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I don’t usually wake up early, especially on Sundays. Come on, who does ? Well, Not me. But I had to wake up anyway because the newspaper guy wanted me  to pay the monthly bill. So, I woke up and what came first to my mind the next moment- The (Original) IndiBlogger Meet. Yeah, I was excited. 

So, the Meeting was scheduled at 1330 hours. So, I had to make a time frame. I made the mental calculation with all the mathematical expressions flying around and calculating the time taking various factors like the distance I have to walk, the distance the bus has to travel and the speed, the traffic – feeling like a math-genius. All was set and the result came out that it would take me at least over two hours. So, on the safe side I added 30 minutes to it. So, I had to start at 1100 hours. And I did exactly that but 30 minutes earlier. Yeah, to be much more safer side. By the way, if you must know, I like to be punctual. The aftermath was that I reached in one and a half hour. I patted myself for the awesome calculation (Sarcastically). Well, may be thats’ why I couldn’t crack that CAT exam. It took me another ten minutes to find the Fortune Hotel. But I thought it would be really weird to go in around one and a half hour earlier. So, I scoured the surroundings and ended up finding nothing. No malls, no CCD (Cafe Coffee Day), no Burger joints, No Pizza Huts. It was practically a tightly packed road with flyovers and uncountable vehicles hovering around. So, for the next hour I was just roaming around & window shopping (Looking through the window) since the shops were closed. I strolled up and down and the time wasn’t moving at all. Finally, I decided to go in, whatever

I entered and found out that the meeting was on the second floor. By then I was thirty minutes before the scheduled time. I was told to wait in the waiting area in the first floor since I was a little early. So, Punctuality is not always good. It makes us wait. Lesson learnt – Lesson Forgot. 

The HP IndiBlogger Meet

The registrations were done. Time was around 1400 hours , but people still came until 1430. And then there was the first event after a brilliant song and some awesome music- 30 seconds of fame. People were sharing about their blog and telling a little bit about themselves enacting their favorite character in books/television/movies/anything and some others sang. And Anoop Zombie who happens to be an IndiBlogger was giving away freebies for some of the good introductions while in the middle there were some free distributions such as like when someone got a book for having an exam the next day, for having less hair on the head, for having a broken wrist, for tweeting about coughing, for being scolded by their Mom, etc etc. Well, I was just sitting and wondering how to get a freebie as like most others. The first freebie that I got was a book, for having no Stripes shirt at the round table of an odd six people. The goodies were so handy to get, I mean to be given away, I felt. I was sitting there wondering how many were there? I thought there couldn’t be that many to accommodate a near to 150 people, if I am not wrong. 

Then there was a seminar by the HP guy about the use of #Original products. At the start of the meet, I met up with a guy who asked me what does that hashtag saying #OriginalCopy mean? I thought,  “Isn’t it obvious?” That to be Original & maintain originality. But I wasn’t sure to what it was actually related to exactly. At the end of the seminar, there was something to learn and something to share, which I would be doing. 

And it was time for a High Tea. There were a lot of items and I tried almost everything, not that I was hungry. Just tasted all, and they were quite nice. Then there was this photo session and the best photo wins a HP Printer. Yeah, So, Photo? I am a little bit good at taking pictures but not at all good at getting clicked. Not a photogenic face, you see. So, I didn’t opt for that, but anyway some of the guys I met walked me to it. And the photo was quite literally awkward. The other guys had no idea how to pose, neither did I, but I didn’t overdo. Anyway, the photo was clicked and its on FB now uploaded by IndiBlogger.

The miming was a fun part. We, a team of 15 members were to do Harry Potter . I mean come on, its as simple as that. But we had to do something different – A Quidditch game. All was set. It was supposed to look awesome with Voldemort fighting the Harry Potter. We even made a mark on one of the guys. The stage was too small for all the 15 people to fly around on their brooms and playing the game. As I was enacting, I saw the people watching us confused. But the end when Voldemort used his wand made it much easy for the other people to guess it easily. We got second for miming and the prize – A book and a Pen Drive. Pretty cool. 🙂

And the meeting ended up with discussing some seven odd and random questions and the most brilliant answer which was applauded by all was for the question – “Why this Kolavari Di ?” The answer to which was given by Mr. Balasubramaniam – “After 12 years of marriage, that is the only question I can ask my wife”. And that won him a HP printer. 

The Meet was simply awesome and as it was my first, it was a great experience where I met with a lot of famous bloggers and had a chance to see the faces behind the blogs that I follow. And the IndiBlogger team seriously needs a hats off for conducting such meets and organizing it so well. And I would like to go to almost every other meet that is possible without fail.

#IndiBlogger [ Indian by Birth, Blogger by Choice ]
#HP #OriginalCopy

– Ajay Kontham

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The IndiBlogger Meet.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ