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A total rip off day. Saturday, it is. But I had an exam today. Something related to the Post-Graduate. The exam was scheduled at 9.30 am as most of the exams do. But the reporting time was 8 o’clock. Yeah, very early; so did I thought. And moreover I had no idea where the Exam center was, in terms of location specific. Though, I google-ed it, but last time it gave me a bad feeling. So, I said myself Whateve’ and wanted to risk it. So inspite of my laziness and late wake-ups in the mornings, I tried to play bold. Well, it was indeed. But as with the fact, I woke up late. The time was 7:32 a.m. I thought “I am Screwed”. I had a thought of not attending the exam but thought of giving it a try. I get ready as fast as I can. I set out on my bike, fast; very fast. The morning blush has made my eyes glow up with the exposure to the sun and as a result the watered eyes. I head out in the direction that I could best make out. I took a left turn as I remember from the Google Maps which I checked last night. And also my Phone went rouge last night or say this morning. I didn’t hear the F8 alarm. I was sure that I couldn’t wake up so early in the morning and that’s why I made attempts to wake myself up with the help of alarm. I don’t know whether it buzzed me or made the horrifying noise/music , but I didn’t wake up. So none of that matters. And the next thing which I discovered was that my phone was under the bed. “How on earth did it even end up, i mean down there?” ! I had no idea. What puzzled me was that there was a warning on the phone saying “LOW BATTERY”. F4 ! All these were supposed to happen today only. Damn B#Sh!7 ! As I was saying I was on my way, I opened my phone to verify that what I saw was correct and I also wanted to know the exact way. But luckily I was on the right way. The left turn which I took was a right turn. After a little help with the local people, I reached my destination as on time exactly. But I looked like a whole lot messed up sh!t. 

There were only a few people who had made it by then. So I was lonely and what the best way to look busy? Take out you cell phone and pretend as if there was a message or just click random buttons and look busy. But the whole thing was quite a flop as the Phone was bloody DEAD. But still, I was trying to pretend busy and looked damn serious; for there were people and not that they were watching me or anything like that. It is just a human behavior or lets say a human reaction to situations like these. And who is going to pretend less when there is a girl around? Hell No! Not me! My nature is quite distinctive and there is no approach to it. I just mind my own Business and I really do; I think! So there was some registration and stuff like that which consumed all the time. I met a acquaintance of mine who was also attending the exam and an old senior. Though I knew that he wouldn’t recognize me, for I am just know to my classmates, I guess. And this senior was kind of popular guy. I saw him a lot of times in college. And you bet, I could recognize people if I had seen them somewhere very distinctly. Finally, after all the necessary bullcr*p the exam commenced. There was still a 15 minutes gap for getting to know about the rules and other related stuff. Then suddenly there was some foul smell which I encountered. It was repelling, I say. After a minute or two I realized that there were fumes coming out from the switchboard and immediately I informed the people roaming around, I think they are called Invigilators. For the reason, they changed my place. Later the exam began and as time drifted along its coast I reached the 100th question, some unattended as there was negative marking. I was left with over an hour by that time. My hands were dead cold with the help of the fan and the AC. And cold hands make me pissed of as it creates an idiotic feeling about which I have no idea of how to explain. I had no thoughts of what to do! I scribbled on the rough sheet which they provided. 

“Infatuation is an unavoidable feeling.”

“Insignificance lies in Indifference.”

And another one non-sense thought something about education! I know I sound crazy, for I am undoubtedly ! Well I was preparing a fictional story in my mind in the meanwhile. I made the starting part and yet it has to be redone and finished. But this is not something new. There have been a lot of time when I had made up a story in my mind but never had I ever written it down. And all my imaginary fictional stories are totally SuperNatural! So, I am at the process of thinking and molding the story; but it has never come out of its cocoon which is probably my brain. Well, I had a lot of time, I could say that. The exam was over but there was another procedure to be finished. A copy of the Identify proof was to made and so there was again a fine delay in time, for I was becoming impatient for waiting so much time in dead freezing cold. I was trying to draw attention ! Whose? I ealy can’t say that but I can say that I was invisible to everybody and the credits to the place where I was seated. There is whole another story which I am skipping. Well its about what I quoted earlier “infatuation”! Another day ; another time. But I surely will. 

Damn! Cadbury Dairy Milk is freaking awesome. I Just can’t resist it. Oh Sorry ! I am actually eating it while I am completing this post. So ! And the story is not yet over my dear friend!

I came back to Hostel with a speed over 70, or was it 80! Whatever! I had my goggles on as I entered the college from the Back gate. I forgot that I was in the college. I cared less about it as I sped my way to the hostel. I had one awful lunch as always and later settled in my room after a refreshing bath. I watched some tv serials as I always do and later realized that I should go for an eye check up. So I set sail for the same. All the procedure at the Hospital was same. And I knew that my vision would get blurred for the eye drops which they give. I was prepared for that. But what happened was that they gave it me twice. I was basically impaired for some time and they get checking me whether the solution was diluted or not by flashing in my eye, like hundred times. I got images of the flashes whenever I closed my eyes. Another property of the eye to retain the image for quite some time. There were three stages from the starting and they were continuously flashing me in the eye. And the last and the final touch was pretty intense. That blackened  me out for quite a time. 

Later I went to my Aunt’s house just as a visit and collect some of the letter they they got under my name. And the journey was hell, you bet. But I am capable enough to manage. After spending some time over there, I was back on my way to my Hostel. But actually what I had in mind was a dinner at my usual restaurant. But earlier at my aunt’s house I ate something too much and also a tea to add to it. So I was in no position to take anything heavy. While on the way back, I saw the Moon with a crescent. It was beautiful so I took out my camera and started my kind of heroism with the camera. I thought I did great. I moved to another location and much more elegant and again showed my craziness which I later realized that the moon wasn’t even visible and they were not so good, I mean not at all good shots. Disappointed Me! 🙁 ! I seriously need a new lens man! Damn ! 

So was a damn day ! Nothing unusual or out of the book, I say. But something worth writing. What for ? This was seriously bullshit. I know and I totally agree with you. But remember I said something about Infatuation ! Yeah, on account of that I made this day to be marked in my memory ! 

Later then ! By the way, I hope to begin my work of fiction ! Starting from NOW ! I don’ remember how many times I had told this very line. 

Happy Sunday  ! 

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Uncanny Day.

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ