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Sinking in

Part 1 : It all began … 
Part 2 : Insanity has a new meaning (continued)

As the flight took off, I slowly dozed off. I even forgot to take the mandatory flight selfie, which if you don’t know, you shouldn’t be allowed to travel in a flight. The instruction manual has the rules ranging from fastening seat belts to getting out of an airplane in case of emergencies. The 6th point right before the Emergency section states that people should take a selfie before switching off their phones and they can resume taking them after the flight has gained altitude. If you don’t get a perfect selfie and happen to take a lot of time to get that perfect pout or smirk, you could be detained from the flight or ask a flight attendant to take the pic for you. In case of emergency, there will be no Internet so restrain yourself from sending a SOS signal (ie, Messages like “Finally going to crash” ) sort of tweets for your own safety.

The flight lands and thankfully  and after contemplating it turns out that I will not be sharing the room with the nutcase. Finally, I am glad. Eventually I settled myself in the allotted guest house and opened my laptop to read what I was supposed to do, for the first time. It looked simple, only that it wasn’t simple. After a few hours of changing places and breaking the laptop and banging my head against the wall, I have finally mastered it. Sorry correction, I was sure that I will be going on a return flight the very next day. That would actually be cool.

After a long standing wait, the formal introductions and passing internal judgments about the messy hair and undergrown subtle, people shook hands with me. Oh yeah, that guy was me. I was least bothered about my physical appearance, except that I wasn’t dressed in a ragged torn out clothes. I carefully and clearly mentioned that I had to idea what I am supposed to do. We will start the training from tomorrow. I guess they never heard me properly. Nevertheless, I was tied to this and there was no escaping it. A week into work the clock was set from ten in the morning to ten in the evening. The insanity had no bounds. 12 hours of work and no extra pay and no special recognition, no nothing, just work sounded more like a punishment than a favor. I was in no position to stick to this ridiculousness. I had planned out a new timings for myself. After all, I was doing them a kind of favor. The so called Greek and Latin training was over and everything went over my head. But the show must go on and we were given our places. After two days of trying to get things into my my head I saw her ( A Distant Memory )

#NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month) #Day5
NaBloPoMo November 2015

#Explore #Kolkata #KolkataDiaries #Work #Deputation #NewAssignment #newToTheCity #Flight #Nutcase #aDistantMemory #Day5

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Sinking in

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Sinking in

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ