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I did not know what to say.”


Finally the weekend. I knew that this was going to end before I will know it had started. Such are the weekends. And as usual I wasn’t doing what I was supposed to be doing over a weekend. Well, I don’t want to point it out. But the point is that, No, its not watching TV or TV series or even movies. That’s what I do to keep myself away from what I am supposed to do. Now, don’t ask me what it is. I feel not-so-good ( You mean guilty). Well anyway, my only resort left was to write. I think I am good at that. I have nearly 200 notes in my Evernote notepad. I use it because I could write anything on the go and it syncs up on the cloud or somewhere, perhaps. The point being I write a lot, I mean make a lot of notes. Though, I have a hard time figuring out what exactly they mean since I write them up in a hurry, as and when I feel like I got something brilliant. It is momentary, like the white clouds that float in the sky. You can’t see them in the night, can you? Now, don’t sue me for the bad reference. “Clouds” has always been my favorite word and all references are gonna align with it somehow. 200 plus notes and I am still have no idea what to write about. The confinement of my room is very disturbing, or should I say un-inspiring. Even if I want to write, I just can’t write in my room. As awkward as it might sound, it is what happens. May be, the time has come to change my room. So, I hang out at the coffee shop. And people make fun of me for having coffee on a daily basis. I don’t know what’s funny about it. Is it the fact that I go there alone, or is it that I don’t have a solid social life or is it that I spend too much for a cup of coffee, or I don’t know ! But anyway, there was no other place to hang out where you could take your laptop, sit under AC, have a cup of coffee while you write away your thoughts, right? So, give me a break.

My birthday is coming up and though I am not a big fan of it, I was told to get some new clothes. Thats’ what we do, don’t we ? Wear new clothes, be happy, and probably celebrate it with friends by giving them a treat. I would love to do that, but I pray to god that my colleagues don’t remember my birthday. Please dear god. Anyway, I was out for shopping, with my laptop of course. After roaming around the shopping mall for nearly an hour, I settled down, not because I was tired but to think whether to proceed with the spending or get something else for that price. It was not likely that I would be getting any birthday presents or anything. The last one I remember was a wallet. That was so sweet of my friends-colleagues. So, I can bid farewell to the over-priced things that could eat up to a years’ pay check. and mind you its’ just one of the million other things. What? A man can dream, can’t he? Don’t me that look, that ‘you-are-so-pathetic’ look. I was sitting outside this famous fast food joint, McDonald’s, a coincidence, or may be not. And it won’t take a genius to figure out what happened next. Oh, wait! I just had my lunch like an hour ago. So? Nothing comes in between when I am eating !

I was busily immersed in having my double sized burger when I realize that there wasn’t enough space in my stomach. Wait, I have filled myself up to my throat, literally. Though, I was trying to wash it down with the cold coke, but still I was mouthful like a hungry baby who doesn’t know how much to eat at one time. I could choke up any time. Then my phone buzzes. A text message, like an actual SMS from a cousin sister. Exactly, who texts these days and that too from another state. I smile for a moment. I try to gulp the mouthful of burger, and it doesn’t go down. I take the help of the chilled coke. It slowly settles down. I open the text message from the notification bar. It read : 

“Ajay uncle, You are going to be an uncle”
For a second, I didn’t believe what she meant. She got married last year in February and since then, as kids might call the married people uncle & aunty, I used to tease her by calling her Aunty. Every conversation with her since then had this word attached to her name. I would never miss it. Well, there would be no fun if I did, right? So, when I received the text, I felt it was too soon(?) may be. Or was she just messing with me by telling me that my parents were searching for a girl and I would end up married eventually making me an uncle (as per my logic). Me? Marriage? Yeah, I am laughing-out-loud too. Wait, you weren’t? Oh, umm, my bad! *hides face*. A moment later ( read: after gulping down the whole burger somehow) I called her up and confirmed for sure. After the talk, I mean me-teasing-her, I totally forgot to congratulate her. As I was in the mall and I was looking at the people running after their kids everywhere, pushing the trolleys, carrying the baby shoulder pack (or whatever it is called), the kids dragging their parents, whatnot. So, I was too busy picturing her with a baby and doing all that stuff people with kids are doing, right in front of me. Now, I can totally call her an aunty. Wait, that means I will an Uncle. Cool. I mean awesome. 

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0 responses to “Wait, come again!”

  1. Ha! There, right there you have officially become an uncle. You cannot escape now and the logic I told you about kids calling people of their parents' age uncle/aunty would make sense here too 😀 😀

    I am so glad that you are an uncle 😛 😀

  2. After looking at me they will probably call brother / anna. You see, I look young, very young (except the grey hair).

    It's still in progress. But it will happen in less than a year.
    Thank you. 🙂

  3. I love the way you write each & every thing so descriptively..it makes feel as if i'm sitting among the audience & watching u doing all the stuff (eating burger secretly without sharing vd any one.:-P.)
    Btw, when is your birthday AK???advance wishes….!!
    I need a treat, I remember u promised me last time…:-P

    Finally, congratulations fO u fO your promotion(as uncle….lol…:-P..)

  4. I do ?
    Thanks for the nice words.

    It was on Monday. Thank you very much.
    Sure thing. You name the place and time.

    I still have some time to get that promotion. 😛

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Wait, come again!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

Wait, come again!

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ