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Dear Self,
You haven’t been yourself for the past six months. It seems like you are thinking one and doing something else, which is nothing. I could just warn you and get back to you senses before it’s too late. What happened to you? Why all of a sudden you are like the every other person you had meet so far.? I believe you have your own identity, and i would ask you to get back to it. No matter what.This freaking you is completely insane. This man has taken everything for granted. And never-the-less is behaving like a new person I had never known, never seen. The weight of the word ‘light’ is playing the best role possible. And I warn you, this is dangerous. This isn’t you at all. You have been influenced ? Or what ? I believed that no one could influence you in any way. What happened to you? You were the best with what you were. I liked it very much, though the every person hated it. Because after all it was YOU, not someone else.  I clearly don’t get what actually happened to you and what caused such a drastic change in your behavior. I am seriously warning and giving you a sound advice that you get back to what you were. I know it sounds idiotic, as the old you was as such. But after all you weren’t imitating others and not having an artificial face to cover your feelings. Now, you are not only acting weird, you are thinking weird also. All that I ask is get back, even if its impossible, Just try.
Expecting Change.

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0 responses to “Lettre de l’auto.”

  1. there are two reasons as far as im concerned.. First one is wt they say in movies, “LOVE” if its not, then its something that made u realise of how u were in the past..
    But dude remember people change with time.But there are some things which must not be changed. Make sure that u haven't changed them…

    Take Care,

  2. there are two reasons as far as im concerned.. First one is wt they say in movies, “LOVE” if its not, then its something that made u realise of how u were in the past..
    But dude remember people change with time.But there are some things which must not be changed. Make sure that u haven't changed them…

    Take Care,

  3. Thank you Sushanth.
    It can't be LOVE like in movies, ever ever ever.
    I am quite allergic to those things and simply “I HATE LOVE STORIES” !!

    Yeah, In the past I was quite different as of now. And I think it was much better than the Present me. And I will definitely make sure that I won't change the unchangeable things. 🙂

  4. Thank you Sushanth.
    It can't be LOVE like in movies, ever ever ever.
    I am quite allergic to those things and simply “I HATE LOVE STORIES” !!

    Yeah, In the past I was quite different as of now. And I think it was much better than the Present me. And I will definitely make sure that I won't change the unchangeable things. 🙂

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Lettre de l’auto.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Lettre de l’auto.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ