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What breaks you makes you stronger. I think I read this somewhere, or is it a song or whatever! I have nothing to do with that nor am I going to explain or do anything about it. I just wanted a nice introduction and that comes to my mind out of the blue. So, what am I writing? I wish I knew. 

I mentioned about the writer’s block and how I am unable to write anything. I open the blogger more than I open Facebook on a daily basis. I just stare at the screen for a long time. When I am in office I open a book, which I specifically created for writing blogs and ideas and thoughts and whatever that comes to my mind. Then again I stare at it as if it were some alien from some far away galaxy. And then I question my existence. A classic thoughtful thought that never leaves my mind. 

What should I write ? I actually had no intention of writing for a while. I just wanted the people to sink in my previous post and learn the awesomeness of the writer to be an apt and brilliant observer. But as always, I was a little disappointed when it turned out to be me and a few known people who read it. But anyway, I had to write. Because whenever a thought comes to my mind and later I repent for my inability to reproduce the thought into a meaningful collection of words that usually aims at attracting the readers. 

I was actually surprised when a blogger friend said that ‘people out there adore you’. No. Seriously? I was actually shocked. Are there any people out there? Please let me know. I would hug you and warn you that you are doing something extremely wrong. And then when she continued to tell that I am her muse. I don’t know what to say to that. I was left speechless. I fail to inspire my self when I see a million reasons to get inspired. I fail to recreate a world where words are not just words but have a depth, an inner meaning, a driving force. I fail at everything. And whatever comes out is just a random scrambled words with no sense, no meaning. I see the people out there writing their heart out and believe me they do inspire to the very core of me. But then again I am myself at the end of the day; failing to recreate the simple thought. 

And now I have achieved the point when I am the only person reading my own blog over and over again and contributing to the page count (which I care about) I could blaze into the deepest darkest me. Hope I don’t go crazy that I lose the little readers that do find time and read my blog. *Fingers crossed* 

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0 responses to “Numb.”

  1. Hey, I just started following you. Read two of your previous posts. Dint know what to say about the previous one as I dint know you.. When I get a writers block, I start making lists. Anything and everything. It can be as simple as the things you want or just a post about yourself as a list. Check how many post I have written as lists. Most of them are written during a writer's block. Find something like that for yourself and you will be good to go. 🙂 🙂
    Writ, write, write and there will be people who will read. More than anything write for yourself. 🙂 🙂
    I really liked your style of writing..
    Keep writing. 🙂

  2. Hey, I just started following you. Read two of your previous posts. Dint know what to say about the previous one as I dint know you.. When I get a writers block, I start making lists. Anything and everything. It can be as simple as the things you want or just a post about yourself as a list. Check how many post I have written as lists. Most of them are written during a writer's block. Find something like that for yourself and you will be good to go. 🙂 🙂
    Writ, write, write and there will be people who will read. More than anything write for yourself. 🙂 🙂
    I really liked your style of writing..
    Keep writing. 🙂

  3. Doesn't that go like – What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?

    Give that women a medal! He took the words right out of my mouth…we adore you! 😛

    And why would you wait till the end of today when you use up-to-date gadgets? Awesome posts are all unexpected ones right?

    well! you should be 86K is pretty impressive 😀

  4. Doesn't that go like – What doesn't kill you makes you stronger?

    Give that women a medal! He took the words right out of my mouth…we adore you! 😛

    And why would you wait till the end of today when you use up-to-date gadgets? Awesome posts are all unexpected ones right?

    well! you should be 86K is pretty impressive 😀

  5. Hey ME-er ( Arpitha),
    Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate it.
    Well, I am a complicated person. Reading me is not that easy, which I guess have been proved wrong.
    Thanks for the tip. I intend to follow it. This writer's block is a hard thing to overcome. So yeah, I will take up your advice.

    That's inspiring. Yeah, I do that all the time.
    You did? Wow. Thanks a lot, again. 🙂

  6. Hey ME-er ( Arpitha),
    Thanks for dropping by. I really appreciate it.
    Well, I am a complicated person. Reading me is not that easy, which I guess have been proved wrong.
    Thanks for the tip. I intend to follow it. This writer's block is a hard thing to overcome. So yeah, I will take up your advice.

    That's inspiring. Yeah, I do that all the time.
    You did? Wow. Thanks a lot, again. 🙂

  7. No idea, really.

    *Gives her a medal*
    Aww, thanks man. 😀 😛

    Yeah, the problem is not with the gadgets. Its with the mind. Its about the writer's block.

    I actually meant which I don't care about . Don't know how I missed the don't word. Whatever! Thanks. 😉

  8. No idea, really.

    *Gives her a medal*
    Aww, thanks man. 😀 😛

    Yeah, the problem is not with the gadgets. Its with the mind. Its about the writer's block.

    I actually meant which I don't care about . Don't know how I missed the don't word. Whatever! Thanks. 😉

  9. We all go through the phases where we can't write, and it's perfectly normal.

    But what the heck are you doing reading a book about how to write your blog, and stop trying to aim your writing for your readers. Write for yourself, write whatever you want, however you want..just don't think about the readers, the followers, the page views, if they'll like it or not… just write for yourself 🙂 That is enough to keep us coming here!

    Yes, we do adore you! But we adore you as YOU! So put that instruction manual/writing book away, and get back to being your crazy self.


  10. We all go through the phases where we can't write, and it's perfectly normal.

    But what the heck are you doing reading a book about how to write your blog, and stop trying to aim your writing for your readers. Write for yourself, write whatever you want, however you want..just don't think about the readers, the followers, the page views, if they'll like it or not… just write for yourself 🙂 That is enough to keep us coming here!

    Yes, we do adore you! But we adore you as YOU! So put that instruction manual/writing book away, and get back to being your crazy self.


  11. That book is usually to jot down my ideas/thoughts/ whatever that comes to my mind. It is not always easy to remember and articulate everything I think about. So, I write poems in that as a draft. And then I refresh it when I write it online.

  12. That book is usually to jot down my ideas/thoughts/ whatever that comes to my mind. It is not always easy to remember and articulate everything I think about. So, I write poems in that as a draft. And then I refresh it when I write it online.

  13. The Guy in The Hat/AK Wassup dude?? Yes, the line does go “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”, it's kinda commonly used (why?) phrase and a track by Kelly Clarkson (which is actually pretty good). Anyway, whatever the reason you used the phrase for, in hopeful states, I think- Yea, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger… in cynical murderous states, I think -yea, what doesn't kill you renders you incapable of doing anything else and leaves you to wait for death… Morose much? o.O Ok, I'm weird.

    Then, then, this line that you wrote: “I was a little disappointed when it turned out to be me and a few known people who read it. ” It “metaphorically” went straight to my very sentimental heart like Arjuna's arrow into that fish's eye… Because 1. I get your feels man. *sheds 101 aansu* and 2. I'm one of those impertinent peeps who don't regularly come here. But I have my excuses 😛 (Read my blog for further info ;P)

    Well, yes, that lady was absolutely right! People out here, us people, we DO adore you and love the way you express yourself.

    Unlike a lot many people, I've stopped giving or taking advises on 'Writer's block', because honestly, when it comes to me, nothing works. But the truth is, it's a phase, it passes and and you come back with a bang. So just let it be, don't fret over it, because from my experience nothing works 😛 Use this time to read other blogs maybe? That would even contribute to people coming back to your blog (so I'm told). Whatever, contrary to what I began this para with, I did end up advising you 😛

    Okhay, I have blabbered a hell lot, so.. OKAYBYE!!

    P.S. My regards to the Guy in Red or is it the Guy in the Hat? Your alter-ego, that's who I am referring to. 😀

  14. The Guy in The Hat/AK Wassup dude?? Yes, the line does go “What doesn't kill you makes you stronger”, it's kinda commonly used (why?) phrase and a track by Kelly Clarkson (which is actually pretty good). Anyway, whatever the reason you used the phrase for, in hopeful states, I think- Yea, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger… in cynical murderous states, I think -yea, what doesn't kill you renders you incapable of doing anything else and leaves you to wait for death… Morose much? o.O Ok, I'm weird.

    Then, then, this line that you wrote: “I was a little disappointed when it turned out to be me and a few known people who read it. ” It “metaphorically” went straight to my very sentimental heart like Arjuna's arrow into that fish's eye… Because 1. I get your feels man. *sheds 101 aansu* and 2. I'm one of those impertinent peeps who don't regularly come here. But I have my excuses 😛 (Read my blog for further info ;P)

    Well, yes, that lady was absolutely right! People out here, us people, we DO adore you and love the way you express yourself.

    Unlike a lot many people, I've stopped giving or taking advises on 'Writer's block', because honestly, when it comes to me, nothing works. But the truth is, it's a phase, it passes and and you come back with a bang. So just let it be, don't fret over it, because from my experience nothing works 😛 Use this time to read other blogs maybe? That would even contribute to people coming back to your blog (so I'm told). Whatever, contrary to what I began this para with, I did end up advising you 😛

    Okhay, I have blabbered a hell lot, so.. OKAYBYE!!

    P.S. My regards to the Guy in Red or is it the Guy in the Hat? Your alter-ego, that's who I am referring to. 😀

  15. Hey Ruya,
    Yeah, you are right! And lol, No, you are not weird.

    Why so specific about the aansu count? 😛 And hey, its okay. It is not a compulsion. It depends on the time factor, availability and yeah the content factor as well ( as in how a person writes). So, no worries there. Take your time, visit whenever you feel convenient.

    Thanks, ma'am.

    Haha. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.

    You did. Didn't feel like that. 😀

    The Guy in the Hat says hi. You can call me anything that you feel comfortable with 😉

  16. Hey Ruya,
    Yeah, you are right! And lol, No, you are not weird.

    Why so specific about the aansu count? 😛 And hey, its okay. It is not a compulsion. It depends on the time factor, availability and yeah the content factor as well ( as in how a person writes). So, no worries there. Take your time, visit whenever you feel convenient.

    Thanks, ma'am.

    Haha. Thanks for the advice. I appreciate it.

    You did. Didn't feel like that. 😀

    The Guy in the Hat says hi. You can call me anything that you feel comfortable with 😉

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