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Summer is my Lazy month where I do things all lazily(Wait a minute, I don’t do anything at all). For the moment I am jobless and also nothing in hand to do. But still there are some  exams which I need to give in the name of Higher Degree. And also Summer is pretty HOT, weather-wise, don’t get me wrong. I get all sweaty in a matter of a few minutes. Though the Air Conditioner is kept on for the most part of the day, but I don’t like the idea of AC. It just fires up the current bill. Do I sound like a money-minded person? May be I am. But still AC is not my thing, well atleast not all the time. But sometimes, it does save lives. So much for pep talk, lets get a bit serious. 

Last month, we had a Get-Together Party. I said I would write about it, but on second thought it doesn’t seem to be that much important. So, on that day each one of us was called upon the stage and told to give a little message to the rest of the group. There is one guy who told something like this. Well, I don’t remember the exact words or for the matter of fact, nothing. I will just say the gist of it. “We should not only live for ourselves but for others as well. We should try to help others when they are in need. We should take care of the society and the society will take care of us is trouble” So something like that, though that was a pretty lengthy than what I wrote here. Perhaps, that was the only message, a good one indeed, that I heard on that day. To start with this person is the most helpful of the people. And he goes to an orphanage on his Birthday’s and helps out the little kids over there. The quality which we see the least these days. Need I say more ? 

What caught my attention more is the Group that was created in Facebook. Its titled “MAA AMMA VODI” [In Mother’s Care/] (This isn’t the exact translation. I’m not that good with translations, Sorry)! Well, the description might help : 

MAA AMMA VODI is a Service Organization established(in the year 2005) in the interest of raising orphan children. The main ambition of this organization is to ensure the street children particularly orphan boys never go astray but make them good Citizens of India and to stand on their feet without becoming parasites or dependents on others, to live in the society on par, with honour and dignity without any inferiority complex. This would help to reduce child labor and increase literacy rate of the society around us. If we want to live happily, there is only one way. Construct a world which shows no difference between haves and havenots. Lets help poor and orphan children to stand a chance on their own feet, who could in-turn help other children and continues as a chain. Feel proud to be a part of this organization. You can contribute in any way you like to. You can donate books, other stationery, clothes, food, or even sponsor a child in a monthly based scheme. You can sponsor a child with just Rs.600/- per month. We provide you total performance analysis of that child during the period of your sponsorship and you can directly or indiectly interact with the child during the same period. Your contribution to the organization will be acknowledged with a receipt, which can be used for the purpose of tax exemption.

There may be many Social Services who are trying to help the orphans out. This is one among them. I really appreciate the Initiation of this awesome guy who is trying to bring about a change in the thinking process of the society. Need I say more about this guy, the words wouldn’t be just sufficient. And also as this is the Regional Social Service, all the text will be in the native language which is Telugu. If there are people willing to help, I would be more than pleased to translate it to them (well, not to the exact point though, but can still try). 

The reason why I wrote this post is that I was quite inspired by the idea. And more over what great writings am I giving to the fellows readers, anyway. If you feel inspired, do help the people who need help. You don’t need an organization to start helping. Just the right amount of care and sympathy can help in the laying the stepping stones for a brighter future. Please just don’t sit around and pity the helpless. It always takes a little inspiration, a little Initiation. Then the world will be a better tomorrow. If at all we fail to create a better world, at least we tried to make it happen. A helping hand doesn’t need to be given by someone worthy only. Any person with a helpful heart can extend a hand for the needy.

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0 responses to “Help a Little.”

  1. Yeah, It's great that you wrote this post. And I agree, maybe we can't do extreme things, but even small little things can make a difference to a person in need.

  2. Yeah, It's great that you wrote this post. And I agree, maybe we can't do extreme things, but even small little things can make a difference to a person in need.

  3. Thank You. 🙂
    You're right. The people in need of help don't need much. Just a little care a little help. And if we succeed in helping those people, there is the joy in those helpless eyes.

  4. Thank You. 🙂
    You're right. The people in need of help don't need much. Just a little care a little help. And if we succeed in helping those people, there is the joy in those helpless eyes.

  5. “If you feel inspired, do help the people who need help. You don't need an organization to start helping. Just the right amount of care and sympathy can help in the laying the stepping stones for a brighter future.”

    That's what I call inspiring!

    I also dislike AC.

  6. “If you feel inspired, do help the people who need help. You don't need an organization to start helping. Just the right amount of care and sympathy can help in the laying the stepping stones for a brighter future.”

    That's what I call inspiring!

    I also dislike AC.

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Help a Little.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ