then to fall under the category of normal. =]…. At least that's what I think..

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