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Almost some 4 days back, on Sunday I happened to buy online a hard disk. An external hard disk with one tera byte capacity. I was so in need of this. Why? Because my laptop memory doesn’t allow me store more files. Yeah, My laptop is old and just has a hunded gigabyte of memory. And this is not sufficient for storing anything. So, I was in need of an external had disk or a new laptop with much more space would have also helped. But new laptop? No way thats’ gonna happen. I decided to buy one some months back. It was because I was notified by a friend that it was available cheaply over the internet through Flipkart. Just a month back to that date, my dad bought an external hard disk somewhere around seven thousand bucks. But when I checked online in Flipkart, I found out that the same hard disk was available for three thousand bucks give or take. But the problem was that it needed power. So, i wanted some thing without power. It priced around four thousand. Wow, its very cheap, I told myself. But I was little short of money. So, I had to wait.

Then a month later another friend wanted to buy it. I recommended Flipkart. He responded to it that the prices have gone up. It costed somewhere near six thousand. I thought I missed my chance. Now I had to collect double the money which I had at that time and this was simply impossible. Later this week I somehow bought one which was in the featured list. Two days later when I wanted to check the status as I didn’t get a message from them, I found out that the price hiked by a couple of hundreds and also there was a red message which stated “Out of Stock”. Frankly, I was shock for a moment. All in a matter of two days. And I was terrified a little bit because I ordered it and payed online also but I haven’t yet received any mail or message regarding the same. It is out of stock as of now and I am pretty surprised about it. And also, I just got a message that it has been dispatched and it may take three days to reach, approximately. Thank God!

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ


© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ