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The Inspiration Thing.

Every author needs an inspiration. Every musician who composes needs an inspiration. Every teacher who teaches needs the same thing to keep going every day. And the list continues. Each work has to be unique and authenticated. So, this is not an overnight process. It takes time. But eventually, they complete. So, Whats the case with me? I have been searching for some sot of inspiration for like 2 months. I just cleared my bookshelf with some novels which I didn’t read. But still, I have nothing. Usually, the exam time happens to be the best time. I really don’t know how, but I mostly note the key points  more like ideas necessary for the upcoming blog/write ups. But now that I am doing a job, without even going to the office has just made me more of a couch potato ( hell yeah, I am gaining weight) and my mind numb. I mean like really numb, more like it is in some sort of coma. Almost everyday I open the Blogger and read the latest posts and I even open the comment box to comment, but then I have no idea what to comment. Everything in my mind seems obsolete to me and I end up closing the tab going back to my blog. I open the draft and the draft lies like that for another 10-15 minutes and then I close  it and watch some TV. And after an hour or so, the process repeats. So, I am still in the hunt for inspiration, I guess. So, recently I came up with an idea along with my brother that we suggest a topic each day and at the end of the day, we will read each others and after a week, I might get back on track and complete the lame story I started in my fiction-story-writing -blog. So, my bro comes up with the topic Snacks. Seriously, Snacks. Come on, man. When I get back home, he’ll probable have to deal with me. I knew what compelled him to go for that topic. I asked him to come up with a topic by 5 in the evening and we will write on it by 10 and review by 12. It seemed like a nice idea, for me at least until he came up with the topic Snacks,  because 5 pm is usually the snacks time. Seriously? Here I am trying to get some inspiration and that topic made me hungry. Not cool, dude. Then I compelled him to think outside the box and not to tell everything that you see. Later the previous night, he comes up another topic, more like the 5th standard Essay topic for the weekend. Hmm… May be these days, children are doing that essay writing in much younger age I guess. So, I am back to the 5th standard.

– “Dude, You need a hobby” my conscious says. Hell, yeah, I need one. I got a camera which stays in my cupboard all day long and no matter whenever I try to go out to explore and click some pics, God knows how, but I have no clue how I get that lazy. I get 90% ready to pack up and go out for a photo-session, but then again I end up in front of the laptop open the blog and doing the same routing which is probably on repeat mode in my mind. 

– Have you ever seen the comedy TV series where after a every small joke, there is a laughter sound of a bunch of people. So, one of my friends says that they laugh to make us know that there was a joke/humor in the previous dialogue. Probably, they don’t really understand the joke that’s  why they ask for subtitles. And also, In reality there are actually people watching that show live. And those are the people laughing at the jokes. Not some computer edited laughter noise. 

– I got a mail regarding some medical consultation which read as : Free consultation at 10% Discount. Now what’s free and what’s that discount for? 

– It hasn’t been a week in the December month, or let me put it this way – It hasn’t been a week since I got my salary that I almost spent 75% of it, or may be more. Insane, right? Yeah, I have been calling myself that for long, but do I have to prove it every minute of what? I need to get a hold of myself. Damn you Online Shopping. :[

– Its December, so its the Resolution month. Like all previous years, I would make up the same old resolutions as always and probably break each and every one of it and even crush it. Wait a minute, what were my New Yea Resolutions last year? I don’t have a clue. Since, I am busy breaking all the resolutions every year, probably this time I should add “will not/ shall not/ should not” to all that are there in my resolution list. So, that way I would be able to do each and every resolution. Seems like a nice idea to me. 🙂

– That’s it, I guess. My battery is out, I guess. My thinking capability is limited to nothing, so this is where I should probably end before I mess up things.

– I stared at the laptop for around 15 minutes for a topic for this write-up. Bloody hell, I am not getting a single topic in my head. Sneak-a-what…..Wth was that? Come on dude, You can do much better than that. 

Recent Comments

0 responses to “Sneak-a-Peek.”

  1. Hahahahah SNACKS. That literally made me laugh out loud. Really, Ajay, you don't even need to search for anything inspiring or even important, just the way you write about everyday stuff is so interesting.

  2. Right! It made me laugh out loud also.

    There, that's the problem. I am becoming too lazy doing nothing which is compelling me not to extend my thinking capability over the usual.

    But, Thank You. You are one of the people who keep me going. So, see you're an inspiring person. 🙂

  3. 😀

    FTR, I like the title also! It's not a bad idea at all – it's just the context it was brought up and the way you described it hahahha “seriously, snacks?”

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