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Note: You will find some of the text in the other font, which are the ‘voice(s) in my head’.

Ground Zero.
Back to square one. “Bigity bigity bang bang”, I don’t where I heard this but it is kind of stuck in my mind. And I say the phrase whenever I get into trouble. And this is a synonymous gesture to banging the head either on a table/wall/or both. Day before yesterday, we had a presentation. One thing is for sure, I suck. Tell something new, its’ an old story on repeat mode. The thing called reading in mind doesn’t usually work. I knew it earlier but didn’t care much. Now, though I know, still I don’t care much. Grow up, dude. Learn and avoid making mistakes. Thanks, but who was that ? Its’ the same old story. In short, I go there, forget everything, stammer a lot, create something new, give a bad presentation despite of the individual feedback and the key points on which I was supposed to improve myself upon by my faculty who monitors these things. 

Its deceiving, you know ? Everyone is not alike and every single person is not alike all the time. I am the 6E-ist at home and the time till step outside my room. I don’t know what happens outside, but the next moment I see myself and say to myself, He is such an idiot, when I get back to my senses that the person that I was referring to is a reflection of a person who seems totally like me, Wait, thats’ you only d#a#. I don’t care much, I say so all the time , but I effing care about it all the time. Why dude ? Why bother ? You have a gf ? You want to impress someone or what ? The highlighter is that I have no such avocations. But then again, I want to impress. Who man? Sir? Madam? Who ? I am a man, so I think you get the rest of the story. So, the point is that Nothing goes the way I plan” and I end up being a fool. 

For starters or for the people who don’t know me, here is a brief about the person who is wasting your time. Dude, come on, Nobody knows you here and those who know you don’t give a rats ass about what you write or have to say. May be because you don’t speak much. Well, this guy just broke the ice and took all the thunder away. So, heres the thing. I don’t speak much. Buckle up! I know that. Get to the point where you explain the reason for that. Reason ? Why bother? Isn’t it easier and better to categorize me into something called “Stupid People”. Enough of your bulls#it, get to the point. I don’t really know the reason why I don’t. Is it because 
  • I over think the other person’s response before I even deliver my thoughts ?
  • I am not sure what the response would be when I say something ?
  • I can see the other persons’ feelings on their face ? 
  • I am not sure what the other person would feel about my opinion ? 
  • If I speak out, I might remove the little doubt about how stupid I am? 
May be, these could be the reasons. So, in short I tend to think what the other person would feel/think when I say something. If they don’t reply back, it will be evident from the expression they project. Isn’t it obvious to find out when someone thinks that the other person is such a boring person. And this is the reason why don’t get into everybody’s business and poke everyone every time. I leave the people to their thoughts and their dreams. 😛

Its’ a whole different story altogether over the net. I usually can’t see the other person’s face. I could speak anything may be because I don’t see the others reaction to it except what they reply. Call me a (well, your choice) . 
So, recently I kind of made an online friend. Don’t go through the 1190 people in my facebook, more than half of them are photographers from all over the world and the half of the remaining half are the profiles to share the photos and the rest is those people whom I know which filter out to nearly 300, lets say. Well, AruP..PAru… Pari (Jumbled the letters and came up with that). Thats’ something, right? Ok, fine! AP (fine with that?).  Man, You totally suck at that! [And if you(AruP) are reading this, don’t kill me]. The common thing is that we both blog and the difference is that I come up with nonsense in my blog while AP comes up with mind-blowing posts. Well, anyway AP is really a nice person. Moving On. 

Now, coming the to side-header. People keep asking me, telling me, referring me, etc things that I am one silent person and they’ve quite made up their minds, well at least some of them. The new people I meet would ask me the reason and tell me to speak up more often , while some of the other new think I am pretending to be a nice guy and does things perfectly. Thats’ a sarcastic remark, dude. Yeah, I know that, thanks for mentioning again. 

By the way, I mentioned about the online friend because AP would be surprised if we meet in person and then I would be the silent guy and AP would be pretty confused whether I am the same person who met over the web at Twitter. So, what do you want me to do about it, huh? Now, loose the baloon, cut the chase, skip the topic. 


Okay, Now I have to tell this. Till now, I would get some sort of Super Power in some point of time. But when I shared a photo on the facebook, more like a meme kind of thing, I cam to know there are so many other people like me hoping that some miracle would happen and get to one of the super hero of their dreams. Well, now on, I might have to subside this pat of my imagination. Hmm… that would mean I have to stop thinking 90% of what I think. Seriously, thats’ something man. You are a superhero for 90% of your thoughts.

I’ve another super-quality. I can over think and just don’t see what going on in front of me. Lemme simplify it a bit. We usually have classes and I, as a known fact don’t know anything. Each morning I make up my mind that I will have to buckle up and show what I got (though, I got nothing, just like some inspiration to work on). So, the classes begin and I am attentive the first few minutes, hmm… more like 1 minute. Then I don’t know what happens, I get to my senses when the person teaching makes eye contact with me. I was projecting some movie in my mind which hmm, well I shouldn’t say. You can relate it to the above mentioned para and rest of the time its me kicking some ass where ever the mind pleases to go. 

Here, someone got to help me. Here’s the thing. There are so many good looking people around. There have been and there are and probably there will be. Its always about the other sex, right? My post on the same is resting in the drafts which I will publish once I am through it. So, here me again, silent,calm, minding my own business ( WHICH IS ?)  , not-giving-a-s#it-about-anything, or so I pretend. There are some people that get stuck in the mind, and no matter I try I can’t get rid of them. So, I ask myself? Do I like them ? Hell No. Do I love them ? Common, man, its me here. Love? *shrugs*.What is that supposes to mean ? What? You got to be kidding me ! You are asking the wrong question. (Moving on with the questions). At least do I know them or vice versa. Hmm, I know some, some know me( I guess so). Well, the point is or the question is : What is that supposed to mean ?  Throw some light, if you happen to know anything about it. Why I mentioned this is because referring above to sentence where I mentioned about the 90% thing, contains one of these characters also. And AP(AruP, Pari), this is what I wanted to ask.(Not exactly, but its something like a beginning which I said I would mention).

Dear God Damn Voice(s) in the head,
Why don’t you effing work with me when I am writing an exam where you could help me with some of the answers? There you won’t, but here you will make me the stupidest person. I wonder how many voices speak in my head that I loose track of what I am doing /thinking , which sometimes is insanely insane. And one more thing, SHUT UP, will you ? 

P.S. : Such a waste of time. You could have watched that Abraham Lincoln and the Vampire Hunter Movie instead, right ? 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Crazy-Stupid-Life #2.”

  1. Crazy-Stupid-Life, definitely sounds like it. Lol.

    I'm sure you already know, but you over-think way too much, and you're so concerned about other people's reactions!

    I'll admit, I'm somewhat like you, or at least used to be. Now I go around making a fool of myself, and I don't care. Cause both the world, and I know that I'm leaning towards the crazy sides of things. But that's alright, cause it's me!

    Open up Ajay! You aren't as stupid as you think. And as for writing. The little notes at the end, NO! This wasn't a waste of time.

  2. Crazy-Stupid-Life, definitely sounds like it. Lol.

    I'm sure you already know, but you over-think way too much, and you're so concerned about other people's reactions!

    I'll admit, I'm somewhat like you, or at least used to be. Now I go around making a fool of myself, and I don't care. Cause both the world, and I know that I'm leaning towards the crazy sides of things. But that's alright, cause it's me!

    Open up Ajay! You aren't as stupid as you think. And as for writing. The little notes at the end, NO! This wasn't a waste of time.

  3. Wait a minute! Did you write the comment before I posted this? Because it has been just a few seconds since I posted and I was very much surprised to see a comment.
    Well, Thanks a lot (for the quick reply).

    CSL [Crazy-Stupid-Life], it is.


    And you got a nice perception. I wish, I were more like you. :/

    This is the space where I open up.

    Really? Glad, that I didn't waste your time.

  4. Wait a minute! Did you write the comment before I posted this? Because it has been just a few seconds since I posted and I was very much surprised to see a comment.
    Well, Thanks a lot (for the quick reply).

    CSL [Crazy-Stupid-Life], it is.


    And you got a nice perception. I wish, I were more like you. :/

    This is the space where I open up.

    Really? Glad, that I didn't waste your time.

  5. Yeah, I was just on blogger, reading through a friend's post, when I returned back to my dashboard, your post was there. I began reading it instantly, so that explains the speed ☺

    And that's one of the lovely things about blogging right? People who normally don't express themselves, are able to open up here without any fright…

  6. Yeah, I was just on blogger, reading through a friend's post, when I returned back to my dashboard, your post was there. I began reading it instantly, so that explains the speed ☺

    And that's one of the lovely things about blogging right? People who normally don't express themselves, are able to open up here without any fright…

  7. I've already read this twice, and I'm going to dedicate time tomorrow when I am at work and on my own to think peacefully and give you a proper response 🙂

  8. I've already read this twice, and I'm going to dedicate time tomorrow when I am at work and on my own to think peacefully and give you a proper response 🙂

  9. Okay, I need to CAPITALIZE what I say here. To let you know what I REALLY want to say.

    You know what, your voices are GREAT. Humorous. 🙂 I recommend you to write all the next posts based on your voices alone. 😀

  10. Okay, I need to CAPITALIZE what I say here. To let you know what I REALLY want to say.

    You know what, your voices are GREAT. Humorous. 🙂 I recommend you to write all the next posts based on your voices alone. 😀

  11. Okay first of all, and this is part of what I wanted to say in my first response, but your reply here makes me emphasize it. If I read it once, and it's a waste of time, why would I read it again?

    My original comment was this: Anyone who follows your blogs and leaves comments subsequent to reading your posts should indicate to you that we enjoy your posts.

    I understand you're probably frustrated with your own lack of progress in terms of how well you wish you could present, especially considering how much you prepared and ended up screwing up. That is very understandable Ajay, because it happens to most of us. You might see everyone else and think they've done such a great job and why is it just you who ends up screwing up – but because you can only be you, you're going to feel that way.

    Look at what the people above and below have to say. Do you think any of us have a gun to our heads saying we have to be nice to Ajay, and that we have to read his posts, and have to leave nice comments? No. We're all here in bloggers world because we find it a great place to let our thoughts and emotions out. Maybe that's all you did when you wrote this. Maybe you thought few people would read, maybe all you wanted was to vent without regard to who would really read. But here we are, we're reading what you have to say and we are enjoying what we read.

    “Dude, come on, Nobody knows you here and those who know you don't give a rats ass about what you write or have to say. May be because you don't speak much.” Wrong wrong and wrong. We're here because we do give a rats ass, and we do enjoy your writing.

    I'm not sure how many times we need to tell you this, but because we've all been down in the dumps I think we can also understand. Not everyone is great at every thing. Some of us are better at other things, so what if you can't be a vociferous and talkative fellow? You can think, you can write, and you take damn good photos and you enjoy it.

    Yes, it sucks that you have to do something you do not enjoy for work. But I guess that's what makes work work. I love my job, but I dislike parts of it. But overall, I tell myself I don't have it that bad. At least I don't have to be a poor poverty-stricken child who has to wake up before dawn and head to the nearest dumpster and pick for food for the rest of my family. That's how I look at it. If I can't give a damn good presentation, yes it sucks because that's what what was expected of me, but I am still going to try. Sometimes you need to take 100 photos before you get one really good picture. 🙂 Don't give up.

  12. Okay first of all, and this is part of what I wanted to say in my first response, but your reply here makes me emphasize it. If I read it once, and it's a waste of time, why would I read it again?

    My original comment was this: Anyone who follows your blogs and leaves comments subsequent to reading your posts should indicate to you that we enjoy your posts.

    I understand you're probably frustrated with your own lack of progress in terms of how well you wish you could present, especially considering how much you prepared and ended up screwing up. That is very understandable Ajay, because it happens to most of us. You might see everyone else and think they've done such a great job and why is it just you who ends up screwing up – but because you can only be you, you're going to feel that way.

    Look at what the people above and below have to say. Do you think any of us have a gun to our heads saying we have to be nice to Ajay, and that we have to read his posts, and have to leave nice comments? No. We're all here in bloggers world because we find it a great place to let our thoughts and emotions out. Maybe that's all you did when you wrote this. Maybe you thought few people would read, maybe all you wanted was to vent without regard to who would really read. But here we are, we're reading what you have to say and we are enjoying what we read.

    “Dude, come on, Nobody knows you here and those who know you don't give a rats ass about what you write or have to say. May be because you don't speak much.” Wrong wrong and wrong. We're here because we do give a rats ass, and we do enjoy your writing.

    I'm not sure how many times we need to tell you this, but because we've all been down in the dumps I think we can also understand. Not everyone is great at every thing. Some of us are better at other things, so what if you can't be a vociferous and talkative fellow? You can think, you can write, and you take damn good photos and you enjoy it.

    Yes, it sucks that you have to do something you do not enjoy for work. But I guess that's what makes work work. I love my job, but I dislike parts of it. But overall, I tell myself I don't have it that bad. At least I don't have to be a poor poverty-stricken child who has to wake up before dawn and head to the nearest dumpster and pick for food for the rest of my family. That's how I look at it. If I can't give a damn good presentation, yes it sucks because that's what what was expected of me, but I am still going to try. Sometimes you need to take 100 photos before you get one really good picture. 🙂 Don't give up.

  13. Thats' something.

    I am really sorry that I get back to the single thing of people not interested in reading my posts when they usually take time to spend a few minutes of their time to read whatever that is I write.
    Why, Thank You. 🙂

    I won't mention about it from now on.

    I will consider all your suggestions. And I really appreciate your feedback on the same. Thanks a lot. I will start afresh from and try to make up.

    (It would piss off anyone when I mention that the people are wasting their time reading my posts). So, sorry about that.

    Again, Thanks a lot.

  14. Thats' something.

    I am really sorry that I get back to the single thing of people not interested in reading my posts when they usually take time to spend a few minutes of their time to read whatever that is I write.
    Why, Thank You. 🙂

    I won't mention about it from now on.

    I will consider all your suggestions. And I really appreciate your feedback on the same. Thanks a lot. I will start afresh from and try to make up.

    (It would piss off anyone when I mention that the people are wasting their time reading my posts). So, sorry about that.

    Again, Thanks a lot.

  15. @Ajay : IQ is utterly right ☺ Do put some thought into it Ajay!

    We're all here for a reason, and you know why by now, looking at IQ's comment!

    @IQ : This is why you are IQ, because nobody else but YOU, could write such a comment! I'm not sure about Ajay, but I read this, and I related to every bit of it. The way I think over what I write, hoping that it's as good as the brilliant bloggers out there, but whatever it is, I post it.. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't post the crazy things I write,, but you know. Since reading this… No more holding back ☺

  16. @Ajay : IQ is utterly right ☺ Do put some thought into it Ajay!

    We're all here for a reason, and you know why by now, looking at IQ's comment!

    @IQ : This is why you are IQ, because nobody else but YOU, could write such a comment! I'm not sure about Ajay, but I read this, and I related to every bit of it. The way I think over what I write, hoping that it's as good as the brilliant bloggers out there, but whatever it is, I post it.. Sometimes I feel like I shouldn't post the crazy things I write,, but you know. Since reading this… No more holding back ☺

  17. You both write very well, and personally speaking, I love reading what you write. Some people (and I'm talking about most of my best friends) can't express themselves at all. Forget talking in presentations, they can't even write a sentence to express what they are thinking. So you're not that bad off Ajay 😀

  18. You both write very well, and personally speaking, I love reading what you write. Some people (and I'm talking about most of my best friends) can't express themselves at all. Forget talking in presentations, they can't even write a sentence to express what they are thinking. So you're not that bad off Ajay 😀

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Crazy-Stupid-Life #2.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Crazy-Stupid-Life #2.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ