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The future is unknown and unpredictable. But what I feel is that it is in grave danger. It’s mostly us, playing our parts perfectly or not. It’s upto you to decide what kind of a player you are. I just can’t go around telling that you aren’t playing your part well.

When I see the present scenario of the country, I am completely and utterly flummoxed. The recent news that dwells about the division of a state. I am not that much into politics. As a matter of fact, I hate Politics. I used to think that the states were made on the basis of the language so that a particular junta of people who would have no problem speaking with one another could coexist without any setbacks. But that seems to be totally wrong. We speak about being united as one. And we still go on breaking up the unity. May be the phrase’Unity in Diversity’ need just a little more diversity. People and their insane quests. It would be no surprise if each city is formed into a new state. 

Well, lets’ get down to business..

Red heels. Short skirts. Turning heads. A hundred eyes. It’s actually funny, or I don’t know what it would/should be called, but when a girl passes by , there is rhythmic movement of heads, like the waves in the ocean. A few whistles, a few comments, a few flimsy filmy songs. A countable angry stares. It is very much the routine since like forever. Do you all agree with me? Of course you do. I seriously don’t know whether the person who is responsible for causing this action for a few minutes enjoys or just hates it. Women are hard to understand! No doubt. But I feel they hate. Though, I would agree if you say there are a few people who want to seen, who want to be center of attraction and probably dress as if they are walking down the red carpet or whatever! But teasing with eyes , or whistles or comments or gossips or the list goes on.. doesn’t make anyone comfortable. 

Where do I belong ? Where do I stand in this crazy act that people do? I don’t know, you tell me. Usually, I am the guy who when spotting a head-turner exclaims with some adjectives and then I look at those other turning heads and hundred eyes, which like I said move rhythmically. Well, that’s fine because looking at something beautiful isn’t a bad thing after all. But then, I hear those comments and those weird songs / likewise things. That what doesn’t feel right! Unknowingly, I curse those people. People should learn to appreciate and admire than violating. Oh, you couldn’t even begin to imagine the thoughts that go through each and everyone of those minds. And that I.Fucking.Hate.

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0 responses to “Just Rambling.”

  1. Red heels…short skirts…on road freak show…hell they want all those turning heads!
    I don't really understand the concept so I'll better shut up coz though I prefer low profile yet I respect what other people want to do with their lives!

    As for comments and those never-heard-before-I-don't-know-how-badly-cheap songs, for those I'll sure have a humble request to keep their opinions for the high heels short skirts ones…perhaps they entertain that;but trust me when it comes to anybody else these are truly offending…and if you ask me these are offending to the limit of chopping down these offenders aka would be criminals, with brains having rotten worms, into pieces and then sending them to hell…boil them into hot crude oil and make kababs out of it to serve the heinous beasts out there….aarrgggghhhhhh

  2. Red heels…short skirts…on road freak show…hell they want all those turning heads!
    I don't really understand the concept so I'll better shut up coz though I prefer low profile yet I respect what other people want to do with their lives!

    As for comments and those never-heard-before-I-don't-know-how-badly-cheap songs, for those I'll sure have a humble request to keep their opinions for the high heels short skirts ones…perhaps they entertain that;but trust me when it comes to anybody else these are truly offending…and if you ask me these are offending to the limit of chopping down these offenders aka would be criminals, with brains having rotten worms, into pieces and then sending them to hell…boil them into hot crude oil and make kababs out of it to serve the heinous beasts out there….aarrgggghhhhhh

  3. You are an observer dear…an observer with a good heart and nice etiquette…and I HATE politics too…I still wonder about the need of any division and this poor dirty games of parties…I wish it weren't there at all..even my parents were scared of leaving me to hyderabad for this particular reason. 🙁

  4. You are an observer dear…an observer with a good heart and nice etiquette…and I HATE politics too…I still wonder about the need of any division and this poor dirty games of parties…I wish it weren't there at all..even my parents were scared of leaving me to hyderabad for this particular reason. 🙁

  5. We've reached a point where no single woman in this country have been left out from such moronic experiences.
    To me this is the worst side of the humans and my blood just boils thinking about it.

  6. We've reached a point where no single woman in this country have been left out from such moronic experiences.
    To me this is the worst side of the humans and my blood just boils thinking about it.

  7. Ah the typical Bangalore scenario!

    Its not only red heels and short skirts, these days even flats and salwar kameez garner the same looks. And believe me at times the adjectives are better than the lust filled long gaze. *creeps*

    And you seriously are worried about politics and the dividend of states? I mean seriously? Head turning is a better time pass my friend 🙂

    Kuch nahi hoga is desh ka. Period.

  8. Ah the typical Bangalore scenario!

    Its not only red heels and short skirts, these days even flats and salwar kameez garner the same looks. And believe me at times the adjectives are better than the lust filled long gaze. *creeps*

    And you seriously are worried about politics and the dividend of states? I mean seriously? Head turning is a better time pass my friend 🙂

    Kuch nahi hoga is desh ka. Period.

  9. Yeah, the dress doesn't weigh much importance. It is the gender.
    I find both disgusting.

    I agree. But I try to respect those other people who might feel not so welcomed by the gaze of a stranger. So, I usually don't.
    I was referring to the unity, well.. which is down the drain a long time ago.


  10. Yeah, the dress doesn't weigh much importance. It is the gender.
    I find both disgusting.

    I agree. But I try to respect those other people who might feel not so welcomed by the gaze of a stranger. So, I usually don't.
    I was referring to the unity, well.. which is down the drain a long time ago.


  11. Guys do this thing like they are meant to do it. It's like a reflex action, and I wonder how they would react when same would happen with their sisters or girl friends. Thing is we don't think, we just act. That's the reason of all these stories doing rounds about eve-teasing and other blah's.

    Kolkata is no safer these days as well, and I thought its just Delhi or Mumbai where shit happens!

  12. Guys do this thing like they are meant to do it. It's like a reflex action, and I wonder how they would react when same would happen with their sisters or girl friends. Thing is we don't think, we just act. That's the reason of all these stories doing rounds about eve-teasing and other blah's.

    Kolkata is no safer these days as well, and I thought its just Delhi or Mumbai where shit happens!

  13. I am sorry if I offending but, the phrase “kuch nai hoga is desh ka” annoys me to the nth level..
    It sounds like a speech of a obese, half naked, lazy person fallen on a bean bag, unable to get up!
    Again, sorry.

  14. I am sorry if I offending but, the phrase “kuch nai hoga is desh ka” annoys me to the nth level..
    It sounds like a speech of a obese, half naked, lazy person fallen on a bean bag, unable to get up!
    Again, sorry.

  15. Hey, Nothing to be sorry about. It's okay. Opinions are always welcome, how offending they might sound.

    Yeah, you are right. But on the flip side, the healthy energetic person cannot change the society on his/her own. It takes the collected minds, people with foresight and a unified goal to achieve. It takes believing.

    But in out country, that belief isn't there. Now, when I say that, I won't be telling the truth if I don't tell about the hundreds of people who do believe. But, then there is no action.
    People want to get up, reduce their obesity, be an hyperactive person; but then again the person next to him pulls him down. That other person is the present scenario. That's what I feel.

    Okay, I should stop now.

  16. Hey, Nothing to be sorry about. It's okay. Opinions are always welcome, how offending they might sound.

    Yeah, you are right. But on the flip side, the healthy energetic person cannot change the society on his/her own. It takes the collected minds, people with foresight and a unified goal to achieve. It takes believing.

    But in out country, that belief isn't there. Now, when I say that, I won't be telling the truth if I don't tell about the hundreds of people who do believe. But, then there is no action.
    People want to get up, reduce their obesity, be an hyperactive person; but then again the person next to him pulls him down. That other person is the present scenario. That's what I feel.

    Okay, I should stop now.

  17. Yes.
    But before I say anything, I am an exception to that list of guys who have that reflexive action and who don't think.


    Shit happens everywhere. The thing is that it doesn't see the light of the day on most cases.

  18. Yes.
    But before I say anything, I am an exception to that list of guys who have that reflexive action and who don't think.


    Shit happens everywhere. The thing is that it doesn't see the light of the day on most cases.

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Just Rambling.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ