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Dear Believer/Optimist/Hard-Worker,

Success comes to those who believe in themselves.

I have been  to a lot of places since my childhood. All the people whom I met had some or the other talent; unique talent. But when it comes to you, I found extra-ordinary talent. Not only are you hard-working, but a self-believer. I have never seen any person so confident of himself and ready to accept challenges. Believing is Self is the hardest part, which I consider. And when I saw you, I saw the spark. It requires the strength to say no, because you are not interested. But it requires even more strength to face the next challenge. During this process, one may be dis-heartened by seeing at others’ performance and may sometimes degrade his confidence. But a hard-worker would never find it difficult to face challenges. The challenges seem like a piece of cake. And at last congratulations.


PS.: This post was intended to be lengthy, but don’t know what happened, I slept and forgot what I wanted to write. My apologies.

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© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

The Believer

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ