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Dear Player,
I thought of making the point clear today. But the problem is that you never read my blog and you would never understand. I am trying to get over you as soon as possible before I do something more weird. But it seems its quite hard to make you understand. Anyways you are happy with what you are because you are yourself. Thanks for the short time. I wouldn’t expect much. Hope you don’t realize this that you are a damn player playing the game with people’s emotions. You made it very clear today. And I am happy to know that. Thank you. And don’t expect me to be like you. NEVER will that happen. Not even in dreams. I am what I am; and you be yourself. One mistake you did was that you shared one important thing and didn’t realize it till now. This made my job much more easier. Just because you are …. I gave the little freedom you ever wanted and even played your dirty puppet. But I still knew that it was all a bloody forsaken drama; Fcuking drama.! Well, I haven’t been a good actor and surely you deserve better people. And so do I, I guess. So lets just end this the easy way. mln !

Extremely Seriously,

Played One.

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Dear Player.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Dear Player.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ