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Well finally I started another blog. Are you kiddin’ me ? How many blogs are you going to create? I am not kidding and I have no idea as of how many I will be creating. I am a total (Yeah, you got it right, whatever you think I am). Moving on. 

Dude, what is wrong with movies these days. They are really not at all good. I have to turn away my face  to escape those idiotic scenes. Tollywood & Bollywood are my concerns here. Hollywood is very much advanced. Atleast they don’t make up those bogus idiotic out of mind movies, at least not all. But here the Tollywood really sucks man. Really. Though it is a copy of Bollywood movies, most of them, still they don’t create much appeal. And Bollywood also copies from other languages even Tollywood, still it sucks big time. Bollywood goes Hollywood and start remaking with the Indian actors. They just take the story and turn it into a bogus and unbearable script and take up idiotic actors to work out the movie. Seriously. I get sick of watching those movies. It is a misconception of reality. I really don’t know what the directors think when they direct the movie. If the movie is fiction, let it be, but don’t make it too obsolete that it sickens the movie on the whole. In most of the movies here, a single person defeats the whole army of enemies with a small wound. He is called Hero. I appreciate his strength. But I would have appreciated more if he were a Superman or some kind of superhero. But no, he isn’t. He is just another ordinary person with extra-orinary strength. He doesn’t even look like a WWF fighter or anyone compared to the likes. He looks just like any other person with good physic and body. That’s enough for scrambling the eggs and even the WWF fighters with a single blow. Grow up man. Atleast use the technology. Oh you do use it. But not in a effective manner. I can’t even speak of it. The difference between the west and the east is that they work, but here they don’t. They just follow the trend of the west and try to implement them. Seriously, it is way too much awkward. The new trend is the showing off finger. I don’t know why do they even put that scene even when it is not necessary. What can they do? Its’ the trend of the present. Even short films are also implementing it. God save the world. 

I don’t know why I wrote this. I have No Idea. Now please don’t tell, Get Idea. It is another idiotic advertisement. 

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