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The procrastination has taken a new height when I realized that I totally forgot to write a post when the blog hit counter crossed one lakh. I should have thrown a party or something like that. I usually do that kind of shit, more often than I realize that. But worry not, it is not a big deal, I mean the counter not the party. I might as well do something altogether, make some changes, perhaps or I could go undrground. I have been thinking of starting from scratch. But I know it is an impossible thing to do to say the least. *Sigh* Whom ate we kidding ? After nearly 5 years of writing what could be termed as sheer awesomeness, I mean exactly the opposite posts and over half of the hits by God knows what, spam, url hopping and a thousand tweets , I nearly crossed the one lakh page views. Oh, I forgot to mention another half was contributed by yours faithfully. 

So, I have changed my hangout spot for a brief moment, not as much as changed per say, but lets’ rather stick to checking out a new spot. This time I am trying the McDonald’s just because I saw a ‘Free WiFi’ sign outside the shop. So, I enter the shop, connect to my phone. Voila, it got connected. But don’t get too jumpy, there was no data transfer, as usual. I mean why do they even put up the sign outside just to lure people and then they find out it was a bogus one. Wait, they have the router. And I  had no problem paying for the WiFi, so as soon as I  opened my laptop to connect to the internet which get diverted to the McDonald’s website for internet access. Turns out there is an IP conflict. Umm, I thought that IP was supposed to be unique for each machine. But it could also be because of so many people trying to access the wifi. That IP conflict error was for the Free access. I rather preferred to pay for the wifi and use it. So, I give my contact details and all that stuff which again lands up with the same error IP conflict. So, I figured out that I can’t this free WiFi, no matter what, even if I had paid for it. So, the only option was to connect to my phone. I change my phone from GSM mode to 3G mode, hoping to get faster access. And I usually keep in the GSM mode to restrict the draining of the battery for no apparent reason. I switch on the packet data and also the portable WiFi hotspot and sit back till it gets connected. It takes some time to connect and then more time to connect to the internet. Phew! Finally. *Opens browser*. Doesn’t even send the request from my browser. *Searched something in the phone on Google* Same thing happened again – You device is not connected to the internet. Oh, snap! This 3G was supposed to be faster, not barring me from using the internet. I switch back to 2G and though it is connected to the internet, it takes more time to load a page than Internet Explorer. Yeah, that slow. 

The other day, which means yesterday I was at my regular coffee shop ordered the same thing which I have been ordering for the past few months, sat at one of my regular places and as usual trying to write something. But if truth be told, I was busy flaunting my new headphone which I got just yesterday. It is double the size of my head, literally and more over that wire is double my height, again literally.But that was an unusual time to do that – flauntingsince there were no one at that hour of the day ( or is it called night). And moreover the people who came were in couples. Yeah, there was no one to get give a shitand be impressed. It was just me, admiring myself in the mirror. After sitting there for nearly two hours, I decided to get going. Then I realized that I didn’t complete the coffee. I was so engrossed in writing  flaunting,that I forgot to complete my coffee and by then it was cold coffee. I know I am an coffee addict, but not a fan of cold coffee. No Sir. I decided to let it be, because I already packed everything and stood up to leave. And sitting back to complete that cold coffeewould not be so cool. Wait, at that time there was no one else in the coffee shop. Umm, but that guy in the mirror would definitely give a cold stare. 
So, let me bring you upto speed about what has been happening in with me so far. We went to a friend’s sister’s marriage. Then, later my cousin sister got married at the end of the last month. My brother couldn’t attend it due to some exams. Then on SivaRatri, we went to one of my friend’s place around 3 hours from the outskirts of Bangalore ( add two more hours for the traffic inside Bangalore) to some exhibition, or what do we call a Mela exactly ? It was good, as we were able to enjoy for some time. Then dinner at my friend’s home cooked by herself for the first time.Yeah, we were kind of the lab rats there. But to be fair, it wasn’t that bad after all. Then a day before yesterday, we went to  our project team lead’s marriage. Phew! So many marriages these days. But I am fine as long as I spend some money for the traveling and the gift, greet them, eat something and come back.  But at my cousin’s marriage almost everyone was pointing towards me telling, ” You are next“. I smile, but cursed them inside. Marriage, that topic has been sitting in my drafts for way too long time. It’s time to dust it, brush it and publish it for good. May be then they will stop telling me that “You are next”. 
P.S. : This was supposed to be posted yesterday. But, like I said ‘Procrastination’  has gone to a new level. And yesterday night, I came to a shocking new development, which is supposed to be next post. But let’s see, where this ‘procrastination’ thing leads me to. 
– AK [19/365]

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0 responses to “Procrastination 101”

  1. LOL.. well someone really wanted the internet quite badly at McDonald's! You went through all of that 😛

    Haha @ “you're next”!! This is probably one of the few benefits of being the youngest in my house.. as long as my sister is around.. I shall never be next!

    And congrats on the 100K+ views 🙂

  2. LOL.. well someone really wanted the internet quite badly at McDonald's! You went through all of that 😛

    Haha @ “you're next”!! This is probably one of the few benefits of being the youngest in my house.. as long as my sister is around.. I shall never be next!

    And congrats on the 100K+ views 🙂

  3. LOL, yeah. I guess I did as I had made up my mind to spend atleats 2 hours there. And also there were more people (read:girls) coming over there. 😛

    You lucky lady. But don't worry, girls get married much faster than guys. And I hope you get married before me. 😛

    Why, Thank You. 🙂

  4. LOL, yeah. I guess I did as I had made up my mind to spend atleats 2 hours there. And also there were more people (read:girls) coming over there. 😛

    You lucky lady. But don't worry, girls get married much faster than guys. And I hope you get married before me. 😛

    Why, Thank You. 🙂

  5. Such posts make me jealous bcz my blog is just down by 5 months but I will reach your stage pretty soon (I know)


    Happens with me too that I want to flaunt something so badly but either no one is around or no one is looking. Then it just gets embarrassing!

    And the marriage topic- hahahaha!!! 🙂
    I am the eldest on my mom's side and recently the last marriage of my mom's youngest brother took place. The buzz there was that the next marriage the family would attend would be mine. I was like hell I am still 17!!

  6. Such posts make me jealous bcz my blog is just down by 5 months but I will reach your stage pretty soon (I know)


    Happens with me too that I want to flaunt something so badly but either no one is around or no one is looking. Then it just gets embarrassing!

    And the marriage topic- hahahaha!!! 🙂
    I am the eldest on my mom's side and recently the last marriage of my mom's youngest brother took place. The buzz there was that the next marriage the family would attend would be mine. I was like hell I am still 17!!

  7. Why, Thank You! 🙂

    Right ? Why is the world so against us ? *Sigh*

    Oh, dont worry. You will get married before me! 😛
    I will make sure of that! 😀
    And age doesn't matter, miss! 😛

  8. Why, Thank You! 🙂

    Right ? Why is the world so against us ? *Sigh*

    Oh, dont worry. You will get married before me! 😛
    I will make sure of that! 😀
    And age doesn't matter, miss! 😛

  9. Well, so much for the free wi-fi huh! Happens in most places where they offer “free” wi-fi. Anyway a big congratulatory wish for the 100K hits.

    Well, if you desperately want to flaunt something like that, get a friend who would comment loudly on how cool your earphones look or something like that 😛 Yeah, it's not cool I know! Btw you would have to sponsor for the friend who helps you out.

    And marriage? What happened to the world? I know that people point fingers at girls once they finish college. But I thought the guys were spared until they were 27. Even then there was not much pressure. At least that's how it used to be. The world has gone nuts.

  10. Well, so much for the free wi-fi huh! Happens in most places where they offer “free” wi-fi. Anyway a big congratulatory wish for the 100K hits.

    Well, if you desperately want to flaunt something like that, get a friend who would comment loudly on how cool your earphones look or something like that 😛 Yeah, it's not cool I know! Btw you would have to sponsor for the friend who helps you out.

    And marriage? What happened to the world? I know that people point fingers at girls once they finish college. But I thought the guys were spared until they were 27. Even then there was not much pressure. At least that's how it used to be. The world has gone nuts.

  11. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat………….
    Before you!!! NEVER!!!!
    I will make sure I attend yours first while I would be still single;-);-);-)

    Btw @ 17 its illegal!

  12. Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat………….
    Before you!!! NEVER!!!!
    I will make sure I attend yours first while I would be still single;-);-);-)

    Btw @ 17 its illegal!

  13. Yeah. In India there is no such thing as free WiFi. It just a myth. They ask you to pay for it. But even then it doesn't work.

    Why, Thank You. 🙂

    Haha, Thats a sound idea. May be next time I will try that. 😛 I think I got that covered. 😛

    Right ? I am just planning to not getting married at all for good. :/
    Yeah, it sure has. 😛

  14. Yeah. In India there is no such thing as free WiFi. It just a myth. They ask you to pay for it. But even then it doesn't work.

    Why, Thank You. 🙂

    Haha, Thats a sound idea. May be next time I will try that. 😛 I think I got that covered. 😛

    Right ? I am just planning to not getting married at all for good. :/
    Yeah, it sure has. 😛

  15. I will get married only after my sister. So, you see, you have to get married first. 😛

    I don't think you could be single for that long. 😛
    What if HE comes around?

    Of course. I wasn't saying you will get married this year itself. After four years perhaps. But surely before me. I will make sure to attend your marriage while I would be still single. 😛 😉

  16. I will get married only after my sister. So, you see, you have to get married first. 😛

    I don't think you could be single for that long. 😛
    What if HE comes around?

    Of course. I wasn't saying you will get married this year itself. After four years perhaps. But surely before me. I will make sure to attend your marriage while I would be still single. 😛 😉

  17. No the older brother gets married first and then he gets his lil sis married off some place nice. Thats how it goes!

    Chances of HIM coming around is very bleak almost next to never – so lets scratch HIM out!!! As much as I would love to;-)

    At my wedding you would be there with your wife and probably a kid too;-):-D
    And what just 4 years to find my ONE thats too short! I have 7 years of MBBS and MD ahead me! You can't marry me off before that!;-):-D

    Well some part of me wants to know how old you are…

  18. No the older brother gets married first and then he gets his lil sis married off some place nice. Thats how it goes!

    Chances of HIM coming around is very bleak almost next to never – so lets scratch HIM out!!! As much as I would love to;-)

    At my wedding you would be there with your wife and probably a kid too;-):-D
    And what just 4 years to find my ONE thats too short! I have 7 years of MBBS and MD ahead me! You can't marry me off before that!;-):-D

    Well some part of me wants to know how old you are…

  19. Yeah, I know. But I will wait. 😛

    Sure. For now, though! 🙂

    Haha. Don't be so optimistic. Will see who comes with a kid. 😛
    I didn't know you were going to be a Doctor.
    Yeah, now that has come to light, you got a point. But still, lets' see what is going to happen.

    What about the other part? Just kidding. I am 23 years old + one month old. So, by the time you complete MBBS, I would be 30. Even if takes another year or two, I could still wait. No hurry. 😛 By the way, did I ever mention that I was not planning to get married at all. 😛 😀

  20. Yeah, I know. But I will wait. 😛

    Sure. For now, though! 🙂

    Haha. Don't be so optimistic. Will see who comes with a kid. 😛
    I didn't know you were going to be a Doctor.
    Yeah, now that has come to light, you got a point. But still, lets' see what is going to happen.

    What about the other part? Just kidding. I am 23 years old + one month old. So, by the time you complete MBBS, I would be 30. Even if takes another year or two, I could still wait. No hurry. 😛 By the way, did I ever mention that I was not planning to get married at all. 😛 😀

  21. You would have to wait for a very long time then
    I will tell u wat will happen – I will finish my mbbs and md 7 years gone, then I will go to usa for a phd in psychiatry then I will practice there so another 5 years gone, then I will start looking for a suitable guy another 5 years gone so basically 17 years!!!
    I m sure u wont wait that long bcz wat about the girl in the bus:-P u surely wont let her get married elsewhere!
    But I agree 23 is too young! U have a life rite!

    Nd v shud stop planning our wedding guests bcz neither of us is getting married anytime soon:-D

  22. You would have to wait for a very long time then
    I will tell u wat will happen – I will finish my mbbs and md 7 years gone, then I will go to usa for a phd in psychiatry then I will practice there so another 5 years gone, then I will start looking for a suitable guy another 5 years gone so basically 17 years!!!
    I m sure u wont wait that long bcz wat about the girl in the bus:-P u surely wont let her get married elsewhere!
    But I agree 23 is too young! U have a life rite!

    Nd v shud stop planning our wedding guests bcz neither of us is getting married anytime soon:-D

  23. I can wait. There is no hurry.

    17 years ? Wait 5 years to fine a suitable guy ? Believe me, the search begins while you are about to complete the MBBS. So this is what going to happen. By the time you complete MBBS and MD you would have already recieved minimum 5-10 proposals. And hell, you will be a doctor so even more chances, I mean proposals. Then by you complete the MD or MBBS, you will get married off. Because girls usually should get marrried before 25. Indian people thinking. So, there's that. So, I give you maximum 7-8 or 9 in extremes. 😛

    And that girl in a bus is just another person whom I admire. Nothing beyond that could ever happen. 😛

    Yeah, I guess.

    Haha. Lol. Right. 😛

    Ouch. Sorry. Didn't think of that. 😐
    But you should wait for my post in the whole marriage thing. :/

  24. I can wait. There is no hurry.

    17 years ? Wait 5 years to fine a suitable guy ? Believe me, the search begins while you are about to complete the MBBS. So this is what going to happen. By the time you complete MBBS and MD you would have already recieved minimum 5-10 proposals. And hell, you will be a doctor so even more chances, I mean proposals. Then by you complete the MD or MBBS, you will get married off. Because girls usually should get marrried before 25. Indian people thinking. So, there's that. So, I give you maximum 7-8 or 9 in extremes. 😛

    And that girl in a bus is just another person whom I admire. Nothing beyond that could ever happen. 😛

    Yeah, I guess.

    Haha. Lol. Right. 😛

    Ouch. Sorry. Didn't think of that. 😐
    But you should wait for my post in the whole marriage thing. :/

  25. Those 5-10 proposals will be greeted with a NO
    Thats y I will shift to USA to escape all that melodrama of marriage thing
    In the end I got my 17 years:-D
    Ya 5 years are very much necessary you can't marry any stranger

    Ya so u shud hav thought of that
    You have to marry just so I can dance:-P

    I will not miss USA for anything and marriage is the last thing I will go through

    Some how through this conversation I have ended up planning my 17 years *SHIT*

  26. Those 5-10 proposals will be greeted with a NO
    Thats y I will shift to USA to escape all that melodrama of marriage thing
    In the end I got my 17 years:-D
    Ya 5 years are very much necessary you can't marry any stranger

    Ya so u shud hav thought of that
    You have to marry just so I can dance:-P

    I will not miss USA for anything and marriage is the last thing I will go through

    Some how through this conversation I have ended up planning my 17 years *SHIT*

  27. Ofcourse they will be. I was just pointing the obvious.
    Great idea. Do that.
    But still 17 years means you will be 34, almost. Exactly 10 years more than what is usually preferred in India.

    Yeah, right. But the remaining 12 years also can be used to your advantage and find someone, so you could save like 5 years may be.

    Are you a good dancer? 😛 Well that didn't matter though. 😛

    Parents don't think like that. But ask the best, nevertheless.

    Haha, one good thing. You don't have to spend any more time to plan.

    Btw, am I ruining your board exam preparations ? I am, am I not? Sorry about that. :/

  28. Ofcourse they will be. I was just pointing the obvious.
    Great idea. Do that.
    But still 17 years means you will be 34, almost. Exactly 10 years more than what is usually preferred in India.

    Yeah, right. But the remaining 12 years also can be used to your advantage and find someone, so you could save like 5 years may be.

    Are you a good dancer? 😛 Well that didn't matter though. 😛

    Parents don't think like that. But ask the best, nevertheless.

    Haha, one good thing. You don't have to spend any more time to plan.

    Btw, am I ruining your board exam preparations ? I am, am I not? Sorry about that. :/

  29. In those 12 years I would not have any time to window shop for guys so I wud need that 5 years xtra
    And yes I m a good dancer:-P
    I have already decided the song for u;-)
    No u r not ruining my prep.

  30. In those 12 years I would not have any time to window shop for guys so I wud need that 5 years xtra
    And yes I m a good dancer:-P
    I have already decided the song for u;-)
    No u r not ruining my prep.

  31. Ya window shopping u know like just looking not buying 😉

    U will know the song when I dance at your wedding so to know the song you have to get married 😀

    Ya I am sure

  32. Ya window shopping u know like just looking not buying 😉

    U will know the song when I dance at your wedding so to know the song you have to get married 😀

    Ya I am sure

  33. Yeah, I understood your implication.
    But a lot could could happen in college, then in US. #JustSaying. I mean you could do all that (window shopping) while in college only. 😛

    Oh No. I might never know the song. :/

    Okay, Cool. I am taking your word on this. 🙂

  34. Yeah, I understood your implication.
    But a lot could could happen in college, then in US. #JustSaying. I mean you could do all that (window shopping) while in college only. 😛

    Oh No. I might never know the song. :/

    Okay, Cool. I am taking your word on this. 🙂

  35. No for once I am not going to take this advice of yours!!! I need those 5 years 😀
    As far as the present is concerned I have already window shopped and
    even liked a thing or two 😉
    You tell me, what about you?
    I don't believe you wont marry ever!!! I mean I am sure you would need someone as a companion! And surely you don't want to spend the 'old' years sitting alone and repenting your decision of not marrying at all ;););););):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    You would need someone!!!
    #Just Saying ;P 😀

  36. No for once I am not going to take this advice of yours!!! I need those 5 years 😀
    As far as the present is concerned I have already window shopped and
    even liked a thing or two 😉
    You tell me, what about you?
    I don't believe you wont marry ever!!! I mean I am sure you would need someone as a companion! And surely you don't want to spend the 'old' years sitting alone and repenting your decision of not marrying at all ;););););):D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    You would need someone!!!
    #Just Saying ;P 😀

  37. Yeah, I know.
    But don't always get drowned in books. 😛

    But window shopping in those 5 years will not your choice to make. It will happen automatically. Believe me, 5 years is a long time. Anything could happen. 😛 😀

    See, you are already making , I mean made progress. You just passed one level. College will be the next level.

    Me ? I'm the last person you should be asking. Love is one thing, I have never beeb able to associate with myself. Infatuation , yes. But that too is temporary. You know when you see someone and feel that they are just made for you. Or someone who makes you laugh, gives comfort. Not yet hapoeneed. :/
    That's why I wanted to write a post on it. Last time I wrote, it totally failed to convey the meaning. And that is one if the reasons I wanted to write about you. Though, I may not know the first thing about you. But hoping to write a nice post on an idea which you bestowed upon me. Wait for it, please. I am too bad at writing. So, please don't mind if it's not at all what you expected.

    And you ask about marriage and life after 30-40 years. Frankly speaking I haven't seen that far. I would really like to tell the reason. But some other day , perhaps. :).

    And hey, you just stole my word. Not fair. 😛

  38. Yeah, I know.
    But don't always get drowned in books. 😛

    But window shopping in those 5 years will not your choice to make. It will happen automatically. Believe me, 5 years is a long time. Anything could happen. 😛 😀

    See, you are already making , I mean made progress. You just passed one level. College will be the next level.

    Me ? I'm the last person you should be asking. Love is one thing, I have never beeb able to associate with myself. Infatuation , yes. But that too is temporary. You know when you see someone and feel that they are just made for you. Or someone who makes you laugh, gives comfort. Not yet hapoeneed. :/
    That's why I wanted to write a post on it. Last time I wrote, it totally failed to convey the meaning. And that is one if the reasons I wanted to write about you. Though, I may not know the first thing about you. But hoping to write a nice post on an idea which you bestowed upon me. Wait for it, please. I am too bad at writing. So, please don't mind if it's not at all what you expected.

    And you ask about marriage and life after 30-40 years. Frankly speaking I haven't seen that far. I would really like to tell the reason. But some other day , perhaps. :).

    And hey, you just stole my word. Not fair. 😛

  39. Dont say that Mr.Profilific writer! I felt wierd that you didn't mention too..Anyway congratulations on 1L visitors! Soo…any badges in mind?

    whaaaaat?? I am missing on sooo many parties?noooooo

    lol, you are right! Free wifi IS a myth in India! Whaat? i expected bangalore to be better than this!!3G in chennai just flies 😉 wait…why am i still talking about chennai :/ should get used to talk about hyd more..

    haha..just how much did you pay for that?

    ooh…i thought when you broke the flow you broke out of Blog a day thing…..should start doing that voodooo stuff again 😉 Just kidding 😛

    haha….you areee next!

  40. Dont say that Mr.Profilific writer! I felt wierd that you didn't mention too..Anyway congratulations on 1L visitors! Soo…any badges in mind?

    whaaaaat?? I am missing on sooo many parties?noooooo

    lol, you are right! Free wifi IS a myth in India! Whaat? i expected bangalore to be better than this!!3G in chennai just flies 😉 wait…why am i still talking about chennai :/ should get used to talk about hyd more..

    haha..just how much did you pay for that?

    ooh…i thought when you broke the flow you broke out of Blog a day thing…..should start doing that voodooo stuff again 😉 Just kidding 😛

    haha….you areee next!

  41. Wait u will write a post on me or the idea I have bestowed upon u (btw which idea?) or both?

    Don't worry that day is not far when u will write about falling in love bcz that too iz not ur choice and will happen automatically 😉

    I just thought ki u hav made me plan my 17+years so I shud also make u c ur 30-40 upcoming years;-) though the site might not have been that good 🙁

    Well ya u just keep 'just saying' so I thought I should do that with u too 🙂 try to tell u how it feels like when somebody though claims to be 'just saying' but ends up saying a lot ;-):-P #just saying again!!! 😛

  42. Wait u will write a post on me or the idea I have bestowed upon u (btw which idea?) or both?

    Don't worry that day is not far when u will write about falling in love bcz that too iz not ur choice and will happen automatically 😉

    I just thought ki u hav made me plan my 17+years so I shud also make u c ur 30-40 upcoming years;-) though the site might not have been that good 🙁

    Well ya u just keep 'just saying' so I thought I should do that with u too 🙂 try to tell u how it feels like when somebody though claims to be 'just saying' but ends up saying a lot ;-):-P #just saying again!!! 😛

  43. Yeah, of course they are. My Adobe Phototshop just got expired. :/ So, yeah, it will take some time. 😛

    Don't worry. We can think about it.

    Better ? This is INDIA! Nothing is good, hands down.

    Not much. But still. When I had the money, I expect the service to be given to me. But, blah, who am I kidding?

    Bring it on, dude! I am over it. I will kick its ass.

    Don't get too excited. I am going to put an end to this. 😛

  44. Yeah, of course they are. My Adobe Phototshop just got expired. :/ So, yeah, it will take some time. 😛

    Don't worry. We can think about it.

    Better ? This is INDIA! Nothing is good, hands down.

    Not much. But still. When I had the money, I expect the service to be given to me. But, blah, who am I kidding?

    Bring it on, dude! I am over it. I will kick its ass.

    Don't get too excited. I am going to put an end to this. 😛

  45. Wait for it, Ma'am! I am still writing it, I mean I began writing. It will take some time. :/

    Haha. Thanks. 🙂 You give me hope, sis. Thanks again. 😀

    Lol. Thanks, again. But I prefer to live in the present, because dreams are good, but not those we aren't so sure of, or should I say just me. Well yeah, It might not be that good. :/

    Point duly noted, my lord. The reason behind I saying #JustSaying after saying a lot is that there are no hidden meaning, just straight forward opinion. And also to mention not to take it seriously or likewise. #JustExplaining. 😛

  46. Wait for it, Ma'am! I am still writing it, I mean I began writing. It will take some time. :/

    Haha. Thanks. 🙂 You give me hope, sis. Thanks again. 😀

    Lol. Thanks, again. But I prefer to live in the present, because dreams are good, but not those we aren't so sure of, or should I say just me. Well yeah, It might not be that good. :/

    Point duly noted, my lord. The reason behind I saying #JustSaying after saying a lot is that there are no hidden meaning, just straight forward opinion. And also to mention not to take it seriously or likewise. #JustExplaining. 😛

  47. Sahi hai.

    Lekin har koi ko ummeed nahi hota. Kisi ko hosala bhadana padtha hai kabhi kabhi. Aur yeha par, aap hosala dete ho jaha ummeed hi nahi hai. Tho iske liye shukriyada karna chahtha tha. 😛 😀

  48. Sahi hai.

    Lekin har koi ko ummeed nahi hota. Kisi ko hosala bhadana padtha hai kabhi kabhi. Aur yeha par, aap hosala dete ho jaha ummeed hi nahi hai. Tho iske liye shukriyada karna chahtha tha. 😛 😀

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Procrastination 101

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ