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” Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequences of consistency applying the basic fundamentals.”
– Jim Rohn

I was operating the linear integrated circuitry using some microprocessor procedure. When I realized that the the antenna wasn’t working properly, I analyzed the types of antennas names YAGI-UDA. Oh wow. The names sounds good said some. I wrote the program using a compiler in C Language but after so much of ado, I finally ended up with a wrong logic. In between there was a message  to my cellular device saying that there is some disturbance in noise resulting in un-clear conversations. I finally got hold of the virtual memory in my laptop but wondered where it was stored or even hid itself from the programmers eyes. PAUSEDigital to analog conversions and vice versa, I had been encoding using some stacks and pointers logic. May be it should not be used as logic so I took the cache memory, just for a change and implemented on the so called Intel Microprocessor Chip. Oh my GOD. It’s so hard. But I moved on. The low pass filters used some of the butter-worth and using some switched capacitances, I tried to make it applicable for antenna synthesis. But my bad. It too didn’t work. The beam width might have been too large for it to sustain. They said automatic gain control devices are much more better. I accepted their wish and drew a micro instruction code using it  to work on some interfacing device. The phase locked loops were pretty difficult to construct, so I shifted to some timers. I preferred the three 5’s one 555 Timer. But hell, they too were difficult. But with great difficulty I manipulated the timers and gave it a break. The power was dissipated into the some spectral density which was unknown and resulted in some figure of noise. May be the noise temperature was too high. May be not. Then, there were receivers, some tuned , they called it RF tuned and some made with ganged tuning, but they produced delayed automatic control on gain. Depressed, but with out losing hope I plunged forward onto some thing different. I tried this UNIX operating system for controlling the memory and sequencing of address. Some thing worked. I guess so. The bus diagram was generated based on it, but the vertical and horizontal micro instructions didn’t find the place of peace. Then there were two brothers to help me out. RISC & CISC, but they abandoned on seeing the complex stack organization on which was written Reverse Polish.  Finally I got bored up and thought of watching TV, but the plane/rod antenna wasn’t working properly. So I replaced it with a dish antenna. Finally tuned the signals, but the noise wasn’t audible. So I had to adjust the noise bandwidth also. Oh C’mom, gimme a break. Finally, it was night and moreover the exams were over.

All these are the implications of the messed up brain. After so much of stress and the long syllabus to be completed, the exams came such a shock. And I know all that I had written in the above para doesn’t make sense. I was just trying to brief all the topics that were covered in the exams. And most importantly, I did not cover all the topics. I wrote some of the topics that came to my mind. Well, till now the second sessionals aer over and the lab internals also, but the original is yet to come. This November, we will experience something like never before. And with the great state of art of the paper, and the synthesis by the students, this will be one exhilarating phenomenal. And the performance could be seen live from the 15th of November. So hardly ten days are left. 

And now who in the world wants to write the exams. We try to escape each and every exam, but in the end we want the marks for the same. I have seen and tried also from absconding from the exams. And I too desire for getting the marks for free. Who wants to waste time writing exams, when someone can easily manipulate it. And the filling of the photocopier shops is quite common. We sometimes get irritated also at seeing the huge crowd which had been standing for more than half an hour. And more irritation is there when we have an exam the coming day. So, this is simply termed as ‘last-minute-studying’. Funnily, I got a text the previous day saying that the last minute studying helps to face analytical problems and helps the students to manage time properly and obviously study well. But, the performance the the exam may vary. That’s a different story. 

Then, there are people practising mal-practices. The micro-xerox. Some get hold of the whole book in just a few pages and store it somewhere not visible to the naked eye. And there are people stealing the the additional sheets after the exam and writing the answers well before the exam and slowly sliding it during the exam. Well, that needs so much skill and expertise. And I fear just the thought of it. OH MY GOD, its too scary. And this is because, I lend my brain to the consequences of it. If in case we get caught? That situation is very difficult to imagine and all that one has comes to ashes. And what I fear the more is that some guy after implementing his so desired mal-practice and throws the left-overs at my place. Oh Gosh !! I can’t even think of explaining that it isn’t mine. And nor can the culprit stand up and say, It is mine. Anyways, I just think too much. Right!?

Well, all these days of the exams I had been in my room trying hard to study. But sometimes overcame by sleep, unknowingly and sometimes distracted and sometimes disturbed. Some think I know much better than them but the reality is that they know much better than me. The whole atmosphere becomes tense, humid and hot. But the heat generated by the mind would cancel anything from the external source. Just give it a try. After studying continuously for some four to five hours, lay you hand softly on the head and feel the heat. I guess, it would be, unless you are revising or just going through all the topics. I was talking about the stressing on the brain to understand-remember analytically. And I wasn’t talking about the All-Time-Studying people. The stress on the brain becomes large and at this time what actually we need is to cool it and then again continue. But who has the time to cool it, when there is a freaking exam the other day. And these day everything is so easy. Some people get to know the questions well before the exam and text to all those concerned the day before the exam begins. And now what? We got the important questions. What’s the point in wasting time learning each and every topic. Some get to prepare well, actually too well. But even then, even after the small leaking of the paper, some are still in the process of indulging in the wrong activities. It’s a different story of theirs. So moving on. The preparations doesn’t end even before the last minute before the exam begins. We will be handling two large books quickly skimming through all the pages and referring to all that we had studied. And then there is a call. The exam begins. The most exhilarating hours of the day.

Some come out with happy faces and with a satisfaction of completing the exam very well and on time. They are the people who worked really hard. Some come out with a small sort of depression, as the leaked-out-paper did not contain some questions. Some are way too depressed, as the question paper was something more in Greek ‘n Latin to them. Some come out with the happiness of faring well and on knowing the questions before only, I mean the leaked-out-question. Though, it is very hard to depend on the leaked question, but what else can we do just before the exam. Some come out with an urge to fare well next time, saying next time definitely. So are, some of the reactions of the people. But does it end? After stepping out of the exam hall, all get gathered and start discussing the paper in detail and inquiring each and everyone about their performance. And then the next exam. This continues on until the exams end. And again begins at the next exams after six months or so.

Till then.

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0 responses to “The Exams !!!”

  1. only stalwarts like u can write such things!!!!
    It seems that u didnt leave even a single topic for the exam….!!!
    ur use of technical terms is that inconceivable and even incredible…!!!!
    Once again u proved that u r the “KING OF BLOGGERS”

  2. only stalwarts like u can write such things!!!!
    It seems that u didnt leave even a single topic for the exam….!!!
    ur use of technical terms is that inconceivable and even incredible…!!!!
    Once again u proved that u r the “KING OF BLOGGERS”

  3. @ Abhiram :: Well thanks. And I rather think all the topics which I wrote were actually those which I didn't study. Atleast I guess i remember the topics in the syllabus book whole searching for the topics. And Thanks again for the compliment. 😀 :))

  4. @ Abhiram :: Well thanks. And I rather think all the topics which I wrote were actually those which I didn't study. Atleast I guess i remember the topics in the syllabus book whole searching for the topics. And Thanks again for the compliment. 😀 :))

  5. @Praneeth YVS :: I think 'realization' is most important to step forward. And I am glad that there was something, you realized and I hope you would make your realization a reality. With Best Wishes !!!

    ~ Ajay Kontham

  6. @Praneeth YVS :: I think 'realization' is most important to step forward. And I am glad that there was something, you realized and I hope you would make your realization a reality. With Best Wishes !!!

    ~ Ajay Kontham

  7. @ Cyrus :: I can change the theme, if you could just state the problem with the present one !!! Please, I would like to know the problem with the present one. So that, even after I change it, I should not encounter such a comment!

    Please do understand and let me know, what difficulty are you facing with the present one!


  8. @ Cyrus :: I can change the theme, if you could just state the problem with the present one !!! Please, I would like to know the problem with the present one. So that, even after I change it, I should not encounter such a comment!

    Please do understand and let me know, what difficulty are you facing with the present one!


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The Exams !!!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ