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I couldn’t see the moon today.  May be today is a no-moon day. Btw what do we call it again. Hmm…er… I pass. Yesterday, I remember admiring the moon for its white illumination in the dark sky scattered with tiny white dots. 

Yesterday, I felt dizzy and I thought it must be the earthquake. But when I saw the remaining people who were working normally, I realized it me swinging, or may be feeling like that. And to make the point clear, I think I might have a little bit of fever and also cough and soar throat. Initially, I thought it was because of the all the shouting I did. You question ? I shout as well ? Was I supposed to the the silent guy and don’t-give-a-sh_t-what’s-happening-guy. You got me there. I pretend to be like that. And it has become a habit. You may also know, good habits are hard to go, er… I mean bad habits , or whatever. 

This wasn’t actually today’s’ post. I had planned to explain the last weekend, which I enjoyed a lot. But the aftermath seems to be frustratingly feverish and painful with the soar throat and all. Well, God Damn me, I had been saying this the whole day. Well, What can God do over here. Right ? Well, whatever ! I am in one hell of a situation and to add to it there comes our faculty. 

So, his story is quite different and completely over my head. Well, I won’t brag about it. Coming to the point. A lot time wasted to waste some more time. Did you get it? And in addition to that …. ‘A lot time wasted to waste more time and keep us starving’. I already feel sick and there is a presentation tomorrow and they call it the final presentation. Well, there is another final presentation. So many names clashing to one, right ? Happens sometimes where there is no clear idea of what the eff is happening around. So, there is a presentation tomorrow and I already feel like s#it and you guys probably know about me and presentations that I suck to the core. And now, this bloody running nose, feverish body, soar throat and mind blowing cough and not to forget review (also called as test or diagnostics)  , tests and re-tests and re-reviews. That;s enough for a man, right ? I too feel the same. Wait a minute, did I just hear someone say ‘that’s so easy to handle’! Well, I present you my shoes, a brand new one and you can just hop in and feel what exactly I am feeling. 

Someone cracks a totally lame joke at this time, and I am like ‘mln’, if you know what I mean. Probably you don’t. Good for you. First of all I don’t even look at him and behave as if I didn’t hear it, but then he starts laughing like crazy-stupid, more like eech-eech-eech. I smile back with one disgusting look which he doesn’t observe. Then, I carry on with my work. Now there is more. How do you feel when some looks at your PC when you are working really hard or lets say writing a blog or writing some kind of program ? Frankly, I feel like hitting the person first. And in-spite of the Business Skill sessions which explain about such behaviour in detail, some people just fail to follow it. Now, what else can we say? I stop and look at the reflection in the computer and there he is staring like an as_ ! I stop , shift the tabs with my fingers and do that till he goes away to do this G# D# work. 

You might have got pissed after reading this all-swearing post. But, dear friend, I am pissed to the core and hope this helps. Well, now I feel a little more feverish and sleepy. And I don’t usually do early sleeps. See, its not even 12. And I sleep at 3 or 4. Now, my fingers are like burning as if I am on fire from inside. Is it fever ? God, give me a break. I took the antibiotics which don’t seem to be working. Now, I end and put my misery to myself as I sleep into the night with no moon. God, Save me Tomorrow. Only, if you could hear.! 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Dozing into the Night.”

  1. Someone was watching you while you were writing a post? Must've been odd :/

    Oh and hope you feel better soon

    Best of luck for tomorrow, I'm sure you'll survive! ☺

  2. Someone was watching you while you were writing a post? Must've been odd :/

    Oh and hope you feel better soon

    Best of luck for tomorrow, I'm sure you'll survive! ☺

  3. Hahahaha I loveddd this post! Ajay LOL you're becoming suchhhh an interesting writer (not that you weren't, but just so much more!) just in sharing your thoughts and reactions. I loved the starting para and the earthquake bit and “eech eech eech”. LOLLLLLLLLLLL

    In conclusion, I loveddddddddd this. Ok byes.

  4. Hahahaha I loveddd this post! Ajay LOL you're becoming suchhhh an interesting writer (not that you weren't, but just so much more!) just in sharing your thoughts and reactions. I loved the starting para and the earthquake bit and “eech eech eech”. LOLLLLLLLLLLL

    In conclusion, I loveddddddddd this. Ok byes.

  5. I guess Im dat person 🙁 but kyaaaaa kareinnnnn….cant resist. I love peeping at ppl doing things on der pc, n cracking jokes abt it…eech eech eech..:D

  6. I guess Im dat person 🙁 but kyaaaaa kareinnnnn….cant resist. I love peeping at ppl doing things on der pc, n cracking jokes abt it…eech eech eech..:D

  7. LOL. 😛

    I didn't know that there were such honest people.
    Its human tendency to be like that. And some people prefer not to be that person.
    But then again, how would you feel when someone does that?

  8. LOL. 😛

    I didn't know that there were such honest people.
    Its human tendency to be like that. And some people prefer not to be that person.
    But then again, how would you feel when someone does that?

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Dozing into the Night.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Dozing into the Night.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ