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Dear Bunkers,

Recently, I have been hearing this very word ‘lite’ too often. The reason is simple. No one is taking anything serious. The reason for being so ? Frankly, Ask them,I say. And there was an instance with me too where I was compelled to be the not-me. Well, here I am talking about something different. It is about today’s class. It was pre-planned though, that these people planned to bunk the college today. Seriously. I want to ask you a question here, What have you been doing the previous week? And also what in the name of god, you did today … anything useful / important / anything. Well, keep the answers to yourself. I am not here to judge you on what you did / will do / want to do / or do nothing / anything of that sort. This semester began almost about 3 months back and the syllabus covered in this period is just 2 units of the total 5 units. And only a month more is left for the final semester end exams. You may be geniuses and Einsteins, but is it any pain in the ass if you attend the classes. What ? Seriously ? I don’t really know why always I hear “Lets bunk the class  / college “. MAN, seriously what other important plans you have that you have to bunk. Ask yourself. You may spend the time efficiently, I frankly don’t know about it. But sometimes you have to think also, before you decide to bunk. Not that some guy is bunking, let us also bunk the college. WTH , man ? You got a job,  very good and congrats. Or is it that you are in 4th year, and you can decide anything you like as you are about to get the degree what so ever! Does that mean you can stop coming to classes and hop around instigating the idea of bunking in each and every other person? If you have genuine work, bunk. Else ( mln !!). 

Now, I understand the situation every time and then decide whether to bunk or not. I too bunk, but occasionally when there is a need or when there is a work. Else I am totally against the idea.

So the thing is that make your own decisions and analyze the situation before you do and think whether it is worth it. And most importantly think about the consequences. !!

And I gave the title ‘lite’ as many people think that the classes aren’t that important and take them lightly (lite-ly) and not taking it seriously.

Non-Bunker (Atleast most of the times)  

P.S. : Bunkers here doesn’t refer to sand bunkers or anything of that sort. I called the people bunking classes as Bunkers (No Offense) ! 

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Lite (Bunking) !

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Lite (Bunking) !

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ