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The Confessions of Foodaholic.Not.

I am a terrible eater. You probably already know that. I call myself a foodie, because I claim to eat almost everything that I see. But that’s not true at all. I am a bit choosy when I eat. Oh, don’t get me started. And it is a pretty long list, which you don’t wanna know. But can I call myself  junkie? Probably! Not that junkie that you are thinking. But the kind who eats too much junk food. What if I said, I start the day with a junk food and end with another. The afternoon meal is usually not constant and changed with each day. But yeah, I could say that the major part of the week’s afternoon is nothing but junk food. So, that will definitely give a top rank in eating junk food. But how did all this start! There is always a first time for everything. Until I joined my job, my junk food capabilities were kind of limited. Why, you ask! Budget constraints, if I can put it bluntly speaking. And also, I never got into those high end fancy shops/restaurants. Hell, there weren’t any in my town at that time, except for Dominos’ and Pizza Hut. And remember I said something about being limited. It was just normal burgers and normal pizzas. I had no idea of any KFC or McDonalds burgers. I asked my dad to take me there a couple of times in the previous city that I lived in. But that didn’t happen. 

Don’t we all have a little hesitation when we do something new? Like what does it have? What should I ask for? Will I be making a fool of myself? And the questions kept populating in my head. So, my junk food was limited to normal bakeries and small fast food joints. And no, no road side food. My throat is not a great fan of that. Even once can kill it with a terrible cough, just like Ice Cream. And yes, I don’t eat ice cream as well. You might be wondering how can a person not like ice cream, ain’t I right? So, now you can add one person to that list. Unique much? Not exactly right? Anyway, moving forward.


This was my first breakthrough when it comes to keeping a pro food-junkie. How worse could it be, I said  to myself and stepped into it. It was a normal shop, nothing out of the ordinary, nothing fancy either, but just plain simple. I don’t remember what I ordered for the first time, but what I remember is that it burned my insides. It was good think that I went in the middle of the afternoon and there was no one in the shop to notice me. Oh snap! What was I thinking? I am literally invisible. So, I was airing it through my mouth as if I an cooling a very hot coffee/tea. And then there was this cheese that stretched as it covered the whole earth’s equator. It kept stretching and all my attempts to break it off failed. And it was burning as half of the slice as still in my mouth. After what looked like a struggle, I finally got over with it and decided never to return to this shop. The pizza in the bakery in my locality was much better and the catch? It was half the prize of this pizza from Domino’s. And also that bakery was near my room. 


The first year of college hostel was a drag. The food was awful. I preferred not to have food than to eat there and get disgusted. So, on one such casual evening, I along with a couple other decided to drop by Subway. Wow, nice joint. Hell yeah. Three of us went to the shop and ordered something that was on the menu card. Well, this was my first time remember? So, I just picked something that looked nice. I had no idea that we were supposed to tell what fillings we wanted. But my friends took care of that. Oh boy, that was a lot of names/things, per se. And god was it delicious. I made up my mind to come here once in every month or two. But it took me nearly 2 years to get back to this joint. And when I did, I was like looking blankly at the chef who asked me what I wanted in fillings. I nodded up and down , sideways randomly. And turns out, it wasn’t the good combination after all. I should have done some homework before I visited this. But well, the next time happened again after a couple of years. And I did my homework this time and it was great again. Wait! I think I forgot what I told the last time. Got to do that homework again. *Sigh*

Kentucky Fried Chicken

In the last year of my engineering KFC was opened for the first time in the city I was in. Wow! Great, innit? Not actually because I never made it there. Because like always I had no idea what all it had, what I should be ordering and it was freaking crowded. And wait, if you were thinking why didn’t I go out with my friends? Good thought! I had no such great friends! I used to have but the started living in other part of the city, so it was just me usually most of the time. But after all, I finally made it to KFC nearly an year later. And this time, I got a job and the occasion was celebration of a friend’s birthday. Since I had no idea of what KFC had, I just sat back with my camera but accompanied my friends just to find out what all it had. When they asked me what I liked and wanted in KFC, I just said whatever you will have. But that was it! The beginning. To this day, I spend a huge deal of money in the KFC. You can call me an addict, may be, or not!

Pizza Hut

I had always known that there was a pizza hut and thought how much I wanted to eat there, I couldn’t. Again the problem number one kind of pulled me back. I went past it a couple of times. But when some of my friends gave a party for the job they got, they invited me as well. And that was my first time. If there are some other people taking care, it is cool. It was delicious, every piece, every bread crumb, each sip of the drink. As this was the first time, I fell in love with the pizza. I came back a couple of times, even though the price was out of bounds for me. Sometimes, white lies are all we have to cover it up. 


We had three months of training as we joined the company and then we were sent to different places, some based on the location preferences they gave. So, after a month, a friend came to my city to meet us. And as we had a small get together, we decided to hang out of McDonald. We were a group of over ten people. We occupied out seats and the waiter gave us the menu card. All eyes were looking at me. But there is something I should tell before I tell about this. After I started working, I got vexed with the usual canteen food which wasn’t that good either. So, all my dinners were at Domino’s. Right! You are probably thinking what happened to the never-return-to-this-shop happened? I had no other choice. Only this joint had something I could take in. And that happened almost every night. This gave my friends a logical concept that I was the master of Junk food since I am a regular. But when all the eyes were looking at me asking me what was good here, I gave a awkward smile and buried my face in the menu card. I saw a couple of things that kind of looked okay. And as if I were the expert told them that these items were great to eat here. And there were vegans and non-vegetarians as well. I was asked to help all of them. Oh god! I kept my cool and picked something randomly and told them that these are great for both parties. Only if they knew that it was my first time in McDonald! Fortunately, everything was fine. Thank god. Else I would have been very bad foodie addict. 

Though the first time is over, people still ask me for advices on what is good whenever we go to a fast food joint. The only think that they don’t know is that I eat the same thing most of the time alternatively. So, I have no idea of everything that is on the list. I don’t eat everything that is on the list. Well, last time I tried almost made me puke. I was at this coffee shop and Irish Coffee sounded awesome. I ordered that only to find out it was bitter. A bitter coffee! I had no idea such things even existed. Wait, was it a coffee? It should be because it suffix has a coffee word. All the new things that I tried were in Cafe Coffee Day only and that gave me a pretty good idea, not to try to explore other things. Because at the other end it is again me, who have to complete it and it is again me who has to pay for it! So, I decided not to take such risks. But, these days, I planned to break the uniformity and change somethings up. 

So, do you have any first time(s)? Love? Break up? Kiss? Bla Bla? Blu blu?  Oh, I forgot about all these. But no need to worry (or any other post), nothing that was mentioned ever happened. At. All. Let’s see what time has for me? 

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0 responses to “First Time.”

  1. Everyone has their first time in something or the other. In fact ,there is first time for everything in life. Well ,my first time kind of thing is getting on a Plane for the first time. And I was kind of nervous while ordering my food. To be frank ,I was quite shy to ask even a bottle of water. But as it is said as you do the same thing number of times you just get along with it easily.

  2. Everyone has their first time in something or the other. In fact ,there is first time for everything in life. Well ,my first time kind of thing is getting on a Plane for the first time. And I was kind of nervous while ordering my food. To be frank ,I was quite shy to ask even a bottle of water. But as it is said as you do the same thing number of times you just get along with it easily.

  3. Of course, I agree.
    The first time I was in plane, they provided food which I thought was pay-and-buy kind of food. Well, in my defense I was a kid. So!

    Yes, the same thing done number of times makes us get along with it easily. So, I take it from that you travel a lot in planes. Nice. 😀

    Thanks for dropping by.
    Take Care. 🙂

  4. Of course, I agree.
    The first time I was in plane, they provided food which I thought was pay-and-buy kind of food. Well, in my defense I was a kid. So!

    Yes, the same thing done number of times makes us get along with it easily. So, I take it from that you travel a lot in planes. Nice. 😀

    Thanks for dropping by.
    Take Care. 🙂

  5. My mouth was watering while I read your post 😀
    Honestly I don't remember my first times at these places but all I know is they are all great! And yummy!

    One thing – eating too much junk is bad for health and it can make you obese

    One more thing – which planet are you from? Why don't you like ice creams???

  6. My mouth was watering while I read your post 😀
    Honestly I don't remember my first times at these places but all I know is they are all great! And yummy!

    One thing – eating too much junk is bad for health and it can make you obese

    One more thing – which planet are you from? Why don't you like ice creams???

  7. chesse sretched o cover he whole equaor? lol

    At subways i still nod like that or select randomly. when he asks about sause's i know enough to let them add Mustard something, Honey mayonnaise and another random sauce that i pick with my finger 😛

    Welldone bro @ KFC

    And you forgot how we raced everyday to order and raced back wih thumbs up in our hands to catch the bus again. It kind of became a ritual no? God i enjoyed those days..Amen to that!

    in case you are wondering about the smileys or lack of them, i am in a net center and the whole row of number keys on top is not working and copying them from the character map is really annoying!!!

  8. chesse sretched o cover he whole equaor? lol

    At subways i still nod like that or select randomly. when he asks about sause's i know enough to let them add Mustard something, Honey mayonnaise and another random sauce that i pick with my finger 😛

    Welldone bro @ KFC

    And you forgot how we raced everyday to order and raced back wih thumbs up in our hands to catch the bus again. It kind of became a ritual no? God i enjoyed those days..Amen to that!

    in case you are wondering about the smileys or lack of them, i am in a net center and the whole row of number keys on top is not working and copying them from the character map is really annoying!!!

  9. You missed the “T's”. 😛
    Has that every happened to you, that you keep trying to break off the cheese but it just stretches itself. :/

    Me too. I don't know any names expect a few and I make sure to tell what I know ! 😀

    Haha. 😀

    Oh, yeah! That was fun. 😀

    What? No office today? What are you doing in a net center anyway? Are you home?

  10. You missed the “T's”. 😛
    Has that every happened to you, that you keep trying to break off the cheese but it just stretches itself. :/

    Me too. I don't know any names expect a few and I make sure to tell what I know ! 😀

    Haha. 😀

    Oh, yeah! That was fun. 😀

    What? No office today? What are you doing in a net center anyway? Are you home?

  11. What the hell? For some reason my feed never shows your newest posts, grr. And all this time they were coming! I was just going to ask you 'What's wrong, is everything OK' thinking I haven't seen you around/blogging much. Little did I know I had to visit directly instead of relying on the blog roll thingy to show me when it's updated. Sigh!

    Anyways, as you know I am a total anti-junk foodie, and I was going to reply to your post here with they whole story of my experience but decided I should make it a separate post since it will be a mini life story and essay!

  12. What the hell? For some reason my feed never shows your newest posts, grr. And all this time they were coming! I was just going to ask you 'What's wrong, is everything OK' thinking I haven't seen you around/blogging much. Little did I know I had to visit directly instead of relying on the blog roll thingy to show me when it's updated. Sigh!

    Anyways, as you know I am a total anti-junk foodie, and I was going to reply to your post here with they whole story of my experience but decided I should make it a separate post since it will be a mini life story and essay!

  13. Yeah, I apologize for that. I have no idea what's wrong. Almost everyone is complaining about the same. I have checked almost everything and still couldn't find where it is going wrong.
    I will try to find something to rectify it.

    Anti-junk foodie? You are ? I mean are you sure? 😛 It breaks my heart to know that. 😛
    A post inspired by me? Wow. Great. I hope in the process you will become anti-anti-junk foodie! 😛

  14. Yeah, I apologize for that. I have no idea what's wrong. Almost everyone is complaining about the same. I have checked almost everything and still couldn't find where it is going wrong.
    I will try to find something to rectify it.

    Anti-junk foodie? You are ? I mean are you sure? 😛 It breaks my heart to know that. 😛
    A post inspired by me? Wow. Great. I hope in the process you will become anti-anti-junk foodie! 😛

  15. I am a total junk food lover. I resist and prevent myself from going to these joints because if I do, I will gobble as if I haven't seen food in 10 days. Pizzas I love the pizza hut ones though they are costlier. McD and Subway… Oh my god, I am hungry now. KFC I don't go much as it's more famous for non-veg and that's not my forte.

    Subway is the only joint where I can try eating something closer to the burgers but still can maintain the junk level down. Been craving for a Sub for the past week, the craving just got intensified. Man!

  16. I am a total junk food lover. I resist and prevent myself from going to these joints because if I do, I will gobble as if I haven't seen food in 10 days. Pizzas I love the pizza hut ones though they are costlier. McD and Subway… Oh my god, I am hungry now. KFC I don't go much as it's more famous for non-veg and that's not my forte.

    Subway is the only joint where I can try eating something closer to the burgers but still can maintain the junk level down. Been craving for a Sub for the past week, the craving just got intensified. Man!

  17. Thinker, there's one secret of Ajay. The junk might be bad for his health which he doesn't care about but he doesn't have to worry about becoming obese. He belongs to that category of people who gorge upon junk food but remain stick thin. This is one thing I am holding against AK for so long. Grrr!

  18. Thinker, there's one secret of Ajay. The junk might be bad for his health which he doesn't care about but he doesn't have to worry about becoming obese. He belongs to that category of people who gorge upon junk food but remain stick thin. This is one thing I am holding against AK for so long. Grrr!

  19. Haha. Lol.
    I would have done the same thing. But I am frequent visitor. So, that keeps me in check. 😛
    Wait, I'm hungry too.
    This is more contagious than the yawn. 😛

    Oh, you are welcome. 😛

  20. Haha. Lol.
    I would have done the same thing. But I am frequent visitor. So, that keeps me in check. 😛
    Wait, I'm hungry too.
    This is more contagious than the yawn. 😛

    Oh, you are welcome. 😛

  21. Yeah, I can tell. 😛

    Haha. Lol. So, how much long it went. I think mine was the record : the length of the equator. 😛
    And you can't beat that. 😛

    You on leave? OH MY GOD! Did the world collapse on that day?
    Wait, did they declare that day as SUNDAY ? 😛

  22. Yeah, I can tell. 😛

    Haha. Lol. So, how much long it went. I think mine was the record : the length of the equator. 😛
    And you can't beat that. 😛

    You on leave? OH MY GOD! Did the world collapse on that day?
    Wait, did they declare that day as SUNDAY ? 😛

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First Time.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ