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The Awkward Chronicles 

There has been a lot going on lately. I am sometimes at the middle of all this. Well, lets say in some instances I am the creator, in some an observer and in other just some other guy. And in the recent days I have been associating myself into more of such situations. 

1. I have joined a project like a month back. And frankly speaking I don’t know one bit of what’s happening in it. As a fresher, I have been given some work. And that’s an easy task to say the least. So, no worries there. But now, there are deadlines to meet. And we have to show more than we do. So, what they did was , they called in some more guys to help ease the burden on the existing few people and increase the number of tasks per day. Now, these are new, like very new. And they have no idea of how the application works and what needs to be done. In order to assist them, we were shifted to another floor for the time being. We were already setting up the system and configuring it, when they barge in saying that the setup might take some time and we have to work faster. So, we were shifted back to the same floor but different rooms. Now, the herd hitting part. We had to setup and configure the system there also. What a waste of time, I thought. Now I was in the other room separated by a glass wall, almost invisible though on either side. So, I started with my work after killing like an hour to setup and configure. In the meanwhile I had a doubt, so I went to clarify the doubt. And there the new guys were there asking some other doubt. My lead told cleared my doubt and told me to help them. So, I go over to their place. I don’t know what they were thinking about me, but the doubts doubled .. tripled…. quadrupled. And I was there with no deep knowledge telling them this is that, that is this… bla bla. In the process of explaining them, I once, no twice felt, What the hell am I even saying?  while they were busy listening to whatever I was saying trying to understand or that’s how their faces looked like. 

2. I recently made a purchase of three spectacles. No, I wasn’t high on money. But there was an offer Buy one Get one. So, I bought one there in that offer and the other was from another place. With the three different specs in my grab, I decided to use each for different purpose. So, one is for home/room/indoors. I mean it is to be used only inside the home, while I am on computer or watching TV, or whatever but only indoors. The second one is for the official purpose. Now, when I say official purpose, I mean to say when I go to office I use this one. And the last one is for outdoors like when I am going for a movie, or just outing / anything under the sun and moon and no moon also. 😛

3. It is kind of a …hmm.. what do we call it… I don’t know what it is called. Well, Let me explain the situation here. There is a guy who is like two years elder to me. He practically lives in my flat because all his friends are in the same flat as me. So, this guy is kind of afraid of me. No, I am not the human-killing-person nor do I look fierce. And I don’t understand why he is so afraid of me. But the fact that he pisses me off with his half baked theories and talking s-h-i-t about other people and that one day he will have a good beating from me, I’ve no clue why he is so afraid of me.

4. The Canteen Encounter. I am in Bangalore and there is a very big chance that people from different places reside here, work here or have moved to here. It is quite difficult to say that this person speaks this language or is from this state or place. That’s the beauty of it, I ca say. So, one afternoon I was having my usual lunch. The cafeteria was filled with people. So I had to take a place where already two people were munching their afternoon lunch. The thing was that they both were from the same state as I am but different places. So, these guys were talking and I was able to understand each and every word. They were totally dissolved in their conversation that they knowledge about my presence was minimum or it could be that they thought I wasn’t aware of the language they were speaking. Well, it is usually not good to hear what other people talk. But what else can we do in a crowded place and the phone doesn’t buzz with a single email / message / or anything to keep us occupied. I too was busy in my lunch, … hmm.. ok..I appeared to be busy in my lunch and listening to their conversation. And it was hard not to because the TV at the far end was showing Stock Market drama, about which I don’t have a clue. So, these guys were making fun of each other and occasionally themselves. As we all know that’s how the usual conversations with friends takes place. And yeah strictly no business here. So, I was kind of laughing / smiling / grinning , not at the same time but whenever there was something to smile about. I tried my best to look serious and wasn’t giving my ear to their conversation, but the cat was out of the bag and one of the guy asked me whether I knew the language they were speaking in. Of course I knew because that’s my mother tongue. So, the other guy asks how did he come to the conclusion that I was of the same native. The answer to that question was quite simple and which I assume you can also figure out, right? 

5. So, yesterday I was at KFC as usual for dinner. The KFC is a little less crowded at that time. The queue was short and my turn just came. As you must be knowing this already that they give the orders right away. Actually, that’s good. The waiting time from giving the order to getting it is fast. Only if the things are ready and in place. As unfortunate I can be, the chicken was still under preparation when it was my turn. Oh snap. I waiter for like 20 minutes or so. He didn’t even take my order. The serving for the person just ordered before be was under process. Finally it was done and I took my dinner to a nice place and sat to gulp them down. Then again, the chicken was like a hot crispy bubble gum. It stretched as long as I stretched it. What-the-hell-is-going-on? With great difficulty, I finished those hot-‘n-crispy bubblegum, and yeah I didn’t just chew it but taken it down the alley to the stomach. 


Phew, finally completed the post. *Yawn* . Are you yawning too? No? Well, then now you will. Still not? Read this again then –  Yawn, Yawn. Haha. Now, why are you yawning? 😛

Okay. This pic is not the recent one. Wait! This one is just fake. Because AK never sleeps at night. Last night he slept at like 4 which could be called earliest morning. And who thinks of “Yawning” while one is yawning. Seriously, dude ? 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “In a Day’s Work.”

  1. Well am gonna give comments in the pattern of your post!

    1. Welcome to the IT world! You have now officially become one of us. Talking about what we don't know. Attempting to solve the impossible with no knowledge of anything involved. Teaching others as if we know everything and the others listen to our explanation since they don't even have that. 😀 Enjoy maadi 🙂

    2. I was not bothered by the 3 specs thing. But somehow felt like 'this is too much' when you classify it for indoors, outdoors and office. 😛

    3.Be glad that at least the guy is afraid of you 😛

    4.Been there. Done that. Thing is though my mother tongue is Tamil, having been in Hyd for 1.5 years taught me as much Telugu as one needs to talk fluently with a few english words inserted. And I understand Hindi as well. Starting to understand Kannada too now that am in Bangalore. So pretty much anyone by my side has their conversation eavesdropped. I don't do it on purpose, but you cannot help grinning when you hear a comment or something of the like right?

    5. Should serve you right for living off junk food so much. Get some real food too man!

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  2. Well am gonna give comments in the pattern of your post!

    1. Welcome to the IT world! You have now officially become one of us. Talking about what we don't know. Attempting to solve the impossible with no knowledge of anything involved. Teaching others as if we know everything and the others listen to our explanation since they don't even have that. 😀 Enjoy maadi 🙂

    2. I was not bothered by the 3 specs thing. But somehow felt like 'this is too much' when you classify it for indoors, outdoors and office. 😛

    3.Be glad that at least the guy is afraid of you 😛

    4.Been there. Done that. Thing is though my mother tongue is Tamil, having been in Hyd for 1.5 years taught me as much Telugu as one needs to talk fluently with a few english words inserted. And I understand Hindi as well. Starting to understand Kannada too now that am in Bangalore. So pretty much anyone by my side has their conversation eavesdropped. I don't do it on purpose, but you cannot help grinning when you hear a comment or something of the like right?

    5. Should serve you right for living off junk food so much. Get some real food too man!

    Until later,
    Keirthana 🙂

  3. 1. Thank You, K. So we can play a nice little game once in a while with the new people. 😛

    2. Are you forgetting something? Wait, you missed the title of this post , didn't you? Not the In a Days' work one , the other one.

    3. Oh, yeah. He is afraid as hell. 😛

    4. Innit? I sometimes feel I have very good hearing. Then again, it is not the same when it comes to lectures/presentations/etc.

    5. Real Food. Wasn't I eating real food? Seriously, I could feel like I was eating when I was in the process. 😛

  4. 1. Thank You, K. So we can play a nice little game once in a while with the new people. 😛

    2. Are you forgetting something? Wait, you missed the title of this post , didn't you? Not the In a Days' work one , the other one.

    3. Oh, yeah. He is afraid as hell. 😛

    4. Innit? I sometimes feel I have very good hearing. Then again, it is not the same when it comes to lectures/presentations/etc.

    5. Real Food. Wasn't I eating real food? Seriously, I could feel like I was eating when I was in the process. 😛

  5. Haha, your life seems quite interesting. I'm sorry about that annoying guy, you could maybe tell him to eff off, albeit in a nice way? 😛
    The canteen incident is strangely relatable actually. I have often encountered people who speak my mother tongue, blabbering away things that you wouldn't want normal people to hear, completely unaware that I can understand each and every word! I'm sure that was a fun experience! I also love KFC, but it was like bubblegum? Now that's just a sad KFC experience, I feel sorry for you.
    And you stayed up till 4am?! That's pretty badass! Haha, even I'm yawning. It may not be 4 am, but I'm sleepy all the time haha.

  6. Haha, your life seems quite interesting. I'm sorry about that annoying guy, you could maybe tell him to eff off, albeit in a nice way? 😛
    The canteen incident is strangely relatable actually. I have often encountered people who speak my mother tongue, blabbering away things that you wouldn't want normal people to hear, completely unaware that I can understand each and every word! I'm sure that was a fun experience! I also love KFC, but it was like bubblegum? Now that's just a sad KFC experience, I feel sorry for you.
    And you stayed up till 4am?! That's pretty badass! Haha, even I'm yawning. It may not be 4 am, but I'm sleepy all the time haha.

  7. It does seem so, but I have to assure you My life isn't as interesting as it sounds. I just make it look like that. 😛
    Oh, Nice way? No way. I will rather take the other way around.:D
    Yeah. 🙁
    4 a.m. is normal time, it's like 10p.m. in the night. 😛
    Ha, Finally someone yawned. 😛

  8. It does seem so, but I have to assure you My life isn't as interesting as it sounds. I just make it look like that. 😛
    Oh, Nice way? No way. I will rather take the other way around.:D
    Yeah. 🙁
    4 a.m. is normal time, it's like 10p.m. in the night. 😛
    Ha, Finally someone yawned. 😛

  9. Also tell me that by the time you were out of there you forgot the solution to your original doubt! 😛

    Buy one get one? Where? Planning to have new specs! but for indoor and outdoor..any difference is spec config?

    KFC bubblegum ? LOL! You made my day 😛

    I saw others comments…am i thee only one yawning? I must be under a witch spell! 😛

  10. Also tell me that by the time you were out of there you forgot the solution to your original doubt! 😛

    Buy one get one? Where? Planning to have new specs! but for indoor and outdoor..any difference is spec config?

    KFC bubblegum ? LOL! You made my day 😛

    I saw others comments…am i thee only one yawning? I must be under a witch spell! 😛

  11. What solution ? What doubt ? 😛

    Lenskart. Online shopping. Don't know whether the offer is still there or not.
    Nope. Just that I have rather too many so I assigned one for each task. 😛

    Dude, I am a victim here. 🙁 😛

    Haha. So, it worked on you, and you alone. 😛

  12. What solution ? What doubt ? 😛

    Lenskart. Online shopping. Don't know whether the offer is still there or not.
    Nope. Just that I have rather too many so I assigned one for each task. 😛

    Dude, I am a victim here. 🙁 😛

    Haha. So, it worked on you, and you alone. 😛

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In a Day’s Work.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

In a Day’s Work.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ