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We all have a story, we don’t want to tell.

I am not a good writer. I will right away admit that like I always have, and probably will continue to do so. But I have been told otherwise. Whoa, compliment alert! Though I have no idea how to take a compliment, I will eventually end up deny that as well. I will call the people complimenting me as sweet people, kind enough to speak their mind and say what they feel about writing, my writing in question here. But there I would be still not believing that I received a compliment and yet carry about my business, of self-deploring, self-exploiting, and self-ruining. Maybe I don’t know how to take a compliment for what it is, instead, I dissolve myself in a tubful oF self-loathing and drown myself in its embrace. That’s my part-time job, you could say. While some might even shout from the back of the audience that it is my full-time job. But I still write. Or at least I try to write and will probably continue to do so, come what may.

Sometimes, I find myself pondering over an ardent illusion of me being content with my writing because it was doing what I intended it to be doing: Connecting people. But then, I wake up from this beautiful dream and again wonder whether is it that hard? It doesn’t seem that hard, but for some reason it indeed is hard. Let me go out and say that we all have our inhibitions, we have things that we are afraid of, we have things we don’t want anyone else to know. We keep everything to ourselves because that’s what we are, afraid. Afraid is a strong word, perhaps let me rephrase it. We don’t feel comfortable sharing. And then again what are we so scared of? What is that which is holding us back? Why do we keep everything to ourselves? Like they say, we don’t really know what goes in the minds of people. I would caution you if you are taking that chance of eavesdropping into mine, you will definitely find what you are not looking for; besides of course answers or should it be called reasons?

We keep to ourselves to avoid the scrutiny not from others
from ourselves.

So yeah, writing! I am not a good writer. I am repeating myself here so as to emphasis. Because I haven’t been able to live up to the standard that I made for myself. And the worst part is I am not even trying. Like I have mentioned earlier, lets’ call them my inhibitions. Keeping that in mind and in an attempt to bring out the stories that have been securely caged for way too long, in abstract and otherwise, which will be under the bracket of “We all have a story we don’t tell“.

I might have a concussion in my head. This might be an appropriate reason for all the bizarre things that I happen to be doing. There are too many reasons to support that. I wear the watch on the right hand, I being a right-handed person; split my hair on the other side of the most popularly taken side, again right. And the list goes on, but before I end that list, I would like to point out about the challenge that I am taking up. While the whole world is engaged in writing for the AtoZ Challenge and revealing the them, I am here doing my own challenge, in complete contrast to that and pondering over the theme that I should be taking, because apparently I don’t know how to put it in words, mostly since I am not exactly sure what I want to write about. So, this going out of the way doesn’t garner me anything, per say, by that mean not the audience (which I never had either way), or the revenue (Oh wait, Google blocked my account). But like I said I am little out of the crowd. No, that’s not what I am, but it does have a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? So, let’s just stick to this.

Theme: #WeAllHaveAStoryWeDontTell
Challenge : #ZtoAChallenge Season 2 

“Why? Are you insane?”,
“Why are you going about your own challenge?”,
“He must be nuts”,
“He is way too over his head”,
“Psst, no one is going to read this BS”,
“What Season 2? There was a Edition 1?”,

“ZtoA, smart, but highly one sided, by one sided it means zero audience”,
 “The traffic will be a slow one, probably even open roads for months”…
I took the liberty of jotting down some of the reactions of people who might have a say in this. Having said that, I think I would be the most audience that the blog is going to get.

#ZtoAChallenge :
ZtoAChallenge is a world recognized challenge(it will be soon), where in people (i.e. me and I alone) write posts on a specific theme (or just random stuff) to challenge oneself to writer better and hopefully learn along the way. This year’s theme is We all have a story we don’t tell. Hopefully I will try to bring out the story as truth fully as I can. What I mean to say is I will try my best to write as much as I can and hopefully bring out what I really wanted to convey. 

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59 responses to “We All Have A Story”

  1. I agree. We all have story to tell. I have mine too but I preferred writing mine on a diary. I know, I probably write less on my blog, but maybe because I’m not ready to tell everything about myself or personal life on my blog, although I try and meet two worlds of fiction and non fiction.
    I hope you stop saying that you’re the only one reading your blog. It makes me feel like I’m not reading it, while you know I do.
    Just continue writing, it doesn’t really matter what other people will say, lately I’ve been contemplating that I will write express myself, regardless of whether it will be liked or not.

    • I know, Graci.
      We don’t share a lot of things and the reason for the same varies with person to person. I don’t want to either, but I believe that keeping it inside us doesn’t us either. But if we able to connect with other people dealing with similar inhibitions, if I may, we might as well be able to help each other out.

      I was making fun of my own blog. Kindly don’t take it personally.

      I am hoping to do just that. Let me know when you come out. 😀

      • I am thinking of making another blog (a private one) so I can also share the funny and silly stuff. Haha. When I do that, I’ll let you know so maybe you can be my only one reader. Tongue out emoji. Haha.
        I’m on my serious mode right now. Let me switch to a funny mode. Lol.

        • Take it from me, maintaining another blog is hell. It might look easy for now, but speaking from experience, it just gets more messy and complicated.

          Damn, this emoji issue is killing me. I seem to have no idea what to do to get this right!

          Haha. Cool. 🙂

          • Okay, I will take your advice then and not create another blog. So maybe I will just slip all the silly things on my mind. Ha ha. I want to write and I have lots of things on my mind but I’m feeling lazy to write now. Will you write for me? I will dictate. Haha (insert laughing emoji with tears)
            Don’t worry the emojis. I just describe them. Haha.
            Btw, I’m panning of participating the #NaProWiMo this April, have you heard about it?

          • That’s great. Looking forward to those. 😛

            Tell me about it. I haven’t written in over a month. Everything now is scheduled and hence I am not even writing. :/

            I am unable to write for myself, and for you? I think it would be impossible. 😛

            Prose Writing?
            Nah, I haven’t, but I get the gist.
            All the best for it then. 🙂

          • I just saw the comment below and how come she could use emoji? and I can’t? Do I need t take a screenshot of my comment and send to you.
            This is funny, but your blog might have blocked me from putting emojis on my comments. Haha

            I have 3 scheduled post, that’s about all. 2 or 3 I haven’t type but I don’t know maybe I should hibernate after those days… I’ve been reading blogs to find inspiration for writing another piece, seems like my mind is blank paper and will stay to do so for a while…

            I think it stands for National Poetry Writing Month. Prose? Nah, maybe just short verses and micro poetry or probably haiku. I don’t know. I’m feeling blah to myself. Haha.

          • The basic emojis work. LIke 🙂 😉 😀 😛 Beyond that is still a mystery. I still have no idea so as to why is this happening.

            It’s about all ?
            You are telling me about blank paper? I don’t even have a paper. 🙁

            Yeah, that is right. You wrote PRO so I assumed it might be Prose.
            I get it. But you will do it. Don’t worry. 🙂

          • Insert sad emoji and crying emoji here please. Why? What have I done to you blog that you have to block my emojis? Ha ha ha. Laughing emoji. Lol.

            You don’t have a paper because you use a laptop. Ha ha. Tongue out emoji.

            I write like a pro? You are kidding me. You’re the one blogging for 8 years, so who’s the pro here? Winking emoji. Haha.

          • 🙁 :'(
            I did insert them, if you can see.

            Haha, funny. I have a broken laptop, you see. I thought you’re going to gift me a brand new one. Still waiting for that. 😛

            You are.
            It’s not the number of years of writing, its the number of people being your fans and reading your blog. My three blogs combined can’t beat your one blog. So, you’re the pro, without a doubt.

          • You always forget our condition. (Tongue out emoji) I need to win the lottery first before I can gift you a laptop. Hehe. Besides we haven’t celebrated our 1 year frienship anniversary so.. bleh.. ha ha.

            Oh yeah I am a pro in reading. I should have that award here in WordPress. Can you nominate me please? Ha ha. I’m like a grasshopper, hoping from blog to blog to read.. and read.. and read.. ha ha. Oh I am grateful to my readers. I hope they don’t get tired of my post, I mean, they are really short compared to yours. You always write for at least 500 words.. so applaud to you.. I can’t do that all the time.. (hand clapping emoji)

          • Now, I have to wait for you to win a lottery. You really don’t want me to write, don’t you? 😛

            You will definitely get an award for that. Pretty soon.

            Of course they don’t get tired of reading.

            I try to write. Lately, its just no words. Because you still haven’t given me a laptop. 😛

          • Haha. Now, do I have to feel bad because you can’t write, again because, I haven’t given you a laptop? Ha ha.
            Dear me, what else do I owe you, coffee? Pizza? What else. Just list everything because I have a short-term memory. Ha ha.

          • Hi preethib, thanks for the kind wishes. I might follow the promptm Wait, I’ll follow you up, I don’t think I am following you already. I have 3 scheduled post to start with. So I need to write some more if I want to complete 30 days. (Insert smiling emoji)

  2. You are an awesome writer and don’t your dare think otherwise (Grrrrrr). And count me in under the list of your fan followers who reads and comments on your blog 🙂

    And last but not the least, all the best for your ZtoA Challenge. 🙂 I am already taking two challenges this month so taking the third wud be realllyyyyy difficult if not would have definitely taking your challenge… But this year i will be cheering you 🙂

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We All Have A Story

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ

We All Have A Story

© THE SILENT WAVES 2024 | By ʞɐ