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The night was young as the moon adorned the silver armor and shone in its adorning beauty. The luminous light so vivid that the night appeared day. Just as then a dark cloud ran the race from the outskirts of the capitol to eliminate all light, that dangerous evil darkness no one was aware of. Silence swept across the streets of conjusted homes, statues, palaces, whatnot. The silence was deafening. In the center of the palace was a child in a cradle sleeping peacefully without anything to worry about. The silent atmosphere echoed his small breath of life. *Breathe in* *Breathe out* *Breathe in*. There was silence again, that cruel deafening silence. 
A nostalgic expression with a hint of sadness and anger left my breath. Let me bring to you the movie – Exodus : Gods and Kings. This particular paragraph is a scene in the movie. It is so heart-breaking, so cruel. Well, I felt so. God! God! What is God made up of? Or what is God? Or who is God? No one has really ever seen him. He has always been that mysterious. Oh, come on theist, have you ever had the pleasure of meeting him or seeing him or umm never mind! Well, I do believe in your belief. But we have to agree that he is mysterious enough. Well, in this movie he makes an appearance to a person who never believed in God. That’s the logic there. If you never really believed in God, he will chose you and you have a great destiny to fulfill, the God’s destiny of course, for salvation perhaps. What fascinated me in the movie was the God and his actions. In the early mid 1000 BC, there was slavery, a sort of slavery which was unbearable to even imagine. We all know that, don’t we? History did make that clear or was it the Bible? And there are many stories of God in that time period, his birth, his purpose, and so many other things.
So, as part of the greater good, what was the necessary evil? What was needed for the good to come out from so much evil. Life! Life was at stake. And this movie had put a big question mark on the God’s intentions. Kill a few to help a lot? That was the motto. There was this phase in the movie when the God brings down his wrath. He kills all the fish, destroys the crops, followed by an attach by flies, frogs, worms, whatnot. There was a plague out of no where, and a deadly one. I wonder what happened to the balance of nature? And what shook me to the core was when he decides to kill all the children. While the children who are in the houses which are marked with the blood of the sacrificed lamb won’t be killed. Death. If death was so inevitable, kill the few people who are the cause for that very evil. Why are the innocent lives at risk here? What kind of sick mind is this?
But come on, God is GOD, the mighty, the powerful, the graceful, the peacemaker. He has a purpose and he was just doing what he thought was necessary for the greater good. We are just supposed to believe that, blindly, or with logic if there is any or if anyone cares. Well, after all he is the God and he is right! Praise the Lord. So, we have come to a conclusion that God is the supreme and the creator and the protector and the everything invincible. But he had to start somewhere. How did he come up with the idea of this universe, this planet, the people in it and the everything around you and me, I mean us. So, I have this theory, a rough one though, but believe me I am getting it patented, just in case. I could be right after all.
The theory behind the mystery of how God created the universe. (This is awfully long title for a theory). Well umm, yeah got it. This sounds better : 
The Snow Globe Theory
Statement : According to this theory, God created the universe.
The Explanation : 
There was darkness, everywhere. Like an infinite black room with nothing in it. But it was not how it was. It was how God felt when he looked around him. There was infinite emptiness. Just as then the god realized that he had powers (the gender is still inconclusive as I never had the chance to be in his presence, but let’s say Male) to do anything, create anything, like anything. To start of with something interesting, he goes to his Drawing room(oh yeah, he has one, a big very big one) and to get rid of that empty hollow darkness, he plans to create light.  
Astrology 101. He starts of with a tiny white dot. But it wasn’t enough to illuminate his drawing room, so after a million trials and errors he manages to create a source of light. There you go, sun was created. He then fumbles with different shapes and sizes and after “creating” multiples theories, he settles at the sphere shape. Round spherical and transmits light in all directions equally. Awesome. He pats himself ( Nah, he doesn’t! I am just saying. But it could have totally happened). 
Chemistry 101. Now the temperature, the gases, the chemical reactions to sustain that light. Whatnot. (Okay, I am going to stop myself there. That’s all my knowledge about chemistry. And I feel so tired already. God must have had a lot of stamina and patience. Literally!) So after all that chemistry, the sun was fully self sustained. And mind you, it didn’t happen overnight. It took a lot of calculations and assumptions, theories (that you read in Chemistry and Astrology or the origin of sun books, whatever, right?)
Physics 101. Then came big irregular masses which we in modern day call planets. God’s drawing room is now filled with calculations, chemical compositions, astronomical signs and all that  stuff ( that we are still unaware of). The shape was a challenge again, but again after a thousand trials, sphere it was again. He still had to get them to fill the space around that SUN. He covered the surroundings of the sun with these planets. They were dragged towards the sun and totally consumed by it. The concept of Distance came into existence. And not to mention another involuntary discovery was the concept of motion. Another a million calculations and carefully placing the planets , everything was set in motion. Okay, who has that kind of patience? I am losing my patience trying to explain my theory ( which *cough* sucks *cough*). Well, nevertheless, he pats himself (or not) for his accomplishment.
Biology 101. I wonder what his drawing room would have been, with papers containing the blueprints of the whole universe, what to keep where, with calculations and compositions for each planet, all that physics, chemistry, astrology, whatnot ( we/I sill don’t know a million other things about his drawing room). After a few days of appreciating his creation and the revolving planets he felt accomplished. Years passes by and he kept staring at his arrangement. Though he created a million other such things, a sun and planets around it, he felt that he was still missing something. Then another concept hit his mind. Life. He put all his creativity and started with a million different shaped creatures and whatnot. He placed each one certain planets. Nothing seemed to sustain Life. He had to do something. He started off with water, then the vegetation, plants, kept those small creatures. After certain years that planet achieved ecological and environmental balance. But still it didn’t look complete. Then he realized to create a creature in his own image. God created Man. His bravest and the most radical creation till date. Then came woman. He wanted to impart his knowledge, but he had to be careful because it could be misused, if not handled properly. The Garden of Eden. But he also couldn’t figure out the future what it had. 
He(The God) had no idea that some ordinary man (me) could ever unravel that mystery, or should I say the secret of his. How did I do that? With his gift of knowledge, of course. I bet he didn’t see this coming. This is a theory-in-progress and a lot of additions and new discoveries will be added to it as we(I) unravel it. Hence, I conclude my Snow-Globe theory! 
Ah, I bet you that question why is this theory called the The Snow-Globe Theory”I have explained almost everything (most of it! Ok, a part of it! Ok ok, no need to get all hyper, a very small part of it), I still haven’t told you where he stays, did I ? Aha see, I got you there. So, where does God stay? As far as I know all this infinite universe could be inside a snow globe minus the the snow (of course) in a kid’s room given by his father, the God. There you go, the mystery behind the name of the theory. But there is no snow. So what? My theory, my name! And mind you, its’ going to be patented. And eventually I will get that signature from God approving it. Believe me, that day is not far. Wait till he sees’ that Snow Globe. 
And oh yeah, Nobel Prize is also not far away! Just remember my name.

Recent Comments

0 responses to “The Snow Globe Theory”

  1. Ufff, suddenly turned so spiritual..???
    I guess 'kontham's theory would be much perfect than ' snow globe theory'…:-P
    I'm not good at subjects, but with your help I kind of understood them today.
    I loved the way you compared the blank space to drawing space:-P…

    But that thing which stole my ♥ was the opening, the first paragraph ..loved each & every word of it…;-)

  2. Ufff, suddenly turned so spiritual..???
    I guess 'kontham's theory would be much perfect than ' snow globe theory'…:-P
    I'm not good at subjects, but with your help I kind of understood them today.
    I loved the way you compared the blank space to drawing space:-P…

    But that thing which stole my ♥ was the opening, the first paragraph ..loved each & every word of it…;-)

  3. Well, thanks to that movie. 😛

    Eventually, that name will also come up.

    Ah, come on. You must be kidding right? If at all, I might have messed up what you knew in those subjects.
    Well, Thank you. 🙂

    Ah, the feeling is mutual. I also liked that paragraph. 😛
    Thank you. 😀

  4. Well, thanks to that movie. 😛

    Eventually, that name will also come up.

    Ah, come on. You must be kidding right? If at all, I might have messed up what you knew in those subjects.
    Well, Thank you. 🙂

    Ah, the feeling is mutual. I also liked that paragraph. 😛
    Thank you. 😀

  5. Look who's going all spiritual/philosophical/logical or whatever '-ical' 🙂 I really enjoyed this one dude. Totally entertaining and plausible too. There! You got a first believer for your theory.

  6. Look who's going all spiritual/philosophical/logical or whatever '-ical' 🙂 I really enjoyed this one dude. Totally entertaining and plausible too. There! You got a first believer for your theory.

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The Snow Globe Theory

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The Snow Globe Theory

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ